Cultural Resources Investigation of Initial Group of Proposed Borrow Areas for Rural Improvements, Stage 1, Souris River Basin Project, McHenry County, North Dakota. Phase 1

Book Description

The Souris River Basin Project in North Dakota is a flood control project to protect both urban and rural reaches of the Souris River. This report is a cultural resources inventory for a series of initial borrow areas, sand, gravel sources selected for use in connection with the mitigation of project impacts to farmsteads and rural residences in McHenry County. No cultural materials or sites were recorded in the survey of the seven proposed borrow areas. Keywords: Archaeology. (edc).

Cultural Resource Management Report of the Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of a Proposed Flood Control Project Along the Pembina River, at Neche, Pembina County, North Dakota

Book Description

A phase I cultural resources investigation was conducted for the Neche flood control project in Pembina County, North Dakota, in May, 1986. The project components include a channel cutoff, a borrow area, two new levee sections, and two interior drainage ponds. The study utilized surface inspection, cutbank profiles, subsurface shovel probes, and soil corings, to locate cultural materials. As a result of the inventory, no prehistoric or significant historic sites were recorded. The shovel probes were also negative, indicating a low potential for buried cultural resources. No further archaeological work is recommended at these locations, with one exception. It is suggested that landowner permission be obtained to survey two acres to which Powers was denied access.