Book Description

It is Now 2015, and Eva Shar is with me. Since our meeting, we have created a Wonderful Presentation for Everyone. We are Seen together on The RealSide with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides, and WE stand as WorldWide Educators with Rebazar, Paul, Fubbi, Gopal, ShamIS, Yauble and all The RealGuides with THE ALLIS. I cannot say that this world is ready for The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, but as this world becomes more desperate to WakeUp to 'What IS Real Now,' people will begin to See Beyond the fallacies of The Deceptors. This RealAdventure is not for everyone, as most people will stay with their LA LA Land Life on earth and be Emotionally Attached to the old Kontrolled ideas of boring tradition and 'pretty words' from politicians, religious deceptors and ancient outdated masters and gurus. LifeIS Always Bigger than our personal selves. Until you understand this, you will be TapLined and Trapped in this Designed Creation Matrix of The Deceptors.


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS IS The TruReality in My NUBooks. Rebazar & The Real UNUversal Guides are Wonderful FreeBeings of RealLight from THE ALLIS. Most of this world looks to the Gods of Man, which were born 'ideas' from the Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) who rule the earth and the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). Sing The NU~U, The NUSound LifeIS, and Watch Your DreamVisions. Life will show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

To most of the general public what I am presenting is not known or common knowledge, because the existing KEK Systems make sure that most people are very Dumbed Down and Subliminally Kontrolled. I have come up thru my own RealExperiences and this is what I am sharing and also 'Reporting The RealNews' as to what is actually happening on the earth Right Now. What I am presenting is not a spiritual teaching or a path. I am Simply Real. I stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & THE ALLIS. In 2001, I was given The Rod of Power from Rebazar & Paul, and this is when Harry was supposed to announce me and step aside, but SHE would not let him. There is so much to this adventure and story, a lot more than I am writing here. In August 2007, The RealPosition became THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN. At this time I was finally ready to do what I came here to do. I suggest to take your time as you read this NUBook Two, as I have brought in many NUExperiences.


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS IS The TruReality in My NUBooks. Rebazar & The Real UNUversal Guides are Wonderful FreeBeings of RealLight from THE ALLIS. Most of this world looks to the Gods of Man, which were born 'ideas' from the Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) who rule the earth and the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). Sing The NU~U, The NUSound LifeIS, and Watch Your DreamVisions. Life will show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS IS The TruReality in My NUBooks. Rebazar & The Real UNUversal Guides are Wonderful FreeBeings of RealLight from THE ALLIS. Most of this world looks to the Gods of Man, which were born 'ideas' from the Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) who rule the earth and the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). Sing The NU~U, The NUSound LifeIS, and Watch Your DreamVisions. Life will show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS IS The TruReality in My NUBooks. Rebazar & The Real UNUversal Guides are Wonderful FreeBeings of RealLight from THE ALLIS. Most of this world looks to the Gods of Man, which were born 'ideas' from the Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) who rule the earth and the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). Sing The NU~U, The NUSound LifeIS, and Watch Your DreamVisions. Life will show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

The interpretation of a person's DreamVisions is as old as the human race, as it has been from the race of humans The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, has attempted to communicate with a person's mind and senses. The nightly DreamVisions of people always hint at powerful motivations, feelings, and desires. Our disguised Dream Visions, also hint at many wonderful experiences with The Real UNUversal Guides. There is always some form of prophecy and warnings from other worlds of some impending danger or something wonderful. Everyone has these nightly experiences, but very few pay attention. The world of humans is Now at a very crucial point and a person's DreamVisions should be an overall part of every person's life. If this is not so, then they are merely living a one-dimensional life, and they are mainly at the mercy of the Gods of Men and the Authoritarians who rule the earth. The earth is a Test Zone, as it will someday perish, so it is time to WakeUp Now!

Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too

Book Description

Drawing. Reading. Building. Painting. These are things Nelly loves to do…but they’re always better with Daddy Gnu! With fun-to-read rhyme, a little silliness, and a lot of warmth, Anna Dewdney—the creator of the beloved llama llama books—tells the story of a daughter and her daddy and their wonderful day together.


Book Description

To most of the general public what I am presenting is not known or common knowledge. I have come up thru my own RealExperiences and this is what I am sharing and also 'Reporting The RealNews' as to what is actually happening on the earth Right Now. We are Duane&Eva The Great Writers. WE created The NUPresentation as a WorldWide Education & WakeUp for Everyone. What We are presenting is not religious, political or a spiritual teaching or a path and WE do not have 'followers' as do the masters and gurus of days gone by. We are Simply Real with everything I do and present. I stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality, THE ALLIS. In 2001, I was given The Rod of Power from Rebazar & Paul. See for yourself on The RealSide in Your DreamVisions... / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

I more than understand what you out there are saying about, "Where is the Love, Duane?" We have all come up through the 'Idea of Love' moreso than the 'Reality LUV IS!' I will explain the best I can to where YU, The RealU, can somewhat understand, but there will always be those who will want to hold onto their Personal Emotional Attachments and ideas about what they 'Think' LUV IS. Just like anything, what we have come to learn about the idea of Love, Personal and Emotional Love that is, is that there are many stages and always more to learn. For the most part, many people take for granted what they 'Think' is Love and how others should react accordingly, or it seems as though this person or that person does not at all care, but there is always more to See, Understand & Experience with anything. There is the old saying, 'Love Makes The World Go Round!' Is this really so, or is this just a cute idea that people like to feel good about? You Decide. /