Justification by Faith

Book Description

"Justification by faith alone" labels theologically the motor that energizes the Reformation. The dynamic behind the language can still mean renewal for theology and church today, but only if that legal metaphor is not left to stand alone. Gerhard Forde calls for a recovery of Paul's equally vital metaphor of death-resurrection, which speaks of our dying to the old and being raised to new life in Christ. Justification, he contends, is death and rising, and where these complementary metaphors are allowed to interpret one another the Gospel can once again explode with all its original power. This fresh appropriation of the confessional witness contributes not only to an enhanced understanding of Reformation teachings, but also to an ecumenical dialogue that is zeroing in more closely on the catholic provenance and current vitality of the Augsburg Confession.

Evidence of Faith

Book Description

An expanded study guide related to the documentary film, "Patterns of Evidence, The Exodus"

A Matter of Roses

Book Description

When the prominent and much loved scientist Maurice Tomlinson dies of bee stings at a time of year when bees are dormant, many suspect foul play. Soon, Police Chief Dan Burke is on the case with the help of his childhood friend Brother Bartholomew.

A Question of Faith

Book Description

It’S a Matter of Faith

Book Description

Does it seem to you that some Christians seem to get all the breaks and things seem to always go their way? Have you wondered why this happens to them and not you? This book explains how one person has gotten Gods attention and favor in her life and how you can get it, too. Learn how she stood in faith when everything around her looked totally impossible. See how God miraculously saved a home from foreclosure just in the nick of time. Read about the two-year journey of believing for a car that was provided the day before it was desperately needed. There are examples to follow throughout Gods Word. Find out how Abraham, Noah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and others received favor from God just by believing what God told them was the absolute truth and standing on His promises. Learn how to truly grow in faith and favor by following those examples. Philippians 4:19 says, But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You can experience the power of prayers prayed in faith, believing and see the miraculous happen in your life. God does not exclude people. If He does it for one person, Hell do it for you.

The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages

Book Description

Why were the early Christians willing to die to protect a single iota of the creed? Why have the Judeans, Romans, and Persians—among others—seen the Christian creed as a threat to the established social order? In The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages, bestselling author Dr. Scott Hahn recovers and conveys the creed’s revolutionary character. Tracing the development of the first formulations of faith in the early Church through later ecumenical councils, The Creed tells the story of how the very profession of our belief in Christ fashions us for heavenly life as we live out our earthly days.

A Matter of Life

Book Description

After the acclaimed indie film Save the Date and the bestselling all-ages humor book Darth Vader and Son, graphic novelist Jeffrey Brown (Clumsy, Unlikely) returns to the autobiographical work that first made his reputation. In A Matter of Life, Jeffrey Brown draws upon memories of three generations of Brown men: himself, his minister father, and his preschooler son Oscar. Weaving through time, passing through the quiet suburbs and colorful cities of the midwest, their stories slowly assemble into a kaleidoscopic answer to the big questions: matters of life and death, family and faith, and the search for something beyond oneself.

The Act of Faith

Book Description

While the question "Is faith reasonable?" has continually occupied philosophers and theologians, little attention has been paid to what faith itself is. The Act of Faith remedies this neglect by looking at what it means for a person of Christian faith to believe. Eric Springsted contrasts modern views of faith with the Christian tradition running from Augustine through Aquinas and Calvin. In reviewing such thinkers as Locke and Hume, Springsted discovers that behind modern discussions of the reasonableness of faith lie key assumptions about the human self, including the views that the good is a matter of choice and that we can exercise objective, uninvolved reason. According to Springsted, however, the church has not viewed faith in this way. His survey of the Augustinian tradition shows that the self our most esteemed Christian thinkers had in mind when talking about faith was a "moral self"--one defined by character and self-involvement. Christian faith is at root a participation in the good, and reasoning within faith is reasoning within the life of God. Drawing on contemporary philosophers and theologians like John Henry Newman and Simone Weil, Springsted builds a fresh understanding of faith for today. He shows how the "inner act" of faith is ultimately a radical willingness to be open to God, and he argues that the faithful self is one that develops within a community that shapes its members through the morally formative activities of interaction, teaching, and sacramental practice.

Doors of Faith

Book Description

The New Answers Book 1

Book Description

Christians live in a culture with more questions than ever - questions that affect one's acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. Now, discover easy-to-understand answers that reach core truths of the Christian faith and apply the biblical worldview to a wide variety of subjects.