The Disconnected Generation

Book Description

The real battle is not in the amoral and immoral influences of our culture, but in the hearts of our young people, says author and speaker Josh McDowell inThe Disconnected Generation. And our young people are losing hope because they feel isolated and alienated from their parents. They are the disconnected generation. This book shows parents and youth workers how to understand and close the isolation gap to form nurturing, enduring relationships that can withstand cultural influences. As a companion toThe Disconnected Generation,the video curriculum resources provides five video sessions from Josh McDowell offering practical steps that every adult can take to close the emotional gap between themselves and their children.

Reconnecting Disconnected Generations

Book Description

This book has taken critical study of different generations and how they have managed their relationship with God. It focuses on how different people of different generations have responded to the advancement happening in their society. It also explains how Satan has distracted Christians from the things of God by injecting worldly affairs in different generations.

Reconstruction for the Next Generation

Book Description

Through my day-to-day living, I saw a concerning development within our societal sphere. My concern is on a break among the generations that runs deeper than the normal trends of the younger generations being technologically savvy and the more mature generations talking about the aEURoeold days.aEUR We look at the greatest generation that faced the Great Depression as children then World War II as young adults. We look at the baby boomers as they ushered in an era of a strong work ethic and resourcefulness. The Gen X expanded technology. The millennials show their street smarts and are avid consumers. Then we see how the Gen Z develops their social media consumption habits and how they are always wired. This writing is to construct a new generation for looking forward to a change in our present-day generations. I hope my perspective will bring about some insight as to why we, as a generation, have been disconnected and why it is important to reconnect with all generations. The discussions here are the causes of the generational divide and some methods on how to bridge the gap among the generations. In the early stage of any writing, I examine how Martin Luther King Jr. sought to bridge the gap between the races to bring about a more perfect union. My goal is to bridge the generational gap to bring about a more harmonious people. Now is the time for us to evaluate and reevaluate our focus toward the goal of recovering our connection with all generations.

A Disconnected Generation

Book Description

Dr. Victor T. Nyarko is the Senior Pastor of Victory Family Worship Center in Bronx, New York and Ghana, West Africa. He holds a Doctorate with honors, a Master of Science degree in Environmental Systems Management from the State University of New York and a Bachelors in Geology from the University of Ghana. He also studied at a Graduate Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York where he earned a Master of Religious Education degree. By profession, Victor is a project geologist with an environmental consulting firm in New York. He has spoken in many Christian conferences across the United States and Canada, and also in Italy, England, and some parts of Africa. He was an Associate Pastor of the UPCI Church in Swaziland. The magnificent obsession of his life is the pursuit of strengthening families under God. Dr. Nyarko and wife Joan lives in New York with their children Victoria and Joash.

Electricity Generation Using Wind Power

Book Description

The use of the wind as an energy source is increasing and growing worldwide. Wind energy is an important non-fossil option to supplement fossil (coal, natural gas and oil) and nuclear fuels for the generation of electricity. Many parts of the world, particularly the coastlines of Western Europe, North Africa, North and South America, India, Eastern Russia, China, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand, experience a high annual incidence of wind energy. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, together with the Republic of Ireland form a particularly windy location, being favoured with strong westerly winds. The technology of the design and installation of wind turbines and wind farms are, in fact, well established. Operational practice, though, is still being developed as engineers learn by experience. This book is written for electrical engineers concerned with the use of wind power for generating electricity. It incorporates some meteorological features of international wind supply plus a survey of the past and present wind turbines with technical assessment of the choice of turbine sites. Detailed coverage is given to the different types of electrical generator machines used and the electronic control devices employed in modern turbine systems. Importantly, this book devotes full chapters to the integration of wind farms into established electrical grid supply systems, and the environmental and economic aspects of wind generation. Engineers will be drawn to the practical approach in this book, featuring worked numerical examples complete with answers at the end of some chapters.

Engaging Generation Z

Book Description

A holistic approach to reaching Generation Z in your local church To disciple the youth in our student ministries today, we have to understand the unique characteristics of Generation Z, and apply lessons learned from recent decades of youth ministry. In this thoroughly revised second edition of Raising the Bar: Student Ministry for a New Generation, pastor and professor Timothy McKnight brings a wealth of new insights, resources, and guidance for reaching today's adolescents. Following an overview of the beliefs, attitudes, and practices of Generation Z, McKnight provides youth pastors and volunteers with a complete plan for discipling adolescents through the local church. This includes practical advice on topics such as: • Engaging parents in youth ministry • Holistically guiding students in their beliefs, behavior, and affections • Equipping adult leaders who can serve as role models • Working with pastors, staff, and church leaders • Helping parents develop rites of passage for their children as they move into adulthood • Raising expectations for adolescents to encourage them to grow toward maturity Based on years of personal experience and practice, Engaging Generation Z provides everything youth ministers need to equip, grow, and encourage today's generation of young people to follow Christ, and to take their student ministry to the next level.

The Prodigal Father

Book Description

What has become popularly but erroneously known in Christian and Church circles as the parable of the ‘Prodigal son’ is part of a larger revelation Jesus told about three parables of lost—the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son. Contrary to the popular opinion and title given to this parable, the parable is more about a Prodigal father and his attitude towards a wayward younger son and a disgruntled elder son, and nothing at all about a ‘Prodigal’ son. The book culminates in the clear and simple distinction that our Lord Jesus makes between sonship and servanthood in his vineyard parables, contrary to the claim by many that all humans are sons of God through procreation. Are all indeed sons of God? Or is there a distinction between Kingdom-Sons and Kingdom-Servants of God? This book’s approach to both subjects above will leave you amused, instructed, enlightened, stirred up, and challenged, but definitely not bored!

Integration of Distributed Generation in the Power System

Book Description

The integration of new sources of energy like wind power, solar-power, small-scale generation, or combined heat and power in the power grid is something that impacts a lot of stakeholders: network companies (both distribution and transmission), the owners and operators of the DG units, other end-users of the power grid (including normal consumers like you and me) and not in the least policy makers and regulators. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the impact of DG on the power grid, with one side (including mainly some but certainly not all, network companies) claiming that the lights will go out soon, whereas the other side (including some DG operators and large parks of the general public) claiming that there is nothing to worry about and that it's all a conspiracy of the large production companies that want to protect their own interests and keep the electricity price high. The authors are of the strong opinion that this is NOT the way one should approach such an important subject as the integration of new, more environmentally friendly, sources of energy in the power grid. With this book the authors aim to bring some clarity to the debate allowing all stakeholders together to move to a solution. This book will introduce systematic and transparent methods for quantifying the impact of DG on the power grid.

Disconnected Youth?

Book Description

How do young people get by in hard times and hard places? Have they become a 'lost generation' disconnected from society's mainstream? Do popular ideas about social exclusion or a welfare dependent underclass really connect with the lived experiences of the so-called 'disaffected', 'disengaged' and 'difficult-to-reach'? Based on close-up research with young men and women from localities suffering social exclusion in extreme form, Disconnected Youth? will appeal to all those who are interested in understanding and tackling the problems of growing up in Britain's poor neighbourhoods.