Animal Power in Farming Systems

Book Description

Conference report on the use of animal traction in farming in developing countries - reports of field studies, summary of group discussions, economic evaluation, sociological aspects, research and development. Diagrams, photographs.

Working animals in agriculture and transport

Book Description

This book covers many of the recent research observations on the management and use of working animals in tropical agricultural systems. Studies of oxen, donkeys and camels in sub-Saharan Africa, cows and donkeys in Ethiopia, buffaloes in Vietnam, camels in Libya and horses and donkeys in Southern Italy are some of the topics included. Technical issues in nutritional requirement, feeding, management, health, implement, work practices and harnessing are discussed and the contribution that working animals continue to make in many agricultural and transport activities are quantified. The book is a valuable source of reference materials on draught animal technology. It is a must for any scientist, student or extension worker in rural and urban areas where animal power is found.

Gender in Agriculture

Book Description

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) produced a 2011 report on women in agriculture with a clear and urgent message: agriculture underperforms because half of all farmers—women—lack equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This book builds on the report’s conclusions by providing, for a non-specialist audience, a compendium of what we know now about gender gaps in agriculture.

Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations

Book Description

Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations: Current Knowledge, Future Needs discusses the need for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement a new method for estimating the amount of ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, and other pollutants emitted from livestock and poultry farms, and for determining how these emissions are dispersed in the atmosphere. The committee calls for the EPA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to establish a joint council to coordinate and oversee short - and long-term research to estimate emissions from animal feeding operations accurately and to develop mitigation strategies. Their recommendation was for the joint council to focus its efforts first on those pollutants that pose the greatest risk to the environment and public health.

Global Livestock Production Systems

Book Description

Informed livestock sector policy development and priority setting is heavily dependent on a good understanding of livestock production systems. In a collaborative effort between the Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Livestock Research Institute, stock has been taken of where we have come from in agricultural systems classification and mapping; the current state of the art; and the directions in which research and data collection efforts need to take in the future. The book also addresses issues relating to the intensity and scale of production, moving from what is done to how it is done. The intensification of production is an area of particular importance, for it is in the intensive systems that changes are occurring most rapidly and where most information is needed on the implications that intensification of production may have for livelihoods, poverty alleviation, animal diseases, public health and environmental outcomes. A series of case studies is provided, linking livestock production systems to rural livelihoods and poverty and examples of the application of livestock production system maps are drawn from livestock production, now and in the future; livestock's impact on the global environment; animal and public health; and livestock and livelihoods. This book provides a formal reference to Version 5 of the global livestock production systems map, and to revised estimates of the numbers of rural poor livestock keepers, by country and livestock production system.

Sustainable Animal Production from Small Farm Systems in South East Asia

Book Description

Food production results from the interaction of human, animal, land, water and capital resources. In many farming systems of the developing countries animals have an integral role and the full range of animal products are utilized. Many of these outputs are also important farm inputs, such as, manure and draught power. Animals also provide a strategic source of cash which can be called on as required to purchase other essential farm inputs and food during the critical periods of the year, thus helping to alleviate poverty and increase household food security. With an increasing world population, food production cannot be allowed to stagnate, clearly, there is a need for more sustainable increases in agricultural output. The complementary between crops and livestock, which allows for nutrient recycling, energy and value added production is unique and needs fully exploiting. FAO has attached the higher priority to sustainable development of both plants and animal agriculture in its programmes. The Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) of FAO has instigated a number of case studies examining aspects of sustainability in the different agro ecological zones and the major animal production sytems in the world. The book examines the role of animal productions in the small farm systems in South-East Asia, with their ecological and socio-economic impact. Contents Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: The Small Farm Scenario, Chapter 3: Animal Resources, Chapter 4: Contribution to Food Production, Chapter 5: The Feed Resource Base, Chapter 6: Major Constraints on Production, Chapter 7: Potentially Important Sustainable Technologies, Chapter 8: The Development of Integrated Systems, Chapter 9: The Framework for Development of Integrated Systems, Chapter 10: Conclusions.

Horse-Powered Farming for the 21st Century

Book Description

Now is a time of exciting new developments for live animal power. As the numbers of adherents to this way of life grow, ecologically minded farmers in their fields are developing efficient horse-drawn systems, and equipment manufacturers in small shops all across North America and Europe are coming forth with new innovations in ground-drive technology that have us poised on the cusp of another agricultural revolution--with working horses, mules, donkeys, and oxen at the heart of it. --Publisher.

Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability

Book Description

By 2050 the world's population is projected to grow by one-third, reaching between 9 and 10 billion. With globalization and expected growth in global affluence, a substantial increase in per capita meat, dairy, and fish consumption is also anticipated. The demand for calories from animal products will nearly double, highlighting the critical importance of the world's animal agriculture system. Meeting the nutritional needs of this population and its demand for animal products will require a significant investment of resources as well as policy changes that are supportive of agricultural production. Ensuring sustainable agricultural growth will be essential to addressing this global challenge to food security. Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability identifies areas of research and development, technology, and resource needs for research in the field of animal agriculture, both nationally and internationally. This report assesses the global demand for products of animal origin in 2050 within the framework of ensuring global food security; evaluates how climate change and natural resource constraints may impact the ability to meet future global demand for animal products in sustainable production systems; and identifies factors that may impact the ability of the United States to meet demand for animal products, including the need for trained human capital, product safety and quality, and effective communication and adoption of new knowledge, information, and technologies. The agricultural sector worldwide faces numerous daunting challenges that will require innovations, new technologies, and new ways of approaching agriculture if the food, feed, and fiber needs of the global population are to be met. The recommendations of Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability will inform a new roadmap for animal science research to meet the challenges of sustainable animal production in the 21st century.

Animal Traction for Agricultural Development

Book Description

This book contains the reports of the workshops given and the papers prepared for the workshops. The first part of this book summarizes workshop activities and conclusions. The second part of this volume contains 60 edited papers in which technical, social and economic aspects of animal traction are presented and analysed