A Rabbi Reads the Bible

Book Description

Jonathan Magonet comes to the Bible with enthusiasm, wit and infectious humour rare in Bible scholars. As a rabbi he brings the insights of two thousand years of Jewish Bible exegesis, but combines them with the critical skills of today's literary analysis of biblical texts. He draws off his own creativity as poet and songwriter both to read the biblical text and use it as a springboard for exploring the character of biblical personalities. He moves comfortably between the worlds of religious tradition and the questioning of the modern secular person. His skills as a popular lecturer and broadcaster help shape this book. 'How a Donkey Reads a Bible' explores the biases and presuppositions we bring to our reading of the biblical text. 'My Part in the Fall of "King David"' recounts Jonathan Magonet's absurd experiences as technical adviser on a biblical epic but shows how many of the "special effects" of films have their literary equivalent in the pages of the Bible. He introduces us to fellow Bible enthusiasts who illuminate it through approaching it from a variety of disciplines - theology, literary criticism, psychoanalysis and politics.

Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus

Book Description

What would it be like for modern readers to sit down beside Jesus as he explained the Bible to them? What life-changing insights might emerge from such a transformative encounter? Lois Tverberg knows the treasures that await readers willing to learn how to read the Bible through Jewish eyes. By helping them understand the Bible as Jesus and his first-century listeners would have, she bridges the gaps of time and culture in order to open the Bible to readers today. Combining careful research with engaging prose, Tverberg leads us on a journey back in time to shed light on how this Middle Eastern people approached life, God, and each other. She explains age-old imagery that we often misinterpret, allowing us to approach God and the stories and teachings of Scripture with new eyes. By helping readers grasp the perspective of its original audience, she equips them to read the Bible in ways that will enrich their lives and deepen their understanding.

A Rabbi Reads the Torah

Book Description

Every week in synagogues around the world Jews read a portion from the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, the whole being completed in the course of a year. The reading is usually accompanied by a commentary, a derasha, by the rabbi or a member of the congregation, often drawing on traditional interpretations, but usually finding some point of contact with the realities of today's world. Some passages, especially narratives, lend themselves to immediate associations; others, obscure laws of sacrifice or lists of stages on a journey through the wilderness, represent real challenges to the commentator. Yet others are so familiar to the congregation that the problem is to find something new to say each year! This book arose out of a different kind of 'pulpit', an occasional slot on a weekly radio programme on Friday evenings called 'Shabbat Shalom'. Though ostensibly for a Jewish audience, it reached a far wider public, so the pieces in the book provide enough information to explain the Jewish background at the same time as offering an exploration of the ideas within the text to a broad range of listeners.

A Rabbi Reads the Torah

Book Description

A Rabbi Reads the Torah distils a lifetime of Bible study by a Jewish scholar devoted to popularising the study of the Hebrew Bible in its original language, helped by the wealth of centuries of Jewish interpretation and debate, as well as the best of modern literary approaches.

Reading the Old Testament Through Jewish Eyes Leader Guide

Book Description

Rabbi Evan Moffic has a passion for sharing Judaism and its traditions with Christian audiences. In Reading the Old Testament Through Jewish Eyes, Rabbi Moffic explores the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and highlights points of interest to Christians. He describes the role of the Torah in Jewish worship and practice and explores the key themes of each book guided by the wisdom of Jewish interpreters through the centuries. Join Rabbi Moffic in this study of the Torah and find rich new insights into the biblical story. Discover how the Torah can be a source of wisdom, truth, and transformation in your life. Also available are a book and DVD to facilitate a six-week study.

