Aider les élèves en difficulté en mathématiques CP/CE1

Book Description

Face aux difficultés en mathématiques d'un nombre important d'élèves de CP et de CE1, bien des enseignants se sentent démunis : les matériels pédagogiques existants prennent peu en compte les blocages qui se mettent en place et la multiplication des exercices d'entraînement s'avère peu efficace, surtout à long terme. Cet ouvrage recense et analyse les difficultés observées dans les classes, et propose, surtout à l'aide d'activités de manipulation, d'amener les élèves à élaborer les représentations mentales qui leur font défaut.

Français Interactif

Book Description

This textbook includes all 13 chapters of Français interactif. It accompanies, the web-based French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Tex's French Grammar (2000) Français interactif is an open acess site, a free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees. Français interactif has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251) as an example of the open access initiative.

Aider les élèves en difficulté en maths CP et CE1 - Tome 2

Book Description

Addition, soustraction, multiplication, géométrie plane, grandeurs et mesure Comme le tome 1, cet ouvrage analyse les difficultés généralement observées en mathématiques au cours des deux premières années de l’école élémentaire, pour aider les enseignants à faire face, en remédiation ou de manière préventive, aux difficultés rencontrées par un nombre important d’élèves de C.P.-C.E.1 en mathématiques. La démarche repose essentiellement sur des activités de manipulation, offrant de multiples manières d’amener les élèves à élaborer les représentations mentales qui leur font défaut et à assimiler les raisonnements indispensables. POINTS FORTS - Tableau des principales difficultés avec renvois aux propositions d’aide - Référentiel détaillé des compétences à acquérir pour surmonter chaque difficulté identifiée - Travail, conformément aux I.O. 2002, à partir de matériel : les supports retenus sont faciles à se procurer ou à fabriquer et généralement peu coûteux - Très nombreuses activités pour chaque difficulté, exploitables soit de manière individualisée, soit en petits groupes, voire collectivement - L'ensemble des deux volumes couvre la totalité du programme de mathématiques du cycle 2. SOMMAIRE Introduction 1) Les opérations 2) Géométrie plane 3) Grandeurs et mesure 4) Tableaux de repérage des difficultés par domaine, avec renvoi aux propositions d’aide correspondantes L'AUTEUR Catherine BERDONNEAU, docteur en didactique des mathématiques, est professeur de mathématiques à l’I.U.F.M. de Versailles. Elle assure depuis plus de vingt ans des actions de formation d’enseignants et de formateurs, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Elle est membre de la Commission Internationale pour l’Étude et l’Amélioration de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (C.I.E.A.E.M.) et du Conseil Scientifique de l’Association Générale des Institutrices et Instituteurs d’École Maternelle (A.G.I.E.M.). PUBLIC CIBLE - Enseignants de C.P.-C.E.1 confrontés aux difficultés en mathématiques de leurs élèves (voire enseignants de cycle 3 ayant à mettre en place des P.P.R.E.) - Maîtres-formateurs, C.P.C. et autres formateurs amenés à conseiller les enseignants sur la gestion de l’hétérogénéité et/ou l’aide individualisée - Enseignants des R.A.S.E.D. - Stagiaires en deuxième année d’I.U.F.M.

The Education Systems of the Americas

Book Description

This handbook focuses on and compares the education systems in the three Americas: North, Central and South America, and includes a chapter on most countries in the region. The chapters follow a common structure and include schematic diagrams of the structure of mainstream education from pre-primary to tertiary level. Each chapter starts with a description of the historical and social foundations of the education system from the post-World War II period up to today, including political, economic and cultural contexts and conditions. By highlighting important dates and structural decisions, the current education system can be understood as resulting from past developments. The first part ends with a description of the transitions to the labour market that are offered, and the way in which these are organized in the education system described. The second part consists of an overview of the institutional and organizational principles as well as the structure of education from pre-primary to tertiary level. It includes a focus on legislative bases and financial provisions for the education system and a description of the structure by using the ISCED-classification. It further includes information of the supply of human resources such as teachers and other educators. The third and final part of the handbook discusses selected educational trends and aspects. In this context, three topics are of particular interest: dealing with inequality, ICT and digitization activities, and STEM-related policies and programmes.

How Students (mis-) Understand Science and Mathematics

Book Description

In this long-awaited book, Timothy J. Lensmire examines the problems and promise of progressive literacy education. He does this by developing a series of striking metaphors in which, for example, he imagines the writing workshop as a carnival or popular festival and the teacher as a novelist who writes her student-characters into more and less desirable classroom stories. Grounded in Lensmire's own and others' work in schools, Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching makes powerful use of Bakhtin's theories of language and writing and Dewey's vision of schooling and democracy. Lensmire's book is, at once, a defense, a criticism, and a reconstruction of progressive and critical literacy approaches.

Transforming Children's Mathematics Education

Book Description

Eminent scholars from around the globe gathered to discuss how educational systems would change if the prevailing principles of constructivism were applied to three major aspects of those systems -- knowledge and learning, communication, and environment. This volume provides documentation of the proceedings of this important meeting - - the Early Childhood Action Group of the Sixth International Congress on Mathematics Education. This international assembly, representing such diverse disciplines as mathematics and math education, epistemology, philosophy, cognitive science, psycholinguistics, and science education, is the first to examine early childhood mathematics education from constructivist and international perspectives in addition to formulating recommendations for future work in the field.

Soil Analysis

Book Description

The objective of this book is to provide a better understanding of tools for soil analysis in order to use them more efficiently. It covers sampling problems as well as difficulties relating to actual analysis and quality control.

Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism

Book Description

The book is of interest to scholars of multilingualism, language teachers, researchers, and administrators who are developing policies on teaching English and promoting multilingualism. Given its scope, this edited collection provides an overview of how multilingualism is transforming the practice of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in diverse contexts around the world. It serves as a platform for discussions related to policy enactment where TESOL and multilingualism are viewed as collaborative endeavours and approaches the topic from three different angles. The first section of the book provides critical examinations of previous initiatives and accomplishments in the area of language policy development and implementation. The second section describes current projects and initiatives intended to expand and strengthen the field of TESOL while providing space for local and indigenous languages to develop. The third and last part of the book highlights policy development areas that need special consideration in order to develop a form of TESOL that builds on and contributes to multilingualism.