Rural Sustainability

Book Description

This volume applies the science of complexity to study coupled human-environment systems (CHES) and integrates ideas from the social sciences of climate change into a study of rural development amid flooding and urbanization in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) of China. Author Qing Tian operationalizes the concept of sustainability and provides useful scientific analyses for sustainable development in less developed rural areas that are vulnerable to climatic hazards. The book uses a new sustainability framework that is centered on the concept of well-being to study rural development in PLR. The PLR study includes three major analyses: (1) a regional assessment of human well-being; (2) an empirical analysis of rural livelihoods; and (3) an agent-based computer model used to explore future rural development. These analyses provide a meaningful view of human development in the Poyang Lake Region and illustrate some of the complex local- and macro-level processes that shape the livelihoods of rural households in the dynamic process of urbanization. They generate useful insights about how government policy might effectively improve the well-being of rural households and promote sustainable development amid social, economic, and environmental changes. This case study has broader implications. Rural populations in the developing world are disproportionally affected by extreme climate events and climate change. Furthermore, the livelihoods of rural households in the developing world are increasingly under the influences of macro-level forces amid urbanization and globalization. This case study demonstrates that rural development policies must consider broader development dynamics at the national (and even global) level, as well as specific local social and environmental contexts. By treating climate as one of many factors that affect development in such places, we can provide policy recommendations that synergistically promote development and reduce climatic impacts and therefore facilitate mainstreaming climate adaptation into development.

Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change

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Focuses on the approaches to climate change adaptation which are community-based and participatory. This title highlights the participatory methods to help communities analyze the causes and effects of climate change, integrate scientific and community knowledge, and plan appropriate adaptation measures.

Reducing Poverty, Protecting Livelihoods, and Building Assets in a Changing Climate

Book Description

Climate change is the defining development challenge of our time. More than a global environmental issue, climate change and variability threaten to reverse recent progress in poverty reduction and economic growth. Both now and over the long run, climate change and variability threatens human and social development by restricting the fulfillment of human potential and by disempowering people and communities in reducing their livelihoods options. Communities across Latin America and the Caribbean are already experiencing adverse consequences from climate change and variability. Precipitation has increased in the southeastern part of South America, and now often comes in the form of sudden deluges, leading to flooding and soil erosion that endanger people s lives and livelihoods. Southwestern parts of South America and western Central America are seeing a decrease in precipitation and an increase in droughts. Increasing heat and drought in Northeast Brazil threaten the livelihoods of already-marginal smallholders, and may turn parts of the eastern Amazon rainforest into savannah. The Andean inter-tropical glaciers are shrinking and expected to disappear altogether within the next 20-40 years, with significant consequences for water availability. These environmental changes will impact local livelihoods in unprecedented ways. Poverty, inequality, water access, health, and migration are and will be measurably affected by climate change. Using an innovative research methodology, this study finds quantitative evidence of large variations in impacts across regions. Many already poor regions are becoming poorer; traditional livelihoods are being challenged in unprecedented ways; water scarcity is increasing, particularly in poor arid areas; human health is deteriorating; and climate-induced migration is already taking place and may increase. Successfully reducing social vulnerability to climate change and variability requires action and commitment at multiple levels. This volume offers key operational recommendations at the government, community, and household levels with particular emphasis placed on enhancing good governance and technical capacity in the public sector, building social capital in local communities, and protecting the asset base of poor households.

Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards

Book Description

This book analyses the links between climate change adaptation, resilience and the impacts of hazards. The contributors cover topics such as climate change adaptation in coastal zones, the evaluation of community land models, climate change considerations in public health and water resource management, as well as conceptual frameworks for understanding vulnerabilities to extreme climate events. The book focuses on a variety of concrete projects, initiatives and strategies currently being implemented across the world. It also presents case studies, trends, data and projects that illustrate how cities, communities and regions have been striving to achieve resilience and have handled hazards.

Sustainable Rural Development

Book Description

This book brings together several systems-level approaches to the consideration of the interaction of livelihood choices, natural resource management and participatory action research on sustainable development. By focusing on these approaches to community change, the volume hopes to encourage readers to consider how they might adopt methods such as Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), Community Capitals Framework (CCF) and Participatory Action Research (PAR) in their own research, practice and teaching. Thus, this volume will engage readers in reflection about the importance of systems-level approaches that address poverty from the perspective of the poor, natural resource management that maintains the resource for future generations, and the engagement of local people in designing and implementing, and thus owning, strategies that address equity as well as economic security and the environment. This book was originally published as a special issue of Community Development.

