Agriculture in the GATT

Book Description

Trade in temperate zone farm products between the developed countries has been beset with problems since the GATT's inception in 1947. The basic problem was always that the conditions in world agricultural markets were distorted by the national agricultural policies followed by all developed countries - policies which national authorities were reluctant to adapt to conform with the requirements of a liberal international trading system for agricultural products. This book describes and analyses the attempts that were made to make trade in agriculture less distorted, more stable and predictable, and less of a dangerous source of political friction between nations, in successive rounds of negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in the 45-year period from GATT's inception in 1947 to the end of the Uruguay Round in 1993. While the book analyses the development of international trade policy throughout the post-war period, particular attention is given to the Kennedy, Tokyo and Uruguay Rounds of GATT negotiations in which the problems of trade in agricultural products were confronted.

Agriculture, Trade, and the GATT

Book Description

The appendices includes major agriculture and trade legislation from 1933 to 1990, a summary of the articles of the GATT and contracting parties to the GATT.

Agriculture in the GATT

Book Description

Agriculture in the GATT: an overview; Criteria for evaluating trade reform proposals; The theoretical consequences of changing certain GATT provisions; Outline of a trade reform package.

International Trade Rules and the Agriculture Sector

Book Description

Since the establishment of the WTO, there have been significant changes in the legal and institutional landscape of many developing countries. Whatever the motivation for trade-related legal reform, our experience in the FAO Legal Office has been that besides the substantial costs involved, there are many challenges to successful and meaningful legal and institutional reforms. Legal drafters must therefore be well aware of the existing legal and administrative culture. They must also have a realistic appreciation of the resource constraints in the country, for inadequate resources certainly restrict the ability of implementing bodies to put new rules into practice. This study is about the nature and extent of these trade-related legal and institutional reforms with a particular focus on those of direct relevance to the agricultural sector. In addition to the sectoral focus on agriculture, the study places distinct emphasis on the challenges of developing countries in the implementation of trade-related international obligations in the agricultural sector. It derives from FAO's experience in advising countries on the implementation of agriculture-related WTO agreements, key elements of which are discussed and illustrated by three representative case studies.

Preparing for the GATT

Book Description

The Implications of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture for Developing Countries

Book Description

This Manual has been prepared as part of a series of training materials for use in programmes of capacity-building in policy formulation and analysis. Its aim is to explain the content of the Agreement on Agriculture and the main functions of the World Trade Organisation and to help agricultural policy analysts in developing countries assess the economic and administrative implications of the Agreement on Agriculture. In particular, the manual is meant to contribute to the formulation of WTO-compatible agricultural domestic and trade policies in investigating new trade opportunities and improving the understanding of the impact of the Agreement on a country's food security.

The GATT, Agriculture, and the Developing Countries

Book Description

Examination of proposal for tariffication and disciplines on subsidies and quantitative controls currently under negotiation; Special and differential treatment, agriculture, and the developing countries in the Uruguay round; Nontraditional exports of developing countries: the case of horticultural exports; The impact of trade liberalization on low-income, food-deficit countries; Food security and compensation: the role of the GATT; The impact of trade liberalization on domestic and international price instability.

Agriculture and the GATT

Book Description