A Tome of Idioms

Book Description

This first edition of A Tome of Idioms has been published as a comprehensive, concise, compact, and efficient guide to the meanings and origins of Idioms, Proverbs, and Sayings. Each inclusion is written in a clear and uncomplicated style. First published in 2019 this book contains over 900 easily readable entries in systematic order augmented by an extensive Bibliography. This book will be of general interest to everyone who has a curious, inquisitive, questioning, or enquiring intellect. A number of idioms, proverbs, and sayings originate in well-known literature and Holy texts such as, William Shakespeare (60 entries), the Bible (47 entries), John Heywood (27 entries), Aesop (15 entries), and Geoffrey Chaucer (12 entries), to name but a few. Some of these have evolved in many different forms over several years into the expressions we use today. Some phrases have been deliberately omitted, because either they are rude or crude, or they are offensive, an example being "the nitty-gritty". We want this book to be a reference directory to be perused and enjoyed by everyone.

The Big Book of American Idioms

Book Description

Learn hundreds of English idioms, phrases, sayings and expressions in a fun and engaging way! Sound like a native speaker with these common idioms that are used in the USA. Find out how people speak English in real life. That's where The Big Book of American Idioms comes in. You'll see what the idiom means, the history behind it and then see how it's used in some example sentences. It's everything you need to "bone up" on your English vocabulary! Get your copy of The Big Book of American Idioms to improve your English quickly and easily. Jackie Bolen has nearly fifteen years of experience teaching ESL/EFL to students in South Korea and Canada. With her help, you'll improve your English vocabulary and conversational skills in no time at all! Pick up a copy of the book today if you want to... Have hundreds of idioms in American English at your fingertips. See how the idioms are used in real life. Improve your American English. Speak English fluently and confidently. Have some fun while learning English. Improve your TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS score. These are the English idioms that you'll hear over and over again in real life. Speak more fluently and gain some confidence with this book. Pick up your copy of the book today. The Big Book of American Idioms: A Comprehensive Dictionary of English Idioms, Expressions, Phrases & Sayings by Jackie Bolen will help you stay motivated while consistently improving your English skills.

The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms

Book Description

Did you know that 'flavour of the month' originated in a marketing campaign in American ice-cream parlours in the 1940s, when a particular flavour would be specially promoted for a month at a time? And did you know that 'off the cuff' refers to the rather messy practice of writing impromptu notes on one's shirt cuff before speaking in public? These and many more idioms are explained and put into context in this second edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. This vastly entertaining dictionary takes a fresh look at the idiomatic phrases and sayings that make English such a rich and intriguing language. A major new edition, it contains entries for over 5000 idioms, including 350 new entries and over 500 new quotations. The text has been updated to include many new idioms using the findings of the Oxford English Reading Programme, the biggest language research programme in the world. The entries are supported by a wealth of illustrative quotations from a wide range of sources and periods. For example: 'Rowling has not been asleep at the wheel in the three years since the last Potter novel, and I am pleased to report that she has not confused sheer length with inspiration.' - Guardian, 2003. 'I made the speech of a lifetime. I had them tearing up the seats and rolling in the aisles.' - P.G. Woodhouse, 1940. Many entries include boxed features which give more detailed background on the idiom in question. For example, did you know that 'taken aback' was adopted from nautical terminology, and described a ship unable to move forward because of a strong headwind pressing its sails back against the mast? The text has been entirely redesigned so that it is both elegant and easy to use. Anyone interested in the quirky side of the English language will have hours of fun browsing through this fascinating and informative volume.

