Theory and Practice of International Trade Linkage Models

Book Description

This book was mainly written while I stayed at the Catholic University of Louvain. Professor Anton P. Barten was the one who did not only give me a warm welcome in Louvain, but also supported my research with most valuable comments and constructive criticisms. In addition I benefitted from dis cussions with Erik Schokkaert, Denis de Crombrugghe and Jo Baras on various subjects, such as the small-sample correction of Chapter 9. The arduous task of transferring my neat handwriting into a readable typescript was excellently taken care of by Brs. E. Crabbe and notably Brs. F. Duij sens, even after working hours. Mrs. A. Molders prevented me of making serious abuse of the English language. My admiration for Carien, finally, is an exponential function of the patience and enthusiasm with which she sup ported my research. Chapter I is a general introduction to the subject of linkage models, and it contains few mathematical elaborations. Chapters 2 to 4 use more, but elementary, mathematics, and treat several aspects related to the deriva tion, interpretation and estimation of linkage models. Chapter 2 deals vii tll the theory of import allocation models, Chapter J treats the problem of defining and interpreting elasticities of substitution, while Chapter 4 is concerned with the econometric problems related to the estimation of mul tivariate models with linear restrictions, such as import allocation models.

A Survey of Recent U.S. Developments in International Agricultural Trade Models

Book Description

Extract: This report critically reviews econometrically estimated export demand equations, multiregion world trade models, including nonspatial and spatial price equilibrium models, and trade flow and market share models. Both single- and multiple-product models are treated. The report describes each modeling approach and its distinguishing characteristics, surveys the recent research, identifies technical and empirical problems, and evaluates its contribution to the objectives of agricultural trade modeling. The report ends with an appraisal of the state of the art and recommends directions for future research and modeling work on agricultural trade.

International Trade Theory and Policy

Book Description

In the present text the author deals with both conventional and new approaches to trade theory and policy, treating all important research topics in international economics and clarifying their mathematical intricacies. The textbook is intended for undergraduates, graduates and researchers alike. It addresses undergraduate students with extremely clear language and illustrations, making even the most complex trade models accessible. In the appendices, graduate students and researchers will find self-contained treatments in mathematical terms. The new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest research on international trade.

International Trade Modelling

Book Description

In recent years, international trade has become a subject of increaed practical importance and also one of the most intellectually exciting parts of economics. In his introduction to this volume, Paul Krugman outlines why this is so, by analysing the original contribution of the New Trade Theory in interpreting and explaining the observed trade behaviour of the past twenty years. Then follow sections which discuss: formal tests of the New Trade Theory, Price Discrimination and Exchange Rate, as well as New Protectionism, measures of Comparative Advantages and Import Demand in industrialized and developing countries. Some chapters also use GCE models to evaluate Trade Protectionism, while others encompass External Trade within aggregate Disequilibrium Models.

Global International Economic Models

Book Description

This volume surveys the state-of-the-art of global international modeling. All 15 models included in the survey feature national or regional disaggregation of the world economy and interdependencies among the various nations and regions. A few are constructed for short-term forecasting, but the primary focus is on long-run models and applications.Macroeconomic, input-output, general equilibrium, trade and exchange rate, and several hybrid models are included. A cross-sectional analysis by the editor compares the structures, linkage mechanisms, methodologies and applications of the various models and concludes with some observations on prospective research trends.

A Model for the Study of International Trade Politics

Book Description

Together with efforts to control the arms race, commercial issues were a central feature of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s. There was a clear recognition that trade and economic issues were of key importance to political relations. This book, first published in 1987, is a comprehensive analysis of the views and perceptions held by Soviet Area Executives of US ‘trade actor’ companies in the critical years 1975-76. It focuses on the key issues of overall US-Soviet relations which formed the environment for commercial relations between the superpowers.