A Walker's Alphabet

Book Description

For those who need encouragement in taking up the pleasures of the long-distance footpath, a good beginning might be Chapter 1 (A: Adventure). If you want to know what to bring with you, look at Chapter 12 (L: Lists) and if you want to consider whom to bring with you, check out Chapter 3 (C: Companions), Chapter 11 (K: Kids) or even 4 (D: Dogs). If you need some hints on where to head, particularly in Britain, consider Chapter 22 (V: Viewpoints); in the U.K. you will also find use for Chapter 20 (T: Transportation), Chapter 2 (B: Bed & Breakfast), Chapter 8 (H: Hotels), Chapter 16 (P: Pubs), Chapter 25 (Y: Youth Hostels), Chapter 6 (F: Food) and Chapter 23: (W: Weather). How to cope with health crises is discussed in Chapter 9 (I: Illness and Injury). What your feet will encounter on British footpaths is illustrated in Chapter 19 (S: Surfaces); human encounters are discussed in Chapter 5 (E: Encounters) and animal ones in Chapter 26 (Z: Zoo Story). Typical trailside chatter is revealed in Chapter 17 (Q: Questions). How to select and use an appropriate guidebook is covered in Chapter 7 (G: Guidebooks), maps in Chapter 13 (M: Maps), and hints on figuring it all out on the ground in Chapter 18 (R: Route finding). What to do when your route in blocked is considered in Chapter 15 (O: Obstruction!), how to react when you get lost in Chapter 24 (X: X The Unknown) and when to call it a day in Chapter 10 (J: Judgment). Finally, if you want a quick insight into the reliability or even the sanity of the present author, check out his catalogue of grievances in Chapter 21 (U: Unforgiven) or his rambling obsessions in Chapter 14 (N: Neurotica).

The Water Walker

Book Description

The story of a determined Ojibwe Grandmother (Nokomis) Josephine-ba Mandamin and her great love for Nibi (water). Nokomis walks to raise awareness of our need to protect Nibi for future generations, and for all life on the planet. She, along with other women, men, and youth, have walked around all the Great Lakes from the four salt waters, or oceans, to Lake Superior. The walks are full of challenges, and by her example Josephine-ba invites us all to take up our responsibility to protect our water, the giver of life, and to protect our planet for all generations.

An Artist's Alphabet

Book Description

A surreal and gorgeous alphabet book from exceptional artist Norman Messenger.The ingenious Norman Messenger transforms the ordinary letters of the alphabet into extraordinary objects in this visionary collection of flora, fauna and more. This is a book for all ages to delight in and it would make a beautiful gift. "A stunner." Observer"While parents puzzle over the meanings, small children will be tracing the curious shapes with their fingers - just as they ought to learn their letters." Wall Street Journal"All ages will delight in this stunningly illustrated book which helps us to look at letters in unexpected ways." Parents in Touch