Conyugalidad positiva

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El cine

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Information Technology and Systems

Book Description

This book is composed by the papers accepted for presentation and discussion at The 2019 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS'20), held at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in Bogotá, Colombia, on 5th to 7th February 2020. ICIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent findings and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information technology and systems research, together with their technological development and applications. The main topics covered are: information and knowledge management; organizational models and information systems; software and systems modelling; software systems, architectures, applications and tools; multimedia systems and applications; computer networks, mobility and pervasive systems; intelligent and decision support systems; big data analytics and applications; human–computer interaction; ethics, computers & security; health informatics; information technologies in education.

Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics

Book Description

This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), held at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona, 05 – 07 June, 2012. This edition of the conference has been presented with the slogan “Creating new opportunities in an uncertain environment”. There are different ways for assessing uncertainty in management but this book mainly focused on soft computing theories and their role in assessing uncertainty in a complex world. The present book gives a comprehensive overview of general management topics and discusses some of the most recent developments in all the areas of business and management including management, marketing, business statistics, innovation and technology, finance, sports and tourism. This book might be of great interest for anyone working in the area of management and business economics and might be especially useful for scientists and graduate students doing research in these fields.

Escribe, habla, seduce

Book Description

¿Sabes cuántas personas han muerto en el mundo por hablar en público? Si crees que la respuesta es «ninguna», te equivocas. William Henry Harrison, noveno presidente de Estados Unidos (1773-1841), falleció después de dar su discurso de investidura. Los hechos sucedieron así: cuentan que pronunció su alocución del 4 de marzo sin estar lo suficientemente abrigado, por lo que murió un mes después... de neumonía. Hoy en día para casi el 90% de las profesiones se necesita hablar en público. Si eres emprendedor, es imprescindible que sepas hacer una efectiva y breve presentación para explicar cómo es tu empresa y venderte a posibles clientes (es lo que se viene llamando conversación del ascensor o elevator pitch). Si eres un profesional que pronuncia conferencias, conocer cómo se hace un Pecha Kucha es básico para aprender a sintetizar y controlar los tiempos. Si eres periodista tu oportunidad está en saber escribir discursos con Programación Neurolingu ̈ística (PNL), un trabajo de presente y futuro. Si diseñas presentaciones visuales para ti o para otros tienes que estar a la última en cuanto a tendencias de comunicación. Y, si no empleas la oratoria en tu vida profesional, en la personal también encontrarás oportunidades para utilizarla: en un brindis en una boda, al defender tu punto de vista ante la comunidad de vecinos o hacer una pregunta en un debate.

Conservation Issues in Modern and Contemporary Murals

Book Description

This volume represents a forum for conservators, conservation scientists, artists and heritage managers. It includes the voices of many of the different partners involved in the complex task of preserving artworks: • The vital experience of artists who create murals and are sometimes asked to treat their creations; • Theoretical reflections on how to deal methodologically with conservation; • Scientific studies on the identification of constituent materials and/or on the development of procedures for their preservation; • The opinion of cultural managers; • The specific experiences of conservators. All of the above must have a voice in the difficult task of preserving such a challenging and changing heritage. Este volumen se plantea como un foro de encuentro entre conservadores restauradores, científicos, artistas y gestores del patrimonio. En él se incluye el trabajo de los diferentes interlocutores que participan en la compleja tarea de conservar una obra de arte: • La experiencia vital del artista creador de murales, que a veces es llamado para restaurar lo que ya hizo; • Las reflexiones teóricas sobre el modo de enfrentarnos metodológicamente a su conservación y restauración; • Los estudios científicos destinados a la identificación de materiales constitutivos o la puesta a punto de procedimientos para su conservación; • La opinión de quienes se encargan de su gestión; • Las experiencias concretas de conservadores restauradores. Todos ellos deben tener voz en la difícil tarea de conservar un patrimonio complejo y cambiante.

Sustainable Fashion and Textiles in Latin America

Book Description

This book highlights the sustainable aspects of fashion and textiles in Latin America and discusses how the manufacturing and consumption of textile products and fashion are significant sources of environmental damage. It addresses important issues of water and energy consumption in the textile and fashion industry and using case studies presents how social responsibilities in consumer behavior can help in minimizing these environmental issues for a better future.