Book Description
OVERVIEWWARNING - Read this book only if you want to be successful at sales.No matter what you have heard or read in books and magazines sales professionals are trained just like lawyers and doctors and not 'born'. Sales professionals are skilled individuals who understand and practise a range of skills like any other professional.'Successful Selling'outlines how skills can be easily achieved and put into practise. Great sales people share a range of similiar habits and this can be understood and adopted to make your sales capability grow.If you are new to sales or looking for a refresher on your skills this book will give you the guidelines to be successful whilst noting the habits that many unsuccessful salespeople gain that stop them from reaching their potential.'A Guide to Successful Selling' is about selling and not about 'sales'.The book offers the skills to understand how to be successful in direct sales as well as selling into distribution channels. The book reviews the information on how to hone your skills as well as the need for a professional and logical approach to sales from relationship management, sales psychology, the 90/10 principle as well as presentation and successful habits versus unsuccessful behaviour.'Successful selling' offers case examples and easy-to-read lessons not normally found in sales books such as understanding the role of body language and defeating 'call reluctance' as well as defining the 'dominant' factors in sales success, P2P, B2B and B2C sales process.This book covers a range of topics which will be of interest to any novice seller or more seasoned professsionals who are looking to increase their overall sales skills and gain greater income. Areas such as the '8 Pillar Approach' to sales and how to be successful in prospecting (cold or hot), demand generation, phone skills and creating a value proposition are all covered with tips on each area to assist in improvement.This book is written by a highly successful sales professional for those wanting to be better at what they do and to gain a greater income and sales satisfaction.Successful selling is as much a habit as a skill and 'Sales Success' will guide you through the skills and lessons that will allow you to become a 'high earner' and habits that will assist you in the following years.