Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - Nederlands

Book Description

Naast de publicatie, Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware – Nederlands (ISBN: 9789401803564) adviseren wij bij dit materiaal gebruik te maken van het boek Agile Scrum Handboek (ISBN: 9789401803502) Dit is een eenvoudige, gemakkelijk te begrijpen gids voor iedereen die het Agility concept en het Scrum framework wil leren. Het behandelt de onderliggende concepten en principes, samen met Scrumrollen en -verantwoordelijkheden, gebeurtenissen, artifacts en schalingsbenaderingen, evenals algemene praktijken en technieken. ❶ In plaats van lof te uiten voor Agility, concentreert het boek zich op het begrijpen van de ware betekenis ervan op een eenvoudige en consistente manier en bekijkt het de soorten projecten waar het werkt en waar dat mogelijk niet werkt. Dit fundament helpt je de weg te vinden in dagelijkse problemen in de echte wereld. ❷ Het boek is een complete gids voor de kern van het Scrum framework, gebaseerd op de Scrum Guide (editie nov 2017). Het behandelt alle rollen en verantwoordelijkheden, events en artifacts, met een korte sectie over het schalen van Scrum. ❸ Er is een hoofdstuk over eXtreme Programming, dat is gebruikt als excuus om een aantal van de belangrijkste Agile-werkwijzen en -technieken, zoals Test Driven Development en Pair Programming, op een geïntegreerde manier te verkennen. ❹ Het vierde hoofdstuk is een overzicht van de DSDM® methodiek, dat voornamelijk gericht is op de aanpak en het beheer van scope- en fixed-price contracten op een gestructureerde manier. ❺ In het laatste hoofdstuk is er een overzicht van Kanban en ScrumBan. Dit boek is in lijn met het certificeringsprogramma van EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation. Agility-concept en het Scrum framework wil leren. Het behandelt de onderliggende concepten en principes, samen met Scrumrollen en -verantwoordelijkheden, gebeurtenissen, artifacts en schalingsbenaderingen, evenals algemene praktijken en technieken. ❶ In plaats van lof te uiten voor Agility, concentreert het boek zich op het begrijpen van de ware betekenis ervan op een eenvoudige en consistente manier en bekijkt het de soorten projecten waar het werkt en waar dat mogelijk niet werkt. Dit fundament helpt je de weg te vinden in dagelijkse problemen in de echte wereld. ❷ Het boek is een complete gids voor de kern van het Scrum framework, gebaseerd op de Scrum Guide (editie nov 2017). Het behandelt alle rollen en verantwoordelijkheden, events en artifacts, met een korte sectie over het schalen van Scrum. ❸ Er is een hoofdstuk over eXtreme Programming, dat is gebruikt als excuus om een aantal van de belangrijkste Agile-werkwijzen en -technieken, zoals Test Driven Development en Pair Programming, op een geïntegreerde manier te verkennen. ❹ Het vierde hoofdstuk is een overzicht van de DSDM® methodiek, dat voornamelijk gericht is op de aanpak en het beheer van scope- en fixed-price contracten op een gestructureerde manier. ❺ In het laatste hoofdstuk is er een overzicht van Kanban en ScrumBan. Dit boek is in lijn met het certificeringsprogramma van EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation.

Global Standards and Publications Edition 2023 - 2024

Book Description

Van Haren Publishing is the world’s leading publisher in best practice, methods and standards within IT Management, Project Management, Enterprise Architecture and Business Management. We are the official publisher for some of the world’s leading organizations and their frameworks including: BIAN, CATS, DID Foundation, Half Double Institute, Agile Consortium, IACCM, IAOP, IPMA, ISM, LSSA, Nederlandse AI Coalitie, PMI, The Open Group. This catalog will provide you with an overview of our learning solutions and training material but also gives you a quality summary on internationally relevant frameworks. Van Haren Publishing is an independent, worldwide recognized publisher, well known for our extensive professional network (authors, reviewers and accreditation bodies of standards), flexibility and years of experience. We make content available in hard copy and digital formats, designed to suit your personal preference (iPad, Kindle and online), available through over 2000 distribution partners (Amazon, Google Play, Managementboek and, etc.).

Agile Scrum Foundation

Book Description

This is a simple, easy-to-understand guide for anyone who wants to learn the Agility concept and the Scrum framework. It covers the underlying concepts and principles, along with Scrum roles and responsibilities, events, artifacts, and scaling approaches, as well as common practices and techniques. ❶ Instead of praising Agility, the book focuses on understanding the real meaning of it in a straightforward and consistent way and reviews the types of projects where it may work and where it may not. This foundation will help you find your way in real world daily problems. ❷ The book is a complete guide to the core Scrum framework, based on the Scrum Guide (Nov 2017 edition). It covers all roles and responsibilities, events, and artifacts, with a short section about scaling Scrum. ❸ There's a chapter on eXtreme Programming, which has been used as an excuse to explore some of the most important Agile practices and techniques, such as Test-Driven Development and Pair-Programming, in an integrated way. ❹ The fourth chapter is an overview of the DSDM(R) methodology, which is mainly focused on its approach to managing scope and fixed-price contracts in a structured way. ❺ There's an overview of Kanban and ScrumBan in the last chapter. This book is aligned with the EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation certification program.

PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation Courseware – NEDERLANDS

Book Description

We adviseren naast de PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation Courseware - Nederlands ook het officiële PRINCE2 Agile boek aan te schaffen (ISBN: 978 9925 600 47 2). PRINCE2 Agile® foundation is geschikt voor iedereen die werkt in projecten, groot of klein in een agile omgeving Het PRINCE2 Agile® foundation certificaat is voor professionals die werken in projecten en integreert projectmanagement met product oplevering. Dit vereist inzicht in Agile concepten die zijn uitgewerkt in PRINCE2 Agile. Tevens is dit van meerwaarde voor degene met projectbesturingsverantwoordelijkheden PRINCE2 Agile® biedt het beste van twee werelden, door de kloof te overbruggen tussen wat wordt gezien als een meer 'traditionele' projectmanagement methodologie en de technieken die Agile manieren van werken zo succesvol maken, Het is gebaseerd op het PRINCE2-raamwerk, en PRINCE2 Agile kan gemakkelijk worden toegepast in elke projectomgeving en het biedt handvatten om te worden aangepast, afhankelijk van uw industrie, Sector, de grootte van het project, het producttype, enzovoort. Het kan worden gebruikt met elke gevestigde Agile-aanpak. (SCRUM, Kanban, Lean Start-up) Een van de belangrijkste kenmerken die agile projecten kenmerkt, is de collaboratieve, incrementele manier van opleveren. In tegenstelling tot sommige meer traditionele methoden, waarbij u het afgewerkte product of de producten pas aan het einde van het project kunt zien, stelt het incrementele leveringsproces van PRINCE2 Agile u in staat om te profiteren van de waarde van uw product(en) gedurende het project. Voordelen • Het is aanpasbaar voor uw situatie • Het is een goede introductie tot Agile in een PRINCE2 organisatie • Focus zowel op het project als op het resultaat • Het wordt veel gebruikt • Je kunt eerder Waarde/Value realiseren • Het is de perfecte mix tussen beheersing en flexibiliteit in oplevering

Scrum – A Pocket Guide - 2nd edition

Book Description

This pocket guide to Scrum is the one book for everyone who wants to learn or re-learn about Scrum. The book describes the framework as it was designed and intended, with a strong focus on the purpose to the rules and adding an historical perspective to Scrum and the Agile movement. Several elements that were described in the first edition of Scrum - A Pocket Guide (2013) were later added to the official Scrum Guide. The most noticeable ones are the Scrum Values (2016) and the description of the 3 questions of the Daily Scrum as a good, yet optional practice (2017). As the balance of society keeps shifting from industrial labor to digital work, complexity and unpredictability keep increasing. The need for agility through Scrum increases equally, in and beyond software and product development. This 2nd edition of Scrum - A Pocket Guide offers the clarity and insights on Scrum that many organizations need, today and in the foreseeable future. Scrum – A Pocket Guide is an extraordinarily competent book. It flows with insight, understanding, and perception. This should be the de facto standard handout for all looking for a complete, yet clear overview of Scrum without being bothered by irrelevancies. (Ken Schwaber, Scrum co-creator) The author, Gunther Verheyen, is a seasoned Scrum practitioner (2003). Throughout his standing career as a consultant, Gunther has employed Scrum in diverse circumstances. He was partner to Ken Schwaber and Director of the Professional Scrum series at He is the founder of Ullizee-Inc and engages with people and organizations as an independent Scrum Caretaker.

Scrum - A Pocket Guide

Book Description

This pocket guide is the one book to read for everyone who wants to learn about Scrum. The book covers all roles, rules and the main principles underpinning Scrum, and is based on the Scrum Guide Edition 2013. A broader context to this fundamental description of Scrum is given by describing the past and the future of Scrum. The author, Gunther Verheyen, has created a concise, yet complete and passionate reference about Scrum. The book demonstrates his core view that Scrum is about a journey, a journey of discovery and fun. He designed the book to be a helpful guide on that journey. Ken Schwaber, Scrum co-creator says that this book currently is the best available description of Scrum around. The book combines some rare characteristics: • It describes Scrum in its entirety, yet places it in a broader context (of past and future). • The author focuses on the subject, Scrum, in a way that it truly supports the reader. The book has a language and style in line with the philosophy of Scrum. • The book shows the playfulness of Scrum. David Starr and Ralph Jocham, Professional Scrum trainers and early agile adopters, say that this is the ultimate book to be advised as follow-up book to the students they teach Scrum to and to teams and managers of organizations that they coach Scrum to.

