2020 annual report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

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In 2020, the Alliance supported 18 ongoing projects, representing 145 grants across 38 countries. Find out more about these projects and how they are supporting the development of the field of health policy and systems research in this year's annual report. The report is organized around our core objectives: working together, empowering leaders, advancing knowledge and informing policy. We also look back at long-term investments that the Alliance has made to support greater capacity for health policy and systems research in Ethiopia.

2022 annual report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

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After outlining a new five-year strategic plan in 2021, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research has been working this year to broaden its horizons beyond tradition health systems to consider the wider determinants of health. The Alliance supported 15 ongoing projects, representing 145 grants across 80 countries. Find out more about these projects and how they are contributing to the achievement of the Alliance's objectives: advancing knowledge, catalysing change and empowering leaders. We also look at the impact of some of the Alliance’s projects.

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

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The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research marked its 25th anniversary in 2023 while consulting on a new strategy. This year's report captures a time of transition, wrapping up projects while positioning ourselves for success in a new strategic period. In 2023, the Alliance supported 14 ongoing projects, representing 147 grants across 69 countries. Find out more about these projects and how they are contributing to the achievement of our objectives: advancing knowledge, catalysing change and empowering leaders. We also look at the global engagement activities undertaken by the Alliance and some of the in-country impact Alliance projects are having.

Broadening horizons

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The Alliance has historically focused on strengthening the six building blocks of health systems. While these areas of work – health service delivery, the health workforce, health information systems, access to essential medicines, health systems financing, and leadership and governance – all remain central to the mandate of the Alliance, it is time to also look beyond them. This strategic plan lays out the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research’s objectives and commitments in the next five-year period.

Systems Thinking for Health Systems Strengthening

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Makes the case for systems thinking in an easily accessible form for a broad interdisciplinary audience, including health system stewards, programme implementers, researchers, evaluators, and funding partners.