Yunuen Y El Bosque Magico Múul Ixmucané

Book Description

Yunuen es un pequeño que es adoptado por Uyama y Pedro quienes se convierten en sus tutores responsables esto debido a un lejano pariente que fallece en el pueblo vecino a ellos. Uyama en el trayecto de recoger al niño debe regresar por la selva y montes que separan a los dos pequeños pueblos, pero en la trayectoria de regreso, conoce a un duende maldito cuya responsabilidad es custodiar la entrada a las puertas del inframundo y a un joven de raíces mayas con dones sobrenaturales, quienes tienen un pequeño enfrentamiento del cual Uyama y el pequeño salen ilesos gracias a que llegan Pedro y algunos amigos, pero en ese pequeño lapso el joven maya le solicita que cuando haya pasado un determinado tiempo Uyama deberá entregarle al pequeño. Lo llaman Yunuen y vive un tiempo con ellos aprendiendo aceleradamente, pero al ver que ya no le podían enseñar mas, sin más Uyama muy a su pesar va a donde se encuentra el joven maya y le entrega a Yunuen; en donde el niño sin negarse se va con el y se maravilla del bosque mágico en el que ahora se encuentra y conforme va creciendo y aprendiendo en un mundo mágico de duendes, hadas y seres mágicos que se convierten en sus amigos y donde el joven maya se convierte en su maestro y mentor quien ayudados por otros maestros le enseñan a defenderse, desarrollar y controlar sus dones sobrenaturales. Más adelante en un descuido el Maestro mentor es atacado por el ente maldito, quién a su vez a estado asediando a los pueblerinos y acechando al pueblo con la intención ya marcada de apoderarse de ese prospero y pequeño lugar a lo que Yunuen tiene dos trabajos uno salvar al pueblo y el segundo es que sin saber que esta situación será el medio para salvar a su maestro mentor de sus maléficas garras, pero para ello él se tendrá que enfrentar al ente maldito y a sus soldados que andan con él.

37000+ Portuguese - Spanish Spanish - Portuguese Vocabulary

Book Description

""37000+ Portuguese - Spanish Spanish - Portuguese Vocabulary" - is a list of more than 37000 words translated from Portuguese to Spanish, as well as translated from Spanish to Portuguese.Easy to use- great for tourists and Portuguese speakers interested in learning Spanish. As well as Spanish speakers interested in learning Portuguese.

37000+ Portuguese - Spanish Spanish - Portuguese Vocabulary

Book Description

""37000+ Portuguese - Spanish Spanish - Portuguese Vocabulary" - is a list of more than 37000 words translated from Portuguese to Spanish, as well as translated from Spanish to Portuguese.Easy to use- great for tourists and Portuguese speakers interested in learning Spanish. As well as Spanish speakers interested in learning Portuguese.


Book Description

In un piccolo villaggio del nord, un pescatore decide di partire per uno dei suoi saltuari viaggi in mare. La notte che precede la partenza, però, scoppia un temporale, che per i pescatori di quei luoghi è presagio di malasorte e collera divina. Untar decide di salpare ugualmente, accompagnato dal suo primogenito Harold. Dopo un paio di giorni di ordinaria navigazione e buona pesca, i due vengono affiancati, in una notte nebbiosa, da una nave da guerra, notevolmente danneggiata e a prima vista, completamente deserta. Presto alcuni individui scivoleranno di nascosto sulla barca di Untar, allo scopo di prenderne possesso e fuggire dai loro inseguitori, tra loro un vecchio druido e un singolare soldato con una gamba sola. Il pacato pescatore si rivelerà un sanguinoso guerriero, il cui passato e le gesta sono risaputi in tutte le terre e cantate da tutti i popoli. Il mondo lo crede morto, e suo figlio è all’oscuro di tutto, ma gli uomini che occupano la barca non tarderanno a riconoscerlo. I celati segreti del suo passato riaffioreranno e i nemici che lo avevano dimenticato, torneranno a tormentarlo.

A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide Spanish to English to Portuguese

Book Description

The Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide, Spanish to English to Portuguese, highlights over 5,000 selected Spanish words that have either the same spelling and meaning as their English and Portuguese counterparts or contain easily recognizable English and Portuguese meanings. This guide jump-starts the student into a knowledge of Spanish or English or Portuguese, or all three, by concentrating on easily recognizable words common to these languages. It teaches a basic vocabulary by word association. This guide is designed after the "vocabulary first" method of language instruction as advocated by the author. The student then is taught how to structure a particular vocabulary into meaningful sentences and concepts.

52000+ Spanish - Italian Italian - Spanish Vocabulary

Book Description

""52000+ Spanish - Italian Italian - Spanish Vocabulary" - is a list of more than 52000 words translated from Spanish to Italian, as well as translated from Italian to Spanish.Easy to use- great for tourists and Spanish speakers interested in learning Italian. As well as Italian speakers interested in learning Spanish.

A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese

Book Description

The Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide, Spanish to English to Portuguese, highlights over 5,000 selected Spanish words that have either the same spelling and meaning as their English and Portuguese counterparts or contain easily recognizable English and Portuguese meanings. This guide jump-starts the student into a knowledge of Spanish or English or Portuguese, or all three, by concentrating on easily recognizable words common to these languages. It teaches a basic vocabulary by word association. This guide is designed after the "vocabulary first" method of language instruction as advocated by the author. The student then is taught how to structure a particular vocabulary into meaningful sentences and concepts.

37000+ Spanish - Portuguese Portuguese - Spanish Vocabulary

Book Description

""37000+ Spanish - Portuguese Portuguese - Spanish Vocabulary" - is a list of more than 37000 words translated from Spanish to Portuguese, as well as translated from Portuguese to Spanish.Easy to use- great for tourists and Spanish speakers interested in learning Portuguese. As well as Portuguese speakers interested in learning Spanish.

A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian

Book Description

The Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide, Spanish to English to Italian, highlights over 7,000 selected Spanish words that have either the same spelling and meaning as their English and Italian counterparts or contain easily recognizable English and Italian meanings. This guide jump-starts the student into a knowledge of Spanish or English or Italian, or all three, by concentrating on easily recognizable words common to these languages. It teaches a basic vocabulary by word association. This guide is designed after the "vocabulary first" method of language instruction as advocated by the author. The student then is taught how to structure a particular vocabulary into meaningful sentences and concepts.