Fundamentals of Contract and Commercial Management

Book Description

This ground-breaking title from the world s leading authority on contemporary contracting best practices, the IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) delivers a lively and practical complete insight into the contracting process which is useful in both business and personal life. Contracts are the language of business, and this book gives readers the essentials that can make a difference to any deal, no matter how big or small. Designed for the non-contract business professional, this book takes project managers and other professionals through the basic process and gives them a road map to improved results, increased value, and successful outcomes In this book you ll find sensible guidance and approaches to ensure business success. Case studies showing you what can go wrong and what can go right -- bring theory into the real world. Checklists give confidence and enable you to be certain that you have asked and answered the right questions as you go through any deal. This real-world approach demonstrates the value of effective contracting. This is not dry, academic prose. It is compelling and dynamic advice and tools to manage business relationships for both buyers and sellers.

Agile for responsive organizations - A Pocket Guide

Book Description

Agile is a philosophy that ensures business results, especially in this rapidly changing world. The foundation for the focus on result is based on continuous improvement of customer satisfaction, Customer Excellence! The ideas originated in the world of software development, but is more widely applicable. This book is about applying Agile from team level to the level of the whole organization. It is the guide in the transformation to a structured Agile way of working and a reference for those who already are Agile and want to take it to the next step. The book provides a good foundation for the `Certify to inspire 'program of the Agile Consortium with certification at the level of Agile Foundation, Practitioner and Master. This pocket guide is intended for anyone who is, or will get involved in the transformation to Agile. The book is particularly aimed at managers, team members and coaches. Topics covered: Agile at organization level; Agile (project) management, Scrum combined with PRINCE2®, measuring the transformation, coaching styles, Agile, Lean and continuous improvement, distributed teams, directing self-organizing teams, Agile and governance, and of course the book contains many practical tips. The authors are Certified Agile Masters and their years of experience with Agile transformations are brought together in this book. The answers to the many questions of managers, teams and others are also included in this book. The result is a convenient and practical overview of the Agile approach from team-level up to organizational level as well as the main issues that you encounter in the transformation to an agile organization.

IT Capability Maturity FrameworkTM (IT-CMFTM)

Book Description

Business organizations, both public and private, are constantly challenged to innovate and generate real value. CIOs are uniquely well-positioned to seize this opportunity and adopt the role of business transformation partner, helping their organizations to grow and prosper with innovative, IT-enabled products, services and processes. To succeed in this, however, the IT function needs to manage an array of inter-related and inter-dependent disciplines focused on the generation of business value. In response to this need, the Innovation Value Institute, a cross-industry international consortium, developed the IT Capability Maturity Framework(TM) (IT-CMF(TM)). This second edition of the IT Capability Maturity Framework(TM) (IT-CMF(TM)) is a comprehensive suite of tried and tested practices, organizational assessment approaches, and improvement roadmaps covering key IT capabilities needed to optimize value and innovation in the IT function and the wider organization. It enables organizations to devise more robust strategies, make better-informed decisions, and perform more effectively, efficiently and consistently. IT-CMF is: - An integrated management toolkit covering 36 key capability management disciplines, with organizational maturity profiles, assessment methods, and improvement roadmaps for each. - A coherent set of concepts and principles, expressed in business language, that can be used to guide discussions on setting goals and evaluating performance. - A unifying (or umbrella) framework that complements other, domain-specific frameworks already in use in the organization, helping to resolve conflicts between them, and filling gaps in their coverage. - Industry/sector and vendor independent. IT-CMF can be used in any organizational context to guide performance improvement. - A rigorously developed approach, underpinned by the principles of Open Innovation and guided by the Design Science Research methodology, synthesizing leading academic research with industry practitioner expertise

ITIL® 4 – A Pocket Guide

Book Description

The ITIL pocket guides of Van Haren Publishing are since long recognized as the industry classic guide on the topic of ITIL, in many languages. Over the years this authoritative guide has earned its place on the bookshelves and in the briefcases of industry experts as they implement best practices within their organizations. This pocket guide will provide readers with an understanding of the ITIL 4 service management framework, by: • understanding the key concepts of service management • understanding how the seven ITIL guiding principles can help an organization adopt and adapt service management • understanding the four dimensions of service management • understanding the purpose and components of the ITIL service value system • understanding the six activities of the service value chain, and how they interconnect • knowing the purpose and key terms of 15 of the 34 ITIL practices • understanding seven of these 15 ITIL practices in detail All exam requirements for the ITIL 4 Foundation exam are covered in this pocket guide. It also provides support for everyone who has knowledge of previous ITIL editions and is looking for a bridge to the new edition. ITIL 4 took a big leap into the modern world of IT service management, covering the latest principles and practices in a customer-focused, service-centric way, enabling Agile principles for maximum support of any business.