A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 4, 1870-1990

Book Description

This is the fourth volume of A History of the University of Cambridge and explores the extraordinary growth in size and academic stature of the University between 1870 and 1990. Though the University has made great advances since the 1870s, when it was viewed as a provincial seminary, it is also the home of tradition: a federation of colleges, one over 700 years old, one of the 1970s. This book seeks to penetrate the nature of the colleges and of the federation; and to show the way in which university faculties and departments have come to vie with the colleges for this predominant role. It attempts to unravel a fascinating institutional story of the society of the University and its place in the world. It explores in depth the themes of religion and learning, and of the entry of women into a once male environment. There are portraits of seminal and characteristic figures of the Cambridge scene, and there is a sketch - inevitably selective but wide-ranging - of many disciplines, an extensive study in intellectual and academic history.

A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 2, 1546-1750

Book Description

This volume brings to completion the four-volume A History of the University of Cambridge, and is a vital contribution to the history not only of one major university, but of the academic societies of early modern Europe in general. Its main author, Victor Morgan, has made a special study of the relations between Cambridge and its wider world: the court and church hierarchy which sought to control it in the aftermath of the Reformation; the 'country', that is the provincial gentry; and the wider academic world. Morgan also finds the seeds of contemporary problems of university governance in the struggles which led to and followed the new Elizabethan Statutes of 1570. Christopher Brooke, General Editor and part-author, has contributed chapters on architectural history and among other themes a study of the intellectual giants of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

Oxford and Cambridge

Book Description

An illustrated history of Oxford and Cambridge beginning in the 12th century and continuing through to the present day, written in an engaging style and accompanied by 219 magnificent photographs.

History of Universities: Volume XV: 1997-1999

Book Description

Volume XV of History of Universities contains the customary mix of learned articles, book reviews, conference reports, and bibliographical information, which makes this publication such an indispensable tool for the historian of higher education. Its contributions range widely geographically, chronologically, and in subject-matter. The volume is, as always, a lively combination of original research and invaluable reference material.

Westminster Abbey Reformed

Book Description

Title first published in 2003. Westminster Abbey occupies a unique position in the religious and royal landscape of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. As the scene of coronations and other great public occasions, it has been the continuing focus of the nation's religious life for half the Christian era. Yet the building itself would not have survived the upheavals of the Protestant Reformation had the institution running it not been itself 'reformed' from monastery into collegiate church. These nine studies discuss ways in which Westminster's new corporate structure evolved in the first century of its existence, and look at some of the personalities who played a part in that process. New research, much of it in the Abbey's own rich archive, opens up previously unseen views of this great church's internal affairs, its relationship with the Crown, and its place in its own locality.

The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science

Book Description

This book shows how Marshall's distinctive contributions to modern economics grew out of his early development of a neo-Hegelian social philosophy.

St John's College, Cambridge

Book Description

The first book to describe fully the foundations and development of St John's College Cambridge, highlighting the role its alumni have always played in the life of the nation. Within a generation of its foundation on the site of a decayed hospital at the behest of Lady Margaret Beaufort, England's queen mother, the College of St John the Evangelist had established itself as one of the kingdom's foremosteducational establishments: in the words of one notable contemporary, as 'an university within it selfe' indeed. And in the period thereafter - the years between 1511 and 1989, the period covered by the present volume - St John's has continued to provide its fair share of Prime Ministers and other politicians, bishops, Nobel laureates, artists, writers, and sporting heroes, as well as to irrigate the rich loam of the nation's history in all sorts of other unexpected ways and places. However, not until the organisation of the College's archives and records in the present generation has it been possible to describe in sufficient detail the full story of that progress and adequately to trace the College's development and achievements in recent centuries. The present history, the first since the early 1700s to provide a systematic and informed account of the subject, seeks to make good this historical defect. It is published as part of the celebration of the quincentenary of the College's foundation.