Systems approaches for agricultural development

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The symposium In the next decades, agriculture will have to cope with an ever-increasing demand for food and raw basic materials on the one hand, and with the necessity to use resources without further degrading or exhausting the environment on the other hand, and all this within a dynamic framework of social and economic conditions. Intensification, sustainability, optimizing scarce resources, and climate change are among the key issues. Organized thinking about future farming requires forecasting of consequences of alternative ways to farm and to develop agriculture. The complexity of the problems calls for a systematic approach in which many disciplines are integrated. Systems thinking and systems simulation are therefore indispensable tools for such endeavours. About 150 scientists and senior research leaders participated in the symposium 'Systems Approaches for Agricultural Development' (SAAD) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, in December 1991. The symposium had the following objectives: - to review the status of systems research and modeling in agriculture, with special reference to evaluating their efficacy and efficiency in achieving research goals, and to their application in developing countries; - to promote international cooperation in modeling, and increase awareness of systems research and simulation. The symposium consisted of plenary sessions with reviews of major areas in systems approaches in agriculture, plus presentations in two concurrent sessions on technical topics of systems research. Subjects of studies were from tropical and temperate countries.


Book Description

The increasing interest of academicians in studies regarding regional disparities in development is the outcome of the First and Second World War when many colonies attained political independence and consequently became conscious of the distressing disparity between them and their erstwhile colonial masters. The world is divided into the developed North and developing South, with many shades of disparities at varying regional levels. This dualism could not escape the attention of academicians, decision-makers and administrators. In developing countries, the problem of regional disparity is explosive. So all countries have been attempting to find ways and means to analyze and reduce the regional disparities in development. For this, they could refashion the structure and composition of growth so that it would meet the demands of social justice.