When do fishes become juveniles?

Book Description

Metamorphosis and the transition from larvae or embryos to juveniles in fishes are important in order to answer, for example, questions about: (1) life-history styles and their modifications in evolutionary perspective and within current environmental demands; (2) the development and application of fisheries recruitment models, (3) the use of ontogenetic scales for interspecific comparisons, (4) the identification of ontogenetic shifts in resource use, and (5) the discovery of evolutionary interrelationships of species or genera. This volume is dedicated to recent studies and reviews of existing knowledge on this insufficiently-addressed area of ichthyology. Most of the papers in this volume were presented in Bratislava, Slovakia, at the 1st International Workshop of the Fish Ontogeny Network of Europe (FONE) in September 1997, a meeting sponsored in part by the European Commission. This volume emphasizes an integrated approach to the study of fish ontogeny, which is a process during which one event is related to another and everything is related to everything else, encompassing physiology, morphology, behaviour and niche. Within this comprehensive perspective, the papers in this volume are grouped along four major themes: reflections on early ontogeny and metamorphosis, organism-environment relationships, ontogeny of predator-prey interactions, and behaviour and ontogeny. Among other issues, the papers consider topics such as whether one can identify when fish metamorphosis ends, whether the larva period begins with hatching or with the onset of exogenous feeding, whether fish ontogeny is `saltatory' or `gradual', and whether larvae are eliminated in some fishes with direct development. The keynote paper of this volume reviews the main topics within contemporary paradigms and the final paper concludes that the onset of the juvenile period can be identified in some species, but precision remains problematic, emphasizing the need for further research in this dynamic area of fish biology.

Environment, Development, and Evolution

Book Description

Leading researchers in evolutionary developmental biology seek linkages between, and a synthesis of, development, physiology, endocrinology, ecology, and evolution. Evolutionary developmental biology, also known as evo-devo or EDB, seeks to find links between development and evolution by opening the "black box" of development's role in evolution and in the evolution of developmental mechanisms. In particular, this volume emphasizes the roles of the environment and of hormonal signaling in evo-devo. It brings together a group of leading researchers to analyze the dynamic interaction of environmental factors with developmental and physiological processes and to examine how environmental signals are translated into phenotypic change, from the molecular and cellular level to organisms and groups of organisms. Taken together, these chapters demonstrate the crucial roles of those processes of genetic, developmental, physiological, and hormonal change that underpin evolutionary change in development, morphology, physiology, behavior, and life-history. Part I investigates links between environmental signals and developmental processes that could be preserved over evolutionary time. Several contributors evaluate the work of the late Ryuichi Matsuda, especially his emphasis on the role of the external environment in genetic change and variability ("pan-environmentalism"). Other contributors in part I analyze different aspects of environmental-genetic-evolutionary linkages, including the importance of alternate ontogenies in evolution and the paradox of stability over long periods of evolutionary time. Part II examines the plasticity that characterizes much of development, with contributors discussing such topics as gene regulatory networks and heterochronicity. Part III analyzes the role of hormones and metamorphosis in the evolution of such organisms with alternate life-history stages as lampreys, amphibians, and insects.

Parental Care: Evolution, Mechanisms, And Adaptive Significance

Book Description

Advances in the Study of Behavior presents its first thematic volume, focusing on the physiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying parental care. The book discusses parental care both within and across taxa, with coverage of invertebrates and early vertebrates, fishes, amphibia, reptiles, mammals, birds, and nonhuman primates. A running theme throughout the chapters shows that parental care is anchored to the ecology, reproductive physiology, and embryonic development of a species. Coverage also includes mechanisms of parental care, including analysis of the stimuli that parents respond to and how parental care is initiated, maintained, and terminated. Individual differences within species are also explored, examining stable differences in maternal style, how they arise, and the consequences for both mother and infant.

The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles

Book Description

Revealing the secrets of reptilian social relationships through original quantitative research, field studies, laboratory experiments, and careful analysis of the literature, The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles elevates these fascinating animals to key players in the science of behavioral ecology.

Women in ichthyology: an anthology in honour of ET, Ro and Genie

Book Description

This special volume is dedicated to the contributions of women ichthyologists. Three colleagues were selected to represent all women ichthyologists, Ethelwynn Trewavas (ET), Rosemary Lowe-McConnell (Ro) and Eugenie Clark (Genie). All have had distinguished professional careers and have contributed in their own ways to their science. The career of each is highlighted by a personal interview with one of the editors of the volume, a bibliography of their lifetime publications, and a biography of their careers. Questions of historical inequities and current controversies in the treatment of women ichthyologists by their peers are raised and addressed by the women themselves. The personal and professional influences of these three women, and other women ichthyologists, are highlighted. A survey article by Pat Brown brings a number of women ichthyologists to the attention of a broader audience, and points the way for a more comprehensive historical consideration of the accomplishments and contributions of women ichthyologists. The volume continues with 16 solicited and contributed papers. ET's studies of taxonomy and life history are echoed in papers on the taxonomy and systematics of marine angelfishes, and of freshwater bitterlings, a review of reproduction in the North Atlantic ichthyofauna, and a comparison of reproductive styles and systematics of African minnows. Ro's studies on ecology, life history and behaviour are paralleled by papers on growth and metabolism in piranha, the community structure in tide pool fishes, and the social system and reproductive patterns in groupers. Genie's pioneering work on sexual roles and sex change, and her field studies of the behaviour of marine fishes are reflected in papers on gonadal structure and environmental sex determination in brook lamprey, sexual patterns in hawkfish, reproduction and systematics in phallostethids, gonadal structure and systematics in gobiids, reproductive and predator avoidance behaviour in razorfish, early ontogeny of an African mouth brooder, and alternative life histories in killifish.