An Assessment of Corporate Governance Reforms in Italy Based on a Comparative Analysis of Earnings Management

Book Description

We argue that the effectiveness of corporate governance can best be assessed with reference to its ability to provide a positive outcome with respect to choices made by management or controlling shareholders. We use the curtailment of earnings management as a desirable and measurable outcome of good corporate governance to assess Italy's progress since the 1990s. We use the UK as a reference point since it is an EU economy of comparable size and there is evidence that its firms managed earnings to a much lesser extent than their counterparts in Italy in the 1990s. We use a matched sample of UK and Italian firms for our empirical analysis. We find that in contrast to the situation in the 1990s firms in Italy do not manage earnings to a greater extent than their UK counterparts. In addition, firm-level governance has a greater effect on earnings management in Italy than in the UK. We attribute this to firm-level governance compensating for deficiencies in national institutions (Doidge et al., 2007). The restriction of earnings management is just one positive consequence of good governance. Other positive outcomes require to be studied to form a complete picture of the impact of governance reforms in Italy. This paper is the first to use an outcome driven approach to evaluate the impact of governance reforms.

Corporate Finance

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This book comprises 19 papers published in the Special Issue entitled “Corporate Finance”, focused on capital structure (Kedzior et al., 2020; Ntoung et al., 2020; Vintilă et al., 2019), dividend policy (Dragotă and Delcea, 2019; Pinto and Rastogi, 2019) and open-market share repurchase announcements (Ding et al., 2020), risk management (Chen et al., 2020; Nguyen Thanh, 2019; Štefko et al., 2020), financial reporting (Fossung et al., 2020), corporate brand and innovation (Barros et al., 2020; Błach et al., 2020), and corporate governance (Aluchna and Kuszewski, 2020; Dragotă et al.,2020; Gruszczyński, 2020; Kjærland et al., 2020; Koji et al., 2020; Lukason and Camacho-Miñano, 2020; Rashid Khan et al., 2020). It covers a broad range of companies worldwide (Cameroon, China, Estonia, India, Japan, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United States, Vietnam), as well as various industries (heat supply, high-tech, manufacturing).

Corporate Governance and Firm Value in Italy

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This book expands on the literature on the characteristics of management boards by especially focusing on family-listed and family-controlled companies, as they are ideal for studying board heterogeneity. It uses specific multidimensional indices and in-depth econometric analysis to introduce new variables, such as international experience, that represent a source of competitive advantage for firms in today’s globalized world. In addition, by examining the heterogeneity ratio and the representation of independent and family directors, the book demonstrates how family-controlled firms use independent directors to import their heterogeneous expertise. The book makes a threefold contribution: for regulators, it offers suggestions on improving the quality of reporting in family-controlled firms; for researchers, it demonstrates the importance of including directors’ characteristics apart from the firm-specific factors in their analyses; and for practitioners, it shows that selecting directors with specific characteristics can have a substantial impact on firms’ performance.

Corporate Governance and Accruals Earnings Management

Book Description

This study examines the association between corporate governance and accruals earnings management using a Corporate Governance Index (CGI) consisting of 55 individual corporate governance measures. Prior literature has focused primarily on certain individual corporate governance measures, overlooking the multidimensional character of corporate governance. Based on a sample of firms listed on the Athens, Milan and Madrid Stock Exchanges, we find an inverse relationship between corporate governance and earnings management. Corporate governance provisions seem to constrain the tendency of management to manage earnings leading to higher credibility for financial statements. Additional tests suggest that the negative relationship holds for large and middle capitalization firms, but not for the small capitalization sample. In addition, corporate governance provisions limit upwards but not downwards earnings management. This study emphasizes the multilevel character of corporate governance and suggests the usage of comprehensive measures of corporate governance in the academic research. This study also stresses the importance of introducing corporate governance mechanisms in order to ensure the integrity of the financial reporting process. Practitioners are expected to evaluate the corporate governance provisions that each firm has put in place while policy makers are expected to mandate the application of a wide range of corporate governance mechanisms.

Is It Still Pizza, Spaghetti and Mandolino? Effect of Governance Reforms on Corporate Ownership in Italy

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This paper investigates the effect of corporate governance reforms on the balance between ownership and control in a country characterized by poor investor protection. We use the example of Italy, where major reforms were passed in 1998 to protect minority shareholders from the risks of expropriation on account of the exercise of high voting rights (or high control) by the ultimate owner despite low cash flow rights (or low ownership). Using a two-stage longitudinal research design incorporating both quantitative and qualitative analyses (1995-2005), we find that reforms led to improved disclosure and greater representation of minority shareholders. In turn, this led to a decline in the risk of expropriation of minority shareholders. The reforms had a greater effect on firms where an institutional investor was present. We also find that while reforms led to an increase in the cash flow rights of the ultimate owner, they did not lead to a decrease in voting rights. This paper highlights the importance of studying the mechanisms by which the content of reforms affects actual business practices through the use of longitudinal research designs and the crucial role played by institutional investors in improving governance practices of firms. This paper also suggests that corporate governance reforms are more likely to be successful when regulatory coercion is accompanied by provisions that facilitate market-based control mechanisms.

The Effect of Corporate Governance, Ownership and Tax Aggressiveness on Earnings Management

Book Description

Objective -The purpose of this research is to empirically examine the effect of corporate governance, ownership and tax aggressiveness on earnings management. Methodology/Technique -The population of this research consists of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2013 and 2015. This research uses 3 recent years and utilizes different variable that have not been used in prior research. The 67 samples were choose using a purposive sampling method. The hypotheses are tested using multiple regression analysis with the SPSS program, to investigate the influence of each independent variable on earnings management. Findings -The results show that the board of director have a positive influence on earnings management, while board independence, audit quality, managerial ownership, and tax aggressiveness have no influence on earnings management. Novelty -This research add value in the existing literature and empirically study the effect of the board of directors, independence of the board, audit quality, managerial ownership, and tax aggressiveness on earnings management. Type of Paper: Empirical.