Annual Historical Summary

Book Description

Annual Historical Summary Defense Documentation Center, 1 July 1969 Through 30 June 1970

Book Description

The summary presents highlights of the more significant activities and achievements of the Defense Documentation Center during FY 1970 including: (a) DDC and the Scientific and Technical Community. The DDC role in the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program continued to expand from providing secondary distribution of Defense-related technical reports to furnishing a coordinated mix of scientific, technical, and management information products and services tailored to the needs of users of the information. (b) DDC Mission Responsibilities. Basic responsibilities are summarized as: (1) acquiring, storing, announcing, retrieving, and providing secondary distribution of results of RDT and E performed or sponsored by military departments and other DoD components, (2) operating the central DoD computer-based data banks of technical and management information resulting from Defense-related efforts in research and technology, and (3) planning and executing a development program to introduce new or improved systems and techniques related to information transfer. (c) Operational and Developmental Activities. The summary describes activities and accomplishments during the year including those in the areas of: (1) technical report services, (2) research and engineering management information services including a variety of data banks and special services, (3) on-line tretrieval, (4) selective documentation services, (5) automatic data processing, (6) microform systems, (7) language and indexing systems, and (8) supporting customer relations and management functions.

Annual Historical Summary, Defense Documentation Center, 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969

Book Description

The summary describes the more significant activities and achievements of the Defense Documentation Center including: DDC and the Scientific and Technical Community. The DDC role in the Dod S and TI Program continued to shift from the traditional concept of an archival repository and a library-oriented operation to the development and execution of computer-based information systems. The mix of services offered S and TI users continued to expand from the furnishing of hard copy documents to a full range of products tailored to the users' needs. Development Mission. Increased emphasis was placed on the DDC development mission and related programs. The basic objective of the program is to provide major advances in terms of new and significantly improved S and TI products and services, and the identification and removal of barriers to S and TI transfer. Development plans include efforts to identify and develop S and TI products, services, and systems for future as well as present needs. Conversion to the UNIVAC 1108 Computer System. DDC production and development effort was affected by conversion from the UNIVAC 1107 to the UNIVAC 1108 computer system. Increased processing capacity of the 1108 system was reflected in expanded DDC mission and service capabilities in most areas. (Author).

ANNUAL HISTORICAL SUMMARY, 1 JULY 1965 TO 30 JUNE 1966, Defense Documentation Center

Book Description

This Annual Historical Summary reflects the major activities of the Defense Documentation Center (DDC) during Fiscal Year 1966. New missions, new services, and new record levels in requests for DDC services are reported. Included in the summary are descriptions of DDC's RDT and E Work Unit Data Bank, which was given first priority on manpower and other resources; the Center's change from a Report Number Index to the DDC index service. Described are advances in data processing techniques, including a computer-produced (Linofilm) announcement publication, and the Center's designation as the DoD registry of users of Defense scientific and technical information and documents.

Annual Historical Summary

Book Description

Annual Historical Summary

Book Description

The document highlights the more significant activities of the Defense Documentation Center in its role of scientific, technical, and management information transfer from the information sources to the user communities. The mission of the Center is described in the document. Activities and accomplishments during the year include those in the areas of: technical report services, research and engineering management information services, on-line retrieval, selective documentation services, specialized data banks, microphotograph, language and indexing, automatic data processing, and supporting customer relations and management functions. (Author).


Book Description

The summary describes the more significant activities and achievements of the Defense Documentation Center during FY 1968, including: Automatic Service. DDC continued testing a program of automatic services and products to DDC users in the form of comprehensive service packages containing: (1) special bulletins announcing newly acquired technical reports of interest to individual user groups; (2) complete sets of indexes (corporate author, subject, etc.) for each bulletin; (3) microfiche copies of reports; (4) magnetic tapes of announcement information; and (5) special automatic bibliographies. On-Line Experimentation. DDC experimented with the concept of on-line, real-time access to DDC data banks from remote terminals. In-house experimentation, using a prototype cathode ray tube on-line to a UNIVAC 1107 computer, resulted in a successful demonstration of system capability. Finalized and approved plans called for progressive expansion to a network of on-line terminals within the Department of Defense, utilizing the UNIVAC 1108 computer to be installed in September 1968. Increased Use of Microfiche. A major step toward improved and more economical service was the emphasis placed upon providing technical reports in the form of microfiche. In FY 1968 more than 323,000 requests for technical reports were filled in this form, and 593,000 reports distributed automatically according to users' technical profiles.

Annual Historical Summary, Defense Documentation Center, 1 July 1971 Through 30 June 1972

Book Description

The document highlights significant activities of the Defense Documentation Center during FY 1972 in its role of providing scientific, technical, and management information transfer from the information sources to the user communities. A brief history and a discussion of plans for future developments afford a perspective for FY 1972. The DDC mission is shown to include three basic programs: (1) providing Department of Defense research, development, test, and evaluation reports and bibliographic services to the established user community; (2) operating continuously updated DoD management information data banks on programmed and current research and development efforts; and (3) developing improved information storage and retrieval systems. Major activities discussed are: the technical report collection, scientific and technical bibliographies, special documentation products and services, management information system scope, size, and dynamics; DDC development plans and programs, customer services, relations with other government organizations, and resources management. (Author).