I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and Other Intriguing Idioms From Around the World

Book Description

"I’m not hanging noodles on your ears." In Moscow, this curious, engagingly colorful assertion is common parlance, but unless you’re Russian your reaction is probably "Say what?" The same idea in English is equally odd: "I’m not pulling your leg." Both mean: Believe me. As author Jag Bhalla demonstrates, these amusing, often hilarious phrases provide a unique perspective on how different cultures perceive and describe the world. Organized by theme—food, love, romance, and many more—they embody cultural traditions and attitudes, capture linguistic nuance, and shed fascinating light on "the whole ball of wax." For example, when English-speakers are hard at work, we’re "nose to the grindstone," but industrious Chinese toil "with liver and brains spilled on the ground" and busy Indians have "no time to die." If you’re already fluent in 10 languages, you probably won’t need this book, but you’ll "get a kick out of it" anyhow; for the rest of us, it’s a must. Either way, this surprising, often thought-provoking little tome is gift-friendly in appearance, a perfect impulse buy for word lovers, travelers, and anyone else who enjoys looking at life in a riotous, unusual way. And we’re not hanging noodles from your ear.

In the Loop: a Reference Guide to American English Idioms

Book Description

Idiom: a group of words that means something different than the individual words it contains As with any language, American English is full of idioms, especially when spoken. Idioms add color and texture to language by creating images that convey meanings beyond those of the individual words that make them up. Idioms are culturally bound, providing insight into the history, culture, and outlook of their users. This is because most idioms have developed over time from practices, beliefs, and other aspects of different cultures. As a culture changes, the words used to describe it also change: some idioms fall out of use and others develop to replace them. With idioms in particular, the beliefs or practices leading to their use may disappear while the idiom itself continues to be used. Idioms can be so overused that they become clichés; or they can become slang or jargon, expressions used mainly by specific groups or professions.Idioms can be complimentary or insulting. They can express a wide range of emotions from excitement to depression, love to hate, heroism to cowardice, and anything in between. Idioms are also used to express a sense of time, place, or size. The range of uses for idioms is complex and widespread.The complexity of idioms is what makes them so difficult for non-native speakers to learn. However, this complexity is also what can make idioms so interesting to study and learn; they are rarely boring. Learning about idioms, in this case those used in the United States, provides a way to learn not only the language, but a little about the people who use it.In the Loop is a collection of common idioms updated and compiled from two previous books of idioms published by the Office of English Language Programs: Illustrated American Idioms by Dean Curry and Something to Crow About by Shelley Vance Laflin. In the Loop combines the popular aspects of the previous books, while also updating the content by including idioms that have come into use more recently and eliminating those that are rarely used. When available, background information is included about the origins of the idioms. Additionally, In the Loop includes categories of commonly used idioms and suggestions to the teacher to aid in developing classroom exercises for learning the meanings and uses of idioms. In essence, this book is intended to be both a teaching tool and a reference.

English Idioms in Use Advanced with Answers

Book Description

English Idioms in use Advanced is a vocabulary book for advanced level learners. It is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice text but it can also be used for classroom work.

America's top30 Idioms and their Origins

Book Description

If you’re looking for a book to “knock your socks off” Let me bounce something off you. I heard it through the grapevine that there are over 25,000 idioms in the English language. That’s straight from the horse’s mouth. Now don’t get up in arms or beside yourself as I spill the beans on the top 30 ones that will make you think something is fishy about this book. Take it with a grain of salt and don’t think I’m off my rocker when I suggest that you use this book for your tank top (no, not table top).

Idioms through Time and Technology

Book Description

This game-changing, reader-friendly book provides a more precise definition of idioms, along with new classifications of them. It eliminates fixed phrases such as phrasal verbs, collocations, slang, and proverbs from the class of idioms, while including two major new categories: similidioms and irony-based idiom sentences (IBISes). As a matter of fact, similidioms (basically, idioms in the form of a simile) have been there probably since the beginning of our history as being capable of speaking, but they have not been revealed, until now. Starting from the observation that the production of idioms in any language is influenced by the technological advance of society, the book takes two of the most productive lexico-semantic categories of idioms in both English and Romanian—crazy and stupid idioms—and provides, for the first time, their classification according to their topic and pattern, in an intriguing contrastive approach. Well-documented and not lacking a subtle sense of humour, the book not only opens new perspectives for researchers in the field, but will also captivate the general reader interested in finding out more about the expressions they use every day.

Idioms in English

Book Description