Compendium of community and indigenous strategies for climate change adaptation

Book Description

Climate change is a major challenge for life on Earth. It is mainly manifested through modifications of average temperature, rainfall intensity and patterns, winds and solar radiation. These modifications significantly affect basic resources, such as land and water resources. Populations at disproportionately higher risk of adverse consequences with global warming of 1.5°C and beyond include disadvantaged and vulnerable populations, some indigenous peoples, and local communities dependent on agricultural or coastal livelihoods (IPCC, 2018). Therefore, adaptation measures are recommended in order to cope with climate change. Indigenous peoples have developed practices for climate change adaptation, based on their long-term experience with adverse climatic effects. There was thus a need to identify such practices as they could be effectively mainstreamed in community-based adaptation programmes. This report makes an inventory of indigenous and community adaptation practices across the world. The inventory was mainly done through literature review, field work and meetings with selected organisations. The case studies documented are categorized in five technologies and practices themes, including: (1) Weather forecasting and early warning systems; (2) Grazing and Livestock management; (3) Soil and Water Management (including cross slope barriers); (4) Water harvesting (and storage practices); (5) Forest Management (as a coping strategy to water scarcity), and; (6) Integrated wetlands and fisheries management. These were then related to the corresponding main agro-ecological zones (AEZ), namely arid, semi-arid, sub-humid, humid, highlands and coastal and wetlands. The AEZ approach was considered as an entry-point to adopting or adapting an existing indigenous strategy to similar areas. Challenges that threaten the effectiveness of indigenous and community adaption strategies were identified. These challenges include climate change itself (which is affecting the indicators and resources used by communities), human and livestock population growth (which is increasing pressure on natural resources beyond their resilience thresholds), current institutional and political settings (which limit migrants’ movements and delimits pieces of usable land per household), cultural considerations of communities (such as taboos and spiritual beliefs), and the lack of knowledge transfer to younger communities. Indigenous knowledge provides a crucial foundation for community-based adaptation strategies that sustain the resilience of social-ecological systems at the interconnected local, regional and global scales. In spite of challenges and knowledge gaps, these strategies have the potential of being strengthened through the adoption and adaptation of introduced technology from other communities or modern science. Attention to these strategies is already being paid by several donor-funded organisations, although in an uncoordinated manner.

Mapping Climate Adaptability of Subsistence Farmers

Book Description

In Peru, climate change is affecting the livelihoods of thousands of subsistence farmers. For this productive agricultural sector, changes such as rising temperatures, reduced rainfall patterns, and increased incidence of extreme weather events often result in losses of farming assets, compromising their food availability and financial resources (Benson, 2021). The changing nature of the climate and its multiple effects on farmer livelihoods highlight the need to understand how subsistence farmers adapt their agricultural production while coping with the speed and intensity of climate variability (Deressa et al., 2009). Although farmers continue to implement adaptability strategies, climate change speed exceeds their adaptability capacities. This study in Huayhuay, Peru, implemented a multi-stage mixed methods research design (Creswell & Plano-Clark, 2018) to explore climate adaptation and coping processes, focusing on the experiences of subsistence farmers. Based on the conceptual framework informed by Scoones' (1998) Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, the Coping and Adaptative Entitlements Framework (Davis, 1996), and the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Theory (Kosko, 1986), data were collected using a survey instrument and semi-structured interviews in stage I, whose results were embedded in workshop sessions in stage II. As in previous research, the results showed a high level of perception among subsistence farmers about climate change, while strategies implemented as response mechanisms to climate variability were identified. Furthermore, within the community-based cognitive map, a complex network of connections between local factors and dynamics of climate adaptability was found. Finally, a scenario analysis demonstrated how variation in specific driving components influences climate adaptability processes in Huayhuay. The implications of this study highlight the importance of involving farmers in any agricultural livelihood-related action and policy. Furthermore, results offer relevant avenues for improving climate action. To promote more efficient and inclusive climate adaptability among farmers, more research is needed to contrast farmers' perceptions of climate change with other stakeholders involved in climate adaptability.

Simulating Climate Change and Livelihood Security

Book Description

This book identifies and provides reasoning for computed methods of local climate dynamics and the livelihood vulnerability indices assessment in the mountainous region of Himachal Pradesh, India. The outcomes of this study agree with the focused objectives on simulating climate change and its impact on livelihood security. It deals with several crucial methodologies to analyze livelihood security with and without climate change. The explorative deductive approach was used to observe climatic changes since the 1970s and simulated the climate until 2080. Additionally, the composite livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) without climate change and the climate change livelihood vulnerability index (CCLVI) with climate change impact were prepared. The book is beneficial for policymakers who are involved in framing and implementing policies chiefly in the Himalaya. It is also valuable for all stakeholders in society: students, researchers and academicians. It proposes discussions and debate on a new, integrated, inclusive and open approach to climate change and validates the significance of geographic knowledge in addressing climate change issues at various levels, suggesting policy measures to cope with them.