Farm Animal Genetic Resources

Book Description

This book provides an overview of developments in the conservation and sustainable utilisation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources. It is based on presentations given at a conference on this subject co-organised by the British Society of Animal Science, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Rare Breeds Survival Trust and the Sheep Trust.

The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Book Description

Sustainable management of the world's livestock genetic diversity is of vital importance to agriculture, food production, rural development and the environment. "The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture" is the first global assessment of these resources. Drawing on 169 Country Reports, contributions from a number of international organizations and 12 specially commissioned thematic studies, it presents an analysis of the state of agricultural biodiversity in the livestock sector - origins and development, uses and values, distribution and exchange, risk status and threats - and of capacity to manage these resources - institutions, policies and legal frameworks, structured breeding activities and conservation programmes. Needs and challenges are assessed in the context of the forces driving change in livestock production systems. Tools and methods to enhance the use and development of animal genetic resources are explored in sections on the state of the art in characterization, genetic improvement, economic evaluation and conservation. The main findings of the report are summarized in "The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - in brief," of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish versions can be found on the attached CD-ROM and are also available separately in printed form. As well providing a technical reference document, the country-based preparation of "The State of the World" has led to a process of policy development and a "Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources," which once adopted, will provide an agenda for action by the international community. Published also in French.


Book Description

Animal genetic resource diversity underpins the supply livestock products and services across a wide range of production environments. It promotes resilience and serves as a basis for adapting livestock management to changing conditions. It is vital to livelihoods of many of the world’s poor people. It can contribute to the delivery of ecosystem services such as landscape management and the maintenance of wildlife habitats. However, it is often undervalued, underused and under threat. This report updates the global assessment provided in the first report on The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, published in 2007. It focuses particularly on changes that have occurred during the period since the first report was published. It serves as a basis for a review, and potential update, of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, which since 2007 has provided an agreed international framework for the management of livestock biodiversity. Drawing on 129 country reports, it presents an analysis of the state of livestock diversity, the influence of livestock-sector trends on the management of animal genetic resources, the state of capacity to manage animal genetic resources, including legal and policy frameworks, and the state of the art in tools and methods for characterization, valuation, use, development and conservation.

The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture-- in Brief

Book Description

This "in brief" version, intended for use by decision-makers and the wider public, presents a summary of the key findings of the main report (see above). Part 1 outlines the state of agricultural biodiversity in the livestock sector. Part 2 considers the livestock production systems of which animal genetic resources form a part. Part 3 - largely based on the 148 Country reports - is an assessment of institutional and human capacity in the field of animal genetic resources management. Part 4 presents the state of the art in terms of the methods available for the management of animal genetic resources. As well as providing a technical reference document, the country-based preparation of The State of the World" has led to a process of policy development and a Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, which once adopted, will provide an agenda for action by the international community.

In Vivo Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources

Book Description

These guidelines present the basic concepts involved in the development and implementation of in vivo conservation plans for animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. The guidelines are intended for use by policy-makers in the management of animal genetic resources, managers of animal breeding organizations, persons responsible for training in management of animal genetic resources and any other stakeholders with leading roles in designing and implementing in vivo conservation programmes for animal genetic resources. Although individual breeders and livestock keepers are not the direct target audience, the guidelines include background information that is relevant for all stakeholders involved in planning conservation programmes.

Utilisation and conservation of farm animal genetic resources

Book Description

"The genetic diversity comprised in farm animal species and breeds is an important resource in livestock systems. For several reasons, within the different species used for food production, only a few breeds are developed towards high-output breeds fitting in high-input systems. In this process many breeds are set aside from the food producing livestock systems. These breeds will be faced with extinction unless new functions for these breeds are found. This is a real threat for the genetic diversity within species. This book is intended to give insight into the issues of the utilisation and conservation of farm animal genetic resources towards a broad group of readers interested in these subjects. The insight is presented as applications of population, molecular and quantitative genetics that can be used to take appropriate decisions in utilisation and conservation programmes. A previous edition of this book is a key resource in courses worldwide and cited in many scientific publications. The first two chapters discuss the decisions to be made in utilisation and conservation. Chapter 3 surveys the different ways in which the diversity we observe within a species can be characterised. Chapter 4 illustrates recent results using this theory for utilisation and conservation purposes. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 give theoretical backgrounds necessary to make decisions and chapters 8 and 9 present the operation and practical implications of selection and conservation schemes."

World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity

Book Description

Using WWL-DAD:3; The purpose of WWL-DAD:3; Opportunities for action; The structure of WWL-DAD:3; Domestic animals and biodiversity; The wild relatives of domestic animals; Criteria for determining breeds at risk; Information gathering; Responsibility for quality of data; Definition of terms; Conserving domestic animal genetic resources; The global strategy for management of farm animal genetic resources; Farm animal genetic resources; Breeds at risk; Critical breeds list; Critical-maintained breeds list; Endangered breeds list; Endangered-maintained breeds list; Global regions - breeds at risk; Global summary; Africa; Asia and the pacific; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; Near east; North America; Extinct breeds; The extinct breeds list; The global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Development of the global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Breeds currently in the global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Correspondence pro-forma; National co-ordinators for animal genetic resources management; List of informal contacts involved in the breeds survey; Wild relatives of domestic livestock & some suggestions for new domesticants; Cattle, bison and buffaloes; Sheep and goats; Horses and asses; Wild pigs; Camelids; Deer; Antelopes; Musk ox; Elephants; Bears; Rodents; Rabbits; Birds; Reptiles; Civet cats; Discussion; Further information on wild relatives; Feral animals - problems and potential; Species that have given rise to final populations.

Animal Genetic Resources: an International Journal

Book Description

Animal Genetic Resources is an international journal published by Cambridge University Press under the auspices of FAOs Animal Genetic Resources Branch. The journal provides an international forum for the publication of papers related to the management of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. It covers the following areas: phenotypic and molecular characterization; surveying and monitoring; development (genetic improvement); sustainable use; conservation; capacity-building in livestock-keeping and pastoralist communities; and policies and institutions. Papers are published in English, French or Spanish, with abstracts in the other two languages.

Adaptation and Fitness in Animal Populations

Book Description

Fitness and adaptation are fundamental characteristics of plant and animal species, enabling them to survive in their environment and to adapt to the inevitable changes in this environment. This is true for both the genetic resources of natural ecosystems as well as those used in agricultural production. Extensive genetic variation exists between varieties/breeds in a species and amongst individuals within breeds. This variation has developed over very long periods of time. A major ongoing challenge is how to best utilize this variation to meet short-term demands whilst also conserving it for longer-term possible use. Many animal breeding programs have led to increased performance for production traits but this has often been accompanied by reduced fitness. In addition, the global use of genetic resources prompts the question whether introduced genotypes are adapted to local production systems. Understanding the genetic nature of fitness and adaptation will enable us to better manage genetic resources allowing us to make efficient and sustainable decisions for the improvement or breeding of these resources. This book had an ambitious goal in bringing together a sample of the world’s leading scientists in animal breeding and evolutionary genetics to exchange knowledge to advance our understanding of these vital issues.

Animal Genetic Resources

Book Description