The Small House at Allington

Book Description

Lily Dale falls passionately in love with the urbane Adolphus Crosbie and is devastated when he abandons her for another. She has another suitor, devoted to her since childhood: can she find happiness in Johnny's courtship? This is a new edition of one of Trollope's most successful Barsetshire novels.

The Chronicler of Barsetshire

Book Description

A thorough portrayal of the events of Trollope's long and productive life

The Last Chronicle of Barset

Book Description

The Reverend Josiah Crawley faces ruin and disgrace when he is accused of stealing a cheque. Crawley's predicament divides the community between those who seek to help, and those who, like Mrs Proudie, are convinced of his guilt. The last volume in the Barsetshire series, The Last Chronicle is a moving conclusion for its many familiar characters.

Doctor Thorne

Book Description

Frank Gresham needs to marry for money if he is to save his impoverished family estate. But he loves the doctor's penniless niece, and faces a terrible dilemma. Dr Thorne knows a secret that would resolve the difficulty, but pride and moral scruples. Trollope develops his story with customary subtlety and comic skill.

Trollope and His Illustrators

Book Description

Doctor Thorne (TV Tie-In)

Book Description

Frank Gresham needs to marry for money if he is to save his impoverished family estate. But he loves the doctor's penniless niece, and faces a terrible dilemma. Doctor Thorne, now adapted for ITV by Julian Fellowes.

Doctor Thorne TV Tie-In with a foreword by Julian Fellowes

Book Description

Now adapted for ITV by Julian Fellowes, Doctor Thorne is the compelling story in which rank, wealth, and personal feeling are pitted against one another. The squire of Greshamsbury has fallen on hard times, and it is incumbent on his son Frank to make a good marriage. But Frank loves the doctor's niece, Mary Thorne, a girl with no money and mysterious parentage. He faces a terrible dilemma: should he save the estate, or marry the girl he loves? Mary, too, has to battle her feelings, knowing that marrying Frank would ruin his family and fly in the face of his mother's opposition. Her pride is matched by that of her uncle, Dr Thorne, who has to decide whether to reveal a secret that would resolve Frank's difficulty, or to uphold the innate merits of his own family heritage. The character of Dr Thorne reflects Trollope's own contradictory feelings about the value of tradition and the need for change. His subtle portrayal, and the comic skill and gentle satire with which the story is developed, are among the many pleasures of this delightful novel.

The British Academy/The Pilgrim Edition of the Letters of Charles Dickens: Volume 12: 1868-1870

Book Description

This final volume presents 1,151 letters, many previously unpublished or published only in part, for the years 1868 to Dickens's death from a stroke on 9 June 1870; also included is an Addenda of 235 letters belonging to earlier volumes, discovered since the publication of the first such collection in Volume 7, and a Cumulative Index of Correspondents for the entire edition. The volume begins with the final four months of Dickens's American tour of 75 readings, which had been conspicuously successful throughout, despite the appalling weather and his sufferings from "American" catarrh. The tour culminated on 18 April 1868 when the American Press held a dinner in his honour in New York. In July he rented Windsor Lodge, Peckham for Ellen Ternan, where she remained until after his death; he was to give two more English reading tours before his collapse at Preston on 22 April 1869. In early January 1869 he was elected President of the Birmingham and Midland Institute; and a dinner in his honour was given in St George's Hall, Liverpool. Between January and March 1870 he gave a series of Farewell readings in London, and on 31 March Edwin Drood, No. 1 was published, illustrated by Luke Fildes; it continued monthly until 31 August. Of the friends who died during this period, much the closest were the painter Daniel Maclise, to whom Dickens paid especial tribute at the Royal Academy Banquet of 30 April 1870; Mark Lemon, who died only 18 days before Dickens himself, and with whom he had a brief reconciliation after their bitter quarrel in 1858; and Chauncy Hare Townshend, who left him £2,000 to publish, as his Literary Executor, Religious Opinions of the Late Chauncy Hare Townshend, which appeared in November 1870.

Barchester Towers

Book Description

Barchester Towers (1857) was the book that made Trollope's reputation and it remains his most popular and enjoyable novel. The arrival of a new bishop in Barchester sets the town in turmoil: who will come out on top in the battle between the archdeacon, the bishop, Mr Slope, and Mrs Proudie?