A Voice of Warning

Book Description

In 'A Voice of Warning', Parley P. Pratt provides a compelling eyewitness account of the early days of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Using extensive knowledge of the Bible, Pratt quotes scripture and explains how many of the doctrines and practices taught by Christ are missing in Christianity but can be found in the restored Church. This 129-page pamphlet provides a powerful argument that the gospel has been restored and that the gathering of Israel is in process as foretold by ancient prophets. Pratt's work is a must-read for those interested in the history and doctrine of the LDS Church.

A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People

Book Description

"I have lain months in gloomy dungeons, and been loaded with chains. I have been visited there by visions of Angels and Spirits, and been delivered by miracles." CONTENTS. Preface to the Second European Edition Preface to the First American Edition CHAPTER I On Prophecy already Fulfilled CHAPTER II On the Fulfilment of Prophecy yet future CHAPTER III The Kingdom of God CHAPTER IV The Book of Mormon-Origin of the American Indians, etc. CHAPTER V The Resurrection of the Saints, and the Restoration of all things spoken by the Prophets CHAPTER VI The dealings of God with all Nations in regard to Revelation CHAPTER VII A Contrast between the Doctrine of Christ, and the False Doctrines of the nineteenth century "The object of this publication is to give the public correct information concerning a religious system, which has penetrated every State from Maine to Missouri, as well as the Canadas, in the short space of nine years; organizing Churches and Conferences in every region, and gathering in its progress from fifty to a hundred thousand disciples; having, at the same time, to sustain the shock of an overwhelming, religious influence, opposed to it by the combined powers of every sect in America. What but the arm of Omnipotence could have moved it forward amid the rage of mobs? having to contend with the prejudice of the ignorant and the pen of the learned; at war with every creed and craft in Christendom; while the combined powers of earth and hell were hurling a storm of persecution, unparalleled in the history of our country. This Work is also intended as a warning voice, or proclamation of truth, to all people into whose hands it may fall, that they may understand, and be prepared for the great day of the Lord. Opinion and guesswork in the things of God are worse than useless; facts, well demonstrated, can alone be of service to mankind. And as the Holy Ghost can alone guide us into all truth, we pray God the Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, that the Spirit of Truth may inspire our hearts in inditing this matter; that we may be able to write the truth in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that it may be the word of God, the everlasting Gospel, the power of God unto salvation, to the Gentile first, and also to the Jew."

A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People

Book Description

Parley P. Pratt, one of the first Mormon missionaries, introduces the tenets of the Mormon church and prophesies with heartfelt and emotional depth. As one of the early leaders of the Latter Day Saint movement, Pratt authored several pamphlets and books regarding the beliefs and ideas of the church. In this work, he explains how the prophesies of the Biblical scripture have only partly been fulfilled. This, coupled with his clear and profound explanations of Mormon doctrine, make this a classic book of devotional thought. Pratt explains the title in his introduction: this book is an instructing guide to the prophesies and the religious system of Mormonism which, at the time of publication, was rapidly gaining followers throughout North America. Yet foremost, it is a warning to honest Christians; by failing to heed the Biblical prophesies, believers will be unprepared to face the truths explained within the Bible, contained within the authoritative messages of the Holy Ghost. Whether or not the reader is a Mormon or a Christian, such eternal truths are, in Pratt's view, vital for all to know and act upon. The presence of the Lord in every territory on the globe, and such crucial impending events as the resurrection of the saints, must be realized. As well as expounding upon these prophetic matters, Pratt also discusses the Mormon idea that the Native Americans are descended from the lost Tribes of Israel.