An Introduction to Design Strategies for Facilities Security

Book Description

Introductory technical guidance for professional engineers, architects and construction managers interested in facility security strategies for design and construction of buildings. Here is what is discussed: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. VEHICLE BOMB TACTICS 3. HAND DELIVERED DEVICES 4. INDIRECT FIRE WEAPONS 5. DIRECT FIRE WEAPONS 6. AIRBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC 7. WATERBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC 8. WATERFRONT ATTACK 9. FORCED ENTRY TACTIC 10. COVERT ENTRY TACTIC 11. VISUAL SURVEILLANCE TACTIC 12. ACOUSTIC EAVESDROPPING 13. ELECTRONIC EMANATIONS EAVESDROPPING.

An Introduction to Facility Security Systems

Book Description

Introductory technical guidance for civil and electrical engineers and other professional engineers, construction managers and facility managers interested in facility security systems. Here is what is discussed: 1. OVERVIEW 2. ACCESS CONTROL 3. CLOSE CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEMS 4. INTRUSION DETECTION 5. ELECTRONIC DATA TRANSMISSION MEDIA 6. SECURITY FENCES.

Structural Design for Physical Security

Book Description

Prepared by the Task Committee on Structural Design for Physical Security of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. This report provides guidance to structural engineers in the design of civil structures to resist the effects of terrorist bombings. As dramatized by the bombings of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, civil engineers today need guidance on designing structures to resist hostile acts. The U.S. military services and foreign embassy facilities developed requirements for their unique needs, but these the documents are restricted. Thus, no widely available document exists to provide engineers with the technical data necessary to design civil structures for enhanced physical security. The unrestricted government information included in this report is assembled collectively for the first time and rephrased for application to civilian facilities. Topics include: determination of the threat, methods by which structural loadings are derived for the determined threat, the behavior and selection of structural systems, the design of structural components, the design of security doors, the design of utility openings, and the retrofitting of existing structures. This report transfers this technology to the civil sector and provides complete methods, guidance, and references for structural engineers challenged with a physical security problem.

Facilities Planning And Design - An Introduction For Facility Planners, Facility Project Managers And Facility Managers

Book Description

This book focuses on the ten essentials of facilities planning and design. It covers topics such as strategic planning, space standards, architectural programming, site selection, master planning, environmental planning, capital planning, workplace planning and design, and space management. Examples will be drawn from the planning and design of airports and universities which are large organisations with extensive campuses and are asset heavy in terms of buildings.By learning about the planning and design processes as it relates to facilities, students and facility professionals will be able to align facilities planning and design with the organisation's strategic priorities, manage design consultants by understanding the planning and design process, manage the planning and design of spaces at different scales, and manage the use of existing space effectively.The book is designed such that its chapters may be read either sequentially or as individual standalone references or resources for specific aspects of facility planning, management and design.

Manuals Combined: DoD Security Engineering Facilities Planning; Design Guide For Physical Security Of Buildings; Antiterrorism Standards For Buildings And Specifications For Active Vehicle Barriers

Book Description

Over 1,600 total pages .... Application and Use: Commanders, security and antiterrorism personnel, planners, and other members of project planning teams will use this to establish project specific design criteria for DoD facilities, estimate the costs for implementing those criteria, and evaluating both the design criteria and the options for implementing it. The design criteria and costs will be incorporated into project programming documents.

An Introduction to Antiterrorism Design of Buildings for Professional Engineers

Book Description

Introductory technical guidance for architectural engineers and other professional engineers and construction managers interested in antiterrorism design for buildings. Here is what is discussed: 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. VEHICLE BOMB TACTICS, 3. HAND DELIVERED DEVICES, 4. INDIRECT FIRE WEAPONS, 5. DIRECT FIRE WEAPONS, 6. AIRBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC, 7. WATERBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC, 8. WATERFRONT ATTACK, 9. FORCED ENTRY TACTIC, 10. COVERT ENTRY TACTIC, 11. VISUAL SURVEILLANCE TACTIC, 12. ACOUSTIC EAVESDROPPING, 13. ELECTRONIC EMANATIONS EAVESDROPPING.

Book Description

An Introduction to Building Antiterrorism Design Strategies for Professional Engineers

Book Description

Introductory technical guidance for professional engineers, architects and construction managers interested in design of buildings to resist terrorism attacks. Here is what is discussed: 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. VEHICLE BOMB TACTICS, 3. HAND DELIVERED DEVICES, 4. INDIRECT FIRE WEAPONS, 5. DIRECT FIRE WEAPONS, 6. AIRBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC, 7. WATERBORNE CONTAMINATION TACTIC, 8. WATERFRONT ATTACK, 9. FORCED ENTRY TACTIC, 10. COVERT ENTRY TACTIC, 11. VISUAL SURVEILLANCE TACTIC, 12. ACOUSTIC EAVESDROPPING, 13. ELECTRONIC EMANATIONS EAVESDROPPING.

The Office Interior Design Guide

Book Description

Eine hohe Qualität der Gestaltung der Arbeitsumgebung - noch nie war sie so wichtig wie in den heutigen Zeiten des Downsizings, wachsenden Wettbewerbs und neuer Informationstechnologien. Das Buch richtet sich speziell an Manager, die sich noch nie mit Design befaßt haben, und an interessierte Studenten. Mit Raumaufteilungsplänen, Checklisten und einem nützlichen Glossar.

ISC Security Design Criteria for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects

Book Description

In November 1999, GSA and the U.S. Department of State convened a symposium to discuss the apparently conflicting objectives of security from terrorist attack and the design of public buildings in an open society. The symposium sponsors rejected the notion of rigid, prescriptive design approaches. The symposium concluded with a challenge to the design and security professions to craft aesthetically appealing architectural solutions that achieve balanced, performance-based approaches to both openness and security. In response to a request from the Office of the Chief Architect of the Public Buildings Service, the National Research Council (NRC) assembled a panel of independent experts, the Committee to Review the Security Design Criteria of the Interagency Security Committee. This committee was tasked to evaluate the ISC Security Design Criteria to determine whether particular provisions might be too prescriptive to allow a design professional "reasonable flexibility" in achieving desired security and physical protection objectives.