Analysis of the Economic Value of Leaks of Personal Data

Book Description

In this research, willingness to pay to prevent a leak of personal data-namely, the person's name, address, email address, and video viewing history-and also the willingness to accept compensation in the event of a leak of this data were estimated using the contingent valuation method. From the results of the estimates, it was found that there were major differences in the willingness to pay and the willingness to accept for leaks of personal data. The willingness to pay was about from 3,100 yen (23 euro) to 3,800 yen (28 euro), while the willingness to accept was about from 14,600 yen (108 euro) to 15,800 yen (117 euro).

Policies and Challenges of the Broadband Ecosystem in Japan

Book Description

This book shows how telecom, broadcast, and Internet researchers as well as experts from Japan's leading mobile operators interpret, analyze, and evaluate the emerging phenomenon of the Japanese broadband ecosystem. The broadband ecosystem, as it rapidly changes against the backdrop of swift technological progress, is forcing major changes in the existing socioeconomic framework and generating many policy issues that require discussion. The book aims to provide a theoretical and practical framework for policymakers to address these issues from a broader perspective than has been available in the past. The topics addressed in this book cover sharing of 5G infrastructure, online platform regulation, diffusion of autonomous driving, content industry, trends and use cases of 5G, capacity development for AI, ride-hailing service, smartphone games, the right to be forgotten, and the economic value of personal information. Although this book cannot provide definitive answers to all these recently emerging and rapidly changing issues, it does provide important guidance for evidence-based discussion involving policymakers and researchers working on these issues. It is also recommended for graduate students who want to enter this challenging field of policy discussion.

Telecommunications Policies of Japan

Book Description

This book provides a detailed description of Japan’s telecommunications policies. It discusses how Japan has addressed a variety of policy challenges ranging from traditional regulatory issues, such as the provision of a universal service, to the latest tasks, including the promotion of cutting-edge technologies. Japan is a global leader in information and communication technologies (ICT). In addition to technological advances, an impressive nationwide optical-fiber and advanced mobile network infrastructure has been developed, which has boosted the economy and benefited society. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has played an important role in ICT deployment. Japan has a unique ICT policy framework that does not separate regulation and promotion, unlike many other countries, which have an independent regulator. However, since relatively little information has been provided in English, it has been difficult to learn much about Japan’s policies. Written by specialists from MIC, industry and academia, this is the first collaborative work to provide a comprehensive discussion of Japan’s ICT policies, allowing readers to gain an understanding of the topic.

Proceedings of the 2022 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Business Culture (ICEDBC 2022)

Book Description

This is an open access book. With the support of universities and the research of AEIC Academic Exchange Center, The 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Business Culture (ICEDBC 2022) will be held in Dali from June 24th to 26th. Compared with previous conferences, it will discuss more in-depth economic independent innovation, open cooperation and innovative business culture under the background of the new development stage, new situation and new journey era. There will be a broad exchange environment. Well-known experts, scholars or entrepreneurs in the field will be invited to make keynote reports. Contributing authors are also very welcome to actively participate in the conference and build an academic exchange ceremony.

Understanding the Creeping Crisis

Book Description

This open access book explores a special species of trouble afflicting modern societies: creeping crises. These crises evolve over time, reveal themselves in different ways, and resist comprehensive responses despite periodic public attention. As a result, these crises continue to creep in front of our eyes. This book begins by defining the concept of a creeping crisis, showing how existing literature fails to properly define and explore this phenomenon and outlining the challenges such crises pose to practitioners. Drawing on ongoing research, this book presents a diverse set of case studies on: antimicrobial resistance, climate change-induced migration, energy extraction, big data, Covid-19, migration, foreign fighters, and cyberattacks. Each chapter explores how creeping crises come into existence, why they can develop unimpeded, and the consequences they bring in terms of damage and legitimacy loss. The book provides a proof-of-concept to help launch the systematic study of creeping crises. Our analysis helps academics understand a new species of threat and practitioners recognize and prepare for creeping crises.

The Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia highlights why it is important to look at the subject of human research ethics and integrity within the Australian context, and what the Australian perspective can offer to all researchers in the social sciences and humanities globally. Australia has one of the world’s most rigorous ethics governance frameworks. This edited collection comprises 35 chapters, compiled with the aim of presenting human research ethics and integrity in a way that can be readily understood and applied by undergraduate and postgraduate students, early career and seasoned researchers, Human Research Ethics Committee members, and those who work in the administration of human research ethics. Chapters that focus on research ethics with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are likely to be of great interest to an international audience interested in Indigenous research ethics more broadly. This collection will act as a prism through which ethical ‘first principles’ can be seen afresh from the vista of contemporary Australian research ethics frameworks. The issues raised in this collection are likely to resonate beyond the Australian context and will speak to researchers and educators in a variety of settings who find themselves grappling with thorny ethical issues ranging from the rapid evolution of data security and privacy concerns to research about cultural heritage and ethical approaches to Indigenous cultural and intellectual property.

The Routledge Companion to Design Research

Book Description

This new edition of The Routledge Companion to Design Research offers an updated, comprehensive examination of design research, celebrating a plurality of voices and range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research. This volume comprises thirty-eight original and high-quality design research chapters from contributors around the world, with offerings from the vast array of disciplines in and around modern design praxis, including areas such as industrial and product design, visual communication, interaction design, fashion design, service design, engineering and architecture. The Companion is divided into four distinct sections with chapters that examine the nature and process of design research, the purpose of design research and how one might embark on design research. They also explore how leading design researchers conduct their design research through formulating and asking questions in novel ways, and the creative methods and tools they use to collect and analyse data. The Companion also includes a number of case studies that illustrate how one might best communicate and disseminate design research through contributions that offer techniques for writing and publicising research. The Routledge Companion to Design Research has a wide appeal to researchers and educators in design and design-related disciplines such as engineering, business, marketing, and computing, and will make an invaluable contribution to state-of-the-art design research at postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral levels and teaching across a wide range of different disciplines.

Blockchain Application Guide

Book Description

This book focuses on progress, concerns and approaches of blockchain application. It summarizes basic concepts, principles and standardization of blockchain technology, as well as the status of blockchain application and industry. It provides an ecology model and an evaluation method for blockchain applications and analyses the governance of blockchain applications. It presents application values and practices in financial services, logistics, government service, culture and education, and people’s livelihood and includes analysis of scenarios and use cases. This book is a summary of the experience of more than 20 experts from enterprises and institutions active in the blockchain industry. It provides a panorama of blockchain applications for users, technology and service providers, application developers and operators and supervisors.