Book Description

This pilot study (same as "Weltwesen") followed the method of Euclid's "Elements", using 36 Definitions, one single Axiom, 3 Postulates, and their substantiation with analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and some representative literature from philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology in order to discuss the nature, structure, function, and human as well as nonhuman relevance of the Absolute beyond the 'limits' of the Universe. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in the conclusion that Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, which is the 'source and sink' of all Apparent or Virtual Reality. Having met the required criteria, this tentative theory may be called: "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute".

Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity

Book Description

Presenting a collection of original essays from a team of international philosophers and physicists, this volume reassesses the contemporary paradigm of the relativistic concept of time. There is no other book like this currently available.

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

Only a circle can circle and a circle can only circle. Thus, the absolute is relative.


Book Description

Weltwesen (German, lit. "world-essence") is a pilot study that followed the method of Euclid's "Elements", using 36 Definitions, a single Axiom, 3 Postulates and their substantiation with analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and some representative literature from philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology in order to examine the nature, structure, function, and relevance of the Absolute beyond the 'limits' of the Universe. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in the conclusion that Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, which is the 'source and sink' of all Apparent or Virtual Reality. Having met the required criteria, this tentative theory may be called: "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute".

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

The Entire Universe can vanish in less than 1second! The author has made an amazing discovery that the single dimension of Spacetime can do that. He is determined that everyone should know about this alarming awareness. This knowledge is not known to the scientific community and it puts and ends to the current ideas that the universe will end as a Big Crunch. It unveils at long last the mystery determining the velocity of light . There are other astonishing features which the dimension of spacetime has never been considered which, includes a new insight and outlook of Black Hole physics and the determination of mass in space.Euclid living 300 years B.C. wrote a book called the Elements. This book divided the universe into 3 spacial dimensions x, y, z. Centuries later Einstein's dream was to find a way of combining into one theory the explanation of the entire universe, now commonly known as the Theory of Everything. Sir Isaac Newton's own work and laws which, Einstein based his Special and General Theories, was all too aware of the meaning and the scientific applicability of the existence of absolute Spacetime. He intuitively knew that this basic belief should feature in his scientific laws of nature. Unfortunately, he could not provide any explanation or insight how absolute spacetime affects matter, time and movement.Later Einstein working on his Special and General Theory's of Relativity also failed to find any applicable useable link and hence, completely discounted it. Then spent 30 years of his life trying to write a law for the Theory of Everything, but was unable to because he discounted the very thing which would have given him the vision. The author has identified the shortfall in Einstein's thinking and presents an incredibly logical and simple expression for Absolute Relativity which evaded him to the end of his life. This new expression extends Euclid's spacial dimensions and will become a very important new inclusion to our comprehension of our lives and knowledge of Spacetime. It also explains within these few pages an easy to read explanation that his theory has uncovered a fantastic opportunity to apply Professor Witten's M Theory & Superstring Theory. The entire universe is much closer than you think, and you will be given a means comprehend that your grandparents and grandchildren exist in the same time as you read this incredible vision of Everything.

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

Timothy Michaels explains how bringing back the absoluteness of space and time, which Newton insisted our reality was based upon, does not create a paradox but, makes sense of Einstein's discoveries. Not only does absolute space and time make sense of relativity but it furthers its application. Absolute relativity tells us about our universe, and you'll be amazed at what it reveals. Author of Out of This World: The Movement Dimension, Timothy now presents his new version of relativity which both fits with quantum theory and makes sense in our world. With simple logical explanations for every reader and mathematical details for the most serious, this book provides an understanding of relativity as well as the guidance necessary to advance the field of physics.

Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity

Book Description

Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity is an anthology of original essays by an international team of leading philosophers and physicists who have come together to reassess the contemporary paradigm of the relativistic concept of time. A great deal has changed since 1905 when Einstein proposed his Special Theory of Relativity, and this book offers a fresh reassessment of Special Relativity’s relativistic concept of time in terms of epistemology, metaphysics, and physics.

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

This pilot study (same as "Weltwesen" and "Absolute") followed the method of Euclid's "Elements," using 36 Definitions, one single Axiom, 3 Postulates, and their substantiation with analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and some representative literature from philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology in order to discuss the nature, structure, function, and human as well as nonhuman relevance of the Absolute beyond the 'limits' of the Universe. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in the conclusion that Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, which is the 'source and sink' of all Apparent or Virtual Reality. Having met the required criteria, this tentative theory may be called: "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute."