A Surgeons’ Guide to Cardiac Diagnosis

Book Description

Anläßlich eines Besuches bei Sir RussELL BROCK in London im Herbst 1956 und während eines Aufenthaltes seines Schülers Donald Ross im Frühjahr 1958 in Marburg a. d. Lahn lernte ich eine Untersuchungsmethode des Herzens und des Kreislaufes kennen, die mich durch ihre Einfachheit und Folgerichtigkeit und durch die hieraus sich ergebenden Schlüsse und Entscheidungen sehr beeindruckte und überzeugte. In dieser Auffassung wurde ich durch die Zustimmung bestärkt, die das Untersuchungsvorgehen von DONALD Ross bei den in der Kardiologie erfahrenen Internisten unseres Marburger Arbeitskreises, den Herren H.E. BOCK, G. SCHETTLER, P. SCHÖLMERICH und E. STEIN, fand. Das Prinzip der von Sir RussELL BROCK und seinen Schülern geübten Unter. suchungstechnik besteht - kurz gesagt - darin, die mit den menschlichen Sinnen erfaßten und durch überlegungen gedeuteten Symptome als wichtigste Grundlage für die Diagnostik der Herzerkrankungen zu betrachten und mit diesen Befunden, deren Feststellung jedem Arzt möglich ist, die Ergebnisse aller technischen Unter· suchungsverfahren (Röntgenuntersuchung, Elektrokardiographie, Phonokardio· graphie, Herzkatheterismus, Angiokardiographie u. a.) in Einklang zu bringen. In einer Zeit der überwertung angeblich objektiver Registrierverfahren ist, glaube ich, eine Erneuerung und Betonung der früheren klassischen Untersuchungen des Herzens im Rahmen der gesamten Herzdiagnostik äußerst nützlich. Zusammen mit dem Springer. Verlag bin ich Herrn DONALD Ross sehr dank· bar, daß er unserer Bitte entsprochen hat, diese Einführung in die moderne Dia· gnostik, die bescheiden als "A Surgeons' Guide to Cardiac Diagnosis" betitelt ist, zu verfassen. Dem vorliegenden Bändchen soll ein zweites über Indikationen und Operationsverfahren der angeborenen und erworbenen Herzerkrankungen folgen.

The Patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery

Book Description

Each year, over 250,000 heart valve repair and heart valve replacement operations are performed for conditions including stenosis, prolapse, insufficiency, aneurysm, Tetralogy of Fallot and regurgitation. However, most patients and caregivers surveyed felt their expectations were mismanaged - both before and after surgery. The Patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery was written by Adam Pick, a double heart valve surgery patient, to address this troubling issue and prepare the patient and caregiver for the challenges and opportunities of valve surgery - from diagnosis through recovery.

Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery

Book Description

Extensively revised to cover recent advances in cardiac surgery, the fourth edition of Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery remains the gold standard for management of adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The easily referenced outline format allows health practitioners of all levels to understand and apply basic concepts to patient care—perfect for cardiothoracic and general surgery residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, cardiologists, medical students, and critical care nurses involved in the care of both routine and complex cardiac surgery patients. This comprehensive guide features: Detailed presentation addressing all aspects of perioperative care for adult cardiac surgery patients Outline format allowing quick access to information Chronological approach to patient care starting with diagnostic tests then covering preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care issues Additional chapters discussing bleeding, the respiratory, cardiac, and renal subsystems in depth, and aspects of care specific to recovery on the postoperative floor Completely updated references Extensive illustrations, including NEW figures depicting operative techniques 14 helpful appendices covering order and flow sheets, protocols, commonly used drug dosages, and procedures Practical and accessible, the Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery is the essential reference guide to cardiac surgical patient care.

Heart 411

Book Description

The definitive guide to heart health from two of America's most respected doctors at Cleveland Clinic, the #1 hospital for heart health in America. Are you one of the eighty-two million Americans currently diagnosed with cardiovascular disease—or one of the millions more who think they are healthy but are at risk? Whether your goal is to get the best treatment or stay out of the cardiologist’s office, your heart's health depends upon accurate information and correct answers to key questions. In Heart 411, two renowned experts, heart surgeon Marc Gillinov and cardiologist Steven Nissen, tackle the questions their patients have raised over their decades of practice: Can the stress of my job really lead to a heart attack? How does exercise help my heart, and what is the right amount and type of exercise? What are the most important tests for my heart, and when do I need them? How do symptoms and treatments differ among men, women, and children? Backed by decades of clinical experience and up-to-the-minute research, yet written in the accessible, down-to-earth tone of your trusted family doctor, Heart 411 cuts through the confusion to give you the knowledge and tools you need to live a long and heart-healthy life.

Principles of Cardiac Diagnosis and Treatment

Book Description

Leading heart surgeons (including the President of the Royal College of Surgeons) bridge the ever-widening gap between the "student" (both pre- and post-graduate) and an increas- ingly remote group of medical and surgical specialists in this , the only book devoted entirely to the established principles of cardiac diagnosis.

Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery

Book Description

Written by clinicians, for clinicians, Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery offers a comprehensive, authoritative, and multidisciplinary approach to this rapidly evolving field. Covering every area relevant to the daily practice of cardiovascular medicine, this new and innovative reference text, led by Drs. Debabrata Mukherjee and Richard A. Lange, brings together a stellar team of cardiovascular specialists from leading medical centers worldwide who focus on cutting-edge strategies for the clinical and surgical management of patients. Both medicine and surgery are highlighted in chapters along with follow-up care and changing technology to equip the clinician for optimal patient care. Highly structured and templated chapters cover pathogenesis, diagnosis, management, special considerations/limitations, follow-up care, and on-going and future research.