Ukrainians in Michigan

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This history of Ukrainian immigrants in Michigan and their American descendants examines both the choices people made and the social forces that impelled their decisions to migrate and to make new homes in the state. Michigan’s Ukrainians came in four waves, each unique in time and character, beginning in the late nineteenth century and continuing in the twenty-first. Detroit attracted many of them with the opportunities it offered in its booming automobile industry. Yet others put down roots in cities and towns across the state. Wherever they settled, they established churches and community centers and continued to practice the customs of their homeland. Many Ukrainian Americans have made significant contributions to Michigan and the United States, including those who are showcased in this book. This comprehensive text also highlights cultural practices and traditional foods cherished by community members.

Ukrainians of Detroit

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Socio-humanitarian development of Ukrainian society in the epoch of modernity and current postmodern transformations

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The collective monograph is devoted to the study of current problems of socioeconomic development of modern Ukrainian society. The study uses an interdisciplinary approach that allows you to analyze different aspects of society, which increases its importance. Historical research begins with the study of socio-economic transformations in the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, an analysis of the socioeconomic development of Ukrainian lands after the agrarian reform of 1861, considered the social situation of the peasantry after the abolition of serfdom, analyzed the development of the railway industry and its impact on economic reforms. Resistance to Russian aggression and the issue of post-war reconstruction are relevant for Ukraine today. The study of the historical experience of Ukraine's participation in World War II requires further work of researchers. It is with Ukraine, and even more broadly, that the decisive events on the entire Soviet-German front are connected with the entire southern direction as its geographical extension. The fate of the whole war was decided on the Ukrainian and in general the southern part of the Soviet-German front. The phenomenon of the volunteer movement, which today allows us to solve a number of pressing problems of Ukrainian society, originated in Soviet times under the influence of Gorbachev's policy of "perestroika". The monograph pays considerable attention to such a large-scale social phenomenon as the emergence and development of amateur informal organizations outside the state influence in 1987-1989. Researchers conclude that the democratization of Ukrainian society marked the beginning of the struggle for Ukraine's independence. Studies of socio-humanitarian problems remain relevant for the modern socioeconomic development of Ukraine. Today, in conditions of fierce competition, which requires constant updating of technologies, accelerated development of innovations, rapid adaptation to the demands and requirements of consumers of socio-cultural services, the question of increasing the competitiveness of managers is acute. Training of future managers of marketing communications consists in development of effective models of management, approbation of new projects of activity of the organization. Therefore, the most effective method of learning is a business game. In almost any business game, a real professional situation is simulated, which requires a managerial decision. In addition, business games have such components that fundamentally distinguish them from all other technologies, primarily in that they have an operational scenario or block structure, which is embedded algorithm "correct" and "incorrect" decision, ie the participant in the game sees the result of his decisions on future events. The text of the collective monograph focuses on such a topical phenomenon as the philosophical view of nature in retrospect of the current environmental crisis. The current international level of measures to harmonize economic expansion into nature and the principles of ecological balance reveals the need for an appropriate worldview scale of rethinking the relationship between man and nature, beginning with the recognition of their mutual influence and ending with reformulation of fundamental definitions. From this point of view, they appear to be relatively long-lasting and reproducible connections over a certain historical period, in which objective reality is a prerequisite for the existence and spiritual development of mankind not only as an external environment but also as a potential for internal possibilities. Today in most countries of the world the issue of observance and protection of human and civil rights is very acute. The institute of human rights protection began to develop especially actively at the beginning of the XXI century, when most countries set a course for democratization and development of civil society. In this regard, there are many regulations at the international level that enshrine human rights and the protection of human rights. Of particular importance in the context of the protection of human rights is the constitutional right to protection. The realization of a person's right to protection can be carried out through various political and legal mechanisms. The content of the monograph corresponds to the direction of research work of the Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University "Study of trends in socio-economic development and consolidation of Ukrainian society in modern history of Ukraine." The methods of historical research, statistical analysis, sociological and pedagogical approaches were used in the work.

Immigrants and Migrants

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The collective monograph is devoted to the study of trends in the development of modern Ukrainian society. The research uses an interdisciplinary approach, which allows analyzing various aspects of the development ofsocial processes in Ukraine and obtaining socially significant scientific results. The subject of Kostyantyn Levchuk's scientific interests is the study of the activities of public organizations of Ukraine in the first half of the 90s of the 20th century. The economic crisis contributed to the strengthening of the social vector in the activities of public organizations. Legislated social guarantees were not fully implemented, which prompted public organizations to use various forms and methods aimed at protecting vulnerable social strata in the context of the crisis. The practical and law-making activities of the most significant public organizations are analyzed: the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, organizations for the protection of the rights of veterans and victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Svitlana Bogatchuk's scientific research covers the period of Soviet collectivization of the Ukrainian countryside in 1932-1933, which became one of the most terrible pages of our history. Many scientific works are devoted to the study of this problem. It was analyzed that the greatest losses during the Holodomor period of 1932-1933 were observed among the peasants of Ukraine, although there were also deaths among the urban population. Huge child mortality is a direct consequence of Stalin's policy of collectivization. The Bolshevik authorities hushed up and denied the fact of famine in Ukraine. Ihor Belkin's scientific research is focused on the study of the process of marketing planning of entrepreneurial activity. The modern global practice of managing campaigns that have achieved significant economic success shows numerous examples of the application of planning one's own economic processes. On the other hand, as the analysis shows, when companies do not apply planning, they mostly face bankruptcy problems. With the development of market relations, the planning of economic processes at enterprises requires more and more attention. In our country, the first business plans appeared at the beginning of the 90s of the last century, however, with the development of the market economy and the spread of international cooperation, the need to develop a plan is becoming more urgent. Nowadays, planning is becoming a mandatory process, which is necessary to improve the methods of calculating the economic efficiency of management decisions and the feasibility of investment investments. In the work of Zorislav Makarov, the methodological legitimation of randomness in scientific knowledge is proposed by explicating the possibilities of the activity approach to its study. In particular, as a result of the analysis of the relationship between rationality and randomness in the structure of general scientific methods, cognitive and sociological sources of randomness in the pragmatic scientific method, stochastic parameters in the post-nonclassical dynamics of scientific knowledge, as well as subjective and objective prerequisites for the post-nonclassical emancipation of rationality and determinism were revealed. At the end of the study, the status of humanities and natural sciences in the perspective of post-non-classical integration is outlined. The content of the collective monograph corresponds to the research direction of the Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The monograph is the result of the initiative topic "Research of trends in socio-economic development and consolidation of Ukrainian society in the modern history of Ukraine". State registration number 0122U001425. Head of subject, Doctor of Science, Professor K. I. Levchuk). The monograph uses: socio-philosophical approach, historical-genetic method, statistical analysis, sociological and economic research methods.

Bulletin MLSA

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