Advancing Information Systems Theories

Book Description

The information systems (IS) field represents a multidisciplinary area that links the rapidly changing technology of information (or communications and information technology, ICT) to the business and social environment. Despite the potential that the IS field has to develop its own native theories to address current issues involving ICT it has consistently borrowed theories from its “reference disciplines,” often uncritically, to legitimize its research. This volume is the first of a series intended to advance IS research beyond this form of borrowed legitimization and derivative research towards fresh and original research that naturally comes from its own theories. It is inconceivable for a field so relevant to the era of the hyper-connected society, disruptive technologies, big data, social media, "fake news" and the weaponization of information to not be brimming with its own theories. The first step in reaching the goal of developing native IS theories is to reach an agreement on the need for theory (its rationale) and its role as the most distinctive product of human intellectual activity. This volume addresses what theories are, why bother with theories and the process of theorizing itself because the process of developing theories cannot be divorced from the product of that process. It will lay out a research agenda for decades to come and will be invaluable reading for any academic in the IS field and related disciplines concerned with information, systems, technology and their management.

Advancing Information Systems Theories, Volume II

Book Description

Information systems research (IS) is an exciting multidisciplinary area that links the rapidly changing technology of information (or communications and information technology, ICT) to the business and social environment. Lately, the discourse surrounding information and systems has leaped into the consciousness of the public in unprecedented ways through the rise of social media, the Internet of Things (IoT), 'fake news' and the weaponization of information, to name a few. Unfortunately, it has been felt that these developments are overtaking the ability of the IS field to address them, in part, because the field itself lacks its own native theories. It is well known that the IS field undertakes its research using theories from its 'reference disciplines' such as management, social psychology, economics, communication and computer science, but what this book offers is a clarification and implementation of the discipline's own foundational theory. This book is the companion volume to Advancing Information Systems Theories: Volume I, and part of a three part series that aims to advance IS research. This volume addresses the products of information systems theories, examining design principles, information, practice principles for robotics, and other concepts integral to developing theory. The book will be of interest to academics studying information systems, Big Data, digital business, information technology, innovation management, and digital management.

Advancing Information Systems Theories, Volume II

Book Description

Information systems research (IS) is an exciting multidisciplinary area that links the rapidly changing technology of information (or communications and information technology, ICT) to the business and social environment. Lately, the discourse surrounding information and systems has leaped into the consciousness of the public in unprecedented ways through the rise of social media, the Internet of Things (IoT), 'fake news' and the weaponization of information, to name a few. Unfortunately, it has been felt that these developments are overtaking the ability of the IS field to address them, in part, because the field itself lacks its own native theories. It is well known that the IS field undertakes its research using theories from its 'reference disciplines' such as management, social psychology, economics, communication and computer science, but what this book offers is a clarification and implementation of the discipline's own foundational theory. This book is the companion volume to Advancing Information Systems Theories: Volume I, and part of a three part series that aims to advance IS research. This volume addresses the products of information systems theories, examining design principles, information, practice principles for robotics, and other concepts integral to developing theory. The book will be of interest to academics studying information systems, Big Data, digital business, information technology, innovation management, and digital management.

Information Systems Theory

Book Description

The overall mission of this book is to provide a comprehensive understanding and coverage of the various theories and models used in IS research. Specifically, it aims to focus on the following key objectives: To describe the various theories and models applicable to studying IS/IT management issues. To outline and describe, for each of the various theories and models, independent and dependent constructs, reference discipline/originating area, originating author(s), seminal articles, level of analysis (i.e. firm, individual, industry) and links with other theories. To provide a critical review/meta-analysis of IS/IT management articles that have used a particular theory/model. To discuss how a theory can be used to better understand how information systems can be effectively deployed in today’s digital world. This book contributes to our understanding of a number of theories and models. The theoretical contribution of this book is that it analyzes and synthesizes the relevant literature in order to enhance knowledge of IS theories and models from various perspectives. To cater to the information needs of a diverse spectrum of readers, this book is structured into two volumes, with each volume further broken down into two sections. The first section of Volume 1 presents detailed descriptions of a set of theories centered around the IS lifecycle, including the Success Model, Technology Acceptance Model, User Resistance Theories, and four others. The second section of Volume 1 contains strategic and economic theories, including a Resource-Based View, Theory of Slack Resources, Portfolio Theory, Discrepancy Theory Models, and eleven others. The first section of Volume 2 concerns socio-psychological theories. These include Personal Construct Theory, Psychological Ownership, Transactive Memory, Language-Action Approach, and nine others. The second section of Volume 2 deals with methodological theories, including Critical Realism, Grounded Theory, Narrative Inquiry, Work System Method, and four others. Together, these theories provide a rich tapestry of knowledge around the use of theory in IS research. Since most of these theories are from contributing disciplines, they provide a window into the world of external thought leadership.

Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology

Book Description

The articles in this book constitute the proceedings papers from the IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, "IS2000: The Social and Organizational Perspective on Research and Practice in Information Technology," held June 1 0-12, 2000, in Aalborg, Denmark. The focus of the conference, and therefore this book, is on the basic aim of the working group, namely, the investigation of the interrelationships among four major components: information systems (IS), information technology (IT), organizations, and society. This basic social and organizational perspective on research and practice in information technology may have evolved substantially since the founding ofthe group, for example, increasing the emphasis on IS development. The plan for the conference was partially rooted in the early WG 8.2 traditions, in which working conferences were substantially composed of invited papers. For IS2000, roughly half of the paper presentations were planned to be invited; the remaining half were planned to be double-blind refereed in response to a "Call For Papers." Invited papers were single-blind reviewed in order to provide the authors with pre-publication feedback and comments, along with the opportunity to revise their papers prior to its final incorporation in this book.

Advanced Information Systems Engineering

Book Description

th CAiSE 2004 was the 16 in the series of International Conferences on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. In the year 2004 the conference was hosted by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Latvia. Since the late 1980s, the CAiSE conferences have provided a forum for the presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences within the ?eld of Information Systems Engineering. The conference theme of CAiSE 2004 was Knowledge and Model Driven Information Systems Engineering for Networked Organizations. Modern businesses and IT systems are facing an ever more complex en- ronment characterized by openness, variety, and change. Organizations are - coming less self-su?cient and increasingly dependent on business partners and other actors. These trends call for openness of business as well as IT systems, i.e. the ability to connect and interoperate with other systems. Furthermore, organizations are experiencing ever more variety in their business, in all c- ceivable dimensions. The di?erent competencies required by the workforce are multiplying. In the same way, the variety in technology is overwhelming with a multitude of languages, platforms, devices, standards, and products. Moreover, organizations need to manage an environment that is constantly changing and where lead times, product life cycles, and partner relationships are shortening. ThedemandofhavingtoconstantlyadaptITtochangingtechnologiesandbu- ness practices has resulted in the birth of new ideas which may have a profound impact on the information systems engineering practices in future years, such as autonomic computing, component and services marketplaces and dynamically generated software.

Advanced Information Systems Engineering

Book Description

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2011, held in London, UK, in June 2011. The 42 revised full papers and 5 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 320 submissions. In addtion the book contains the abstracts of 2 keynote speeches. The contributions are organized in topical sections on requirements; adaptation and evolution; model transformation; conceptual design; domain specific languages; case studies and experiences; mining and matching; business process modelling; validation and quality; and service and management.

The Semiotics of Information Systems

Book Description

The central concepts of information meaning, embodied cognition and semiotics are hugely relevant to contemporary organisations and personal and social lives. However, these concepts are not well understood and are frequently under-represented, misrepresented, and their importance seriously underplayed in the study of management. This is particularly noticeable in the study of the information systems and digital technologies that underpin so much of business operations, personal and social life, organisation, communication and management today. This book seeks to fill the obvious gap. It provides detailed understanding of fundamental concepts and develops a useable, integrative semiotics framework. The framework is grounded in rich social theory and philosophy, and, as the book demonstrates, provides a valuable exploratory and explanatory framework for researchers. This takes shape as a 12-step research process, that has the general features of most research methodologies but also provides distinctive rich resources for in-depth research into semiotically related phenomena. It will be of great interest to academics undertaking research in digital technologies and business model innovation, as well as scholars of research methodology, organisation studies, HRM, marketing and information systems.

Design Research in Information Systems

Book Description

It is 5 years since the publication of the seminal paper on “Design Science in Information Systems Research” by Hevner, March, Park, and Ram in MIS Quarterly and the initiation of the Information Technology and Systems department of the Communications of AIS. These events in 2004 are markers in the move of design science to the forefront of information systems research. A suf cient interval has elapsed since then to allow assessment of from where the eld has come and where it should go. Design science research and behavioral science research started as dual tracks when IS was a young eld. By the 1990s, the in ux of behavioral scientists started to dominate the number of design scientists and the eld moved in that direction. By the early 2000s, design people were having dif culty publishing in mainline IS journals and in being tenured in many universities. Yes, an annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS) was established in 1991 in conju- tion with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and grew each year. But that was the extent of design science recognition. Fortunately, a revival is underway. By 2009, when this foreword was written, the fourth DESRIST c- ference has been held and plans are afoot for the 2010 meeting. Design scientists regained respect and recognition in many venues where they previously had little.

Grey Information

Book Description

Rapid formation and development of new theories of systems science have become an important part of modern science and technology. For - ample, since the 1940s, there have appeared systems theory, information theory, fuzzy mathematics, cybernetics, dissipative structures, synergetics, catastrophe theory, chaos theory, bifurcations, ultra circulations, dynamics, and many other systems theories. Grey systems theory is also one of such systems theories that appeared initially in the 1980s. When the research of systems science and the method and technology of systems engineering are applied in various traditional disciplines, such as management science, decision science, and various scienti?c disciplines, a whole new group of new results and breakthroughs are obtained. Such a historical background has provided the environment and soil for grey systems theory to form and to develop rapidly in the past 20-plus years. More speci?cally, in 1982, Professor Deng Ju-Long published the ?rst research paper in the area of grey systems in the international journal entitled Systems and Control Letters, published by North-Holland Co. His paper was titled “Control Problems of Grey Systems. ” The publication of this paper signalled the birth of grey systems theory after many years of e ective research of the founding father. This new theory soon caught the attention of the international academic community and practitioners of science. Many well-known scholars, such as Chinese academicians Qian Xueshen, Song Jian, and Zhang Zhongjun. Professor Roger W.