Business Secrets from the Bible

Book Description

Find success in finance, friendships, , and spirituality with the advice of a well-known expert It's safe to say that nearly everyone is seeking a happier, more successful life. So then why do so few attain it? Business Secrets from the Bible proposes a new way to view and approach success—one based upon key concepts from the Bible that are actually surprisingly simple. Written especially for those seeking success in the realms of money, relationships, and spirituality, this book encourages readers to realize their common mistakes, come to terms with them, and turn those mistakes into future triumphs. Filled with concrete advice for improved finances, spirituality, and connection, this resource takes a practical approach and aims to change not just the minds, but the actions of readers with a self-evident and persuasive pathway. Drawing on his wisdom and knowledge of the Bible, the author reveals the clear link between making money and spirituality, and urges readers to focus on self-discipline, integrity, and character strength in order to achieve personal prosperity. Special emphasis is given to establishing positive attitudes toward making money and adopting effective Biblically-based strategies. Demonstrates how earnings and profits are God's reward for forming relationships with others and serving them Stresses the importance of service, sharing, change, leadership, and creating boundaries and structures Encourages readers to focus on other people's desires and teaches why and how to make connections with many people Suggests ways for readers to transform themselves and continue toward success even in the face of fear and uncertainty Attaining wealth and well-being is no longer a mystery. Let this book identify and correct the errors that are keeping you from fulfillment and happiness.

The Book of Revelation Decoded

Book Description

Understand the connection between the Old Testament and the end times, what to expect during the last days, and how to stand firm in Christ in the face of opposition. Rabbi K. A. Schneider decodes the Book of Revelation, showing how the end-time events prophesied in the New Testament book correspond with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets. You will discover how the Passover foreshadows the great tribulation, and what the Hebrew prophets reveal about the anti-Messiah, Armageddon, hell, the return of the Messiah, the millennial kingdom, heaven, and much more. As the world grows darker and darker, many people have a sense of impending doom. This book will teach you what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition.

Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus

Book Description

A rare chance to know Jesus as his first disciples knew him. What would it be like to journey back to the first century and sit at the feet of Rabbi Jesus as one of his Jewish disciples? How would your understanding of the gospel have been shaped by the customs, beliefs, and traditions of the Jewish culture in which you lived? Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus will change the way you read Scripture and deepen your understanding of the life of Jesus. It will also help you to adapt the rich prayers and customs you learn about to your own life, in ways that both respect and enrich your Christian faith. Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes you on a fascinating tour of the Jewish world of Jesus, offering inspirational insights that can transform your faith. Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg paint powerful scenes from Jesus' ministry, immersing you in the prayers, feasts, history, culture, and customs that shaped Jesus and those who followed him. In these pages, you will: Hear the parables as they must have sounded to first-century Jews, powerful and surprising. Join conversations among the rabbis of Jesus' day. Watch with new understanding as the events of Jesus' life unfold. Experience new excitement about the roots of your Christian faith. This expanded edition includes a discussion guide for both individuals and groups, and instructions for a simple home Passover Seder celebration.

Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas: a Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible

Book Description

What is Judaism? A religion? A faith? A way of life? A set of beliefs? A collection of commands? A culture? A civilization? It is all these, but it is emphatically something more. It is a way of thinking about life, a constellation of ideas. One might think that the ideas Judaism introduced into the world have become part of the common intellectual heritage of humankind, at least of the West. Yet this is not the case. Some of them have been lost over time; others the West never fully understood. Yet these ideas remain as important as ever before, and perhaps even more so. In this inspiring work, Rabbi Sacks introduces his readers to one Life-Changing Idea from each of the weekly parashot.

Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

Book Description

In this ebook download of Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Lois Tverberg challenges readers to follow their Rabbi more closely by reexamining his words in the light of their Jewish context. Doing so will provide a richer, deeper understanding of his ministry, compelling us to live differently, to become more Christ-like. We'll begin to understand why his first Jewish disciples abandoned everything to follow him, to live out his commands. Our modern society, with its individualism and materialism, is very different than the tight-knit, family-oriented setting Jesus lived and taught in. What wisdom can we glean from his Eastern, biblical attitude toward life? How can knowing Jesus within this context shed light on his teachings for us today? In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus we'll journey back in time to eavesdrop on the conversations that arose among the rabbis of Jesus' day, and consider how hearing Rabbi Jesus with the ears of a first-century disciple can bring new meaning to our faith. And we'll listen to Jewish thinkers through the ages, discovering how ideas that germinated in Jesus' time have borne fruit. Doing so will yield fresh, practical insights for following our Rabbi's teachings from a Jewish point of view.