The Anthracite Railroads

Book Description

Anthracite Railroads

Book Description

The Anthracite Question

Book Description

Steel Mill Railroads in Color

Book Description

The Black Land

Book Description

48 black & white art prints reproduced in an 11x9 coffee-table book format, with captions. Dougert's interpretation of the legacy of hard coal mining has taken him throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania as he visited many obscure locations. This history is fast disappearing or becoming inaccessible. For example, the imposing Locust Summit Breaker included in this collection no longer exists--it was torn down in 2002

The Black Rock that Built America

Book Description

The Black Rock That Built America explains how, on the backs of thousands of European immigrants, America was transformed from a mostly rural nation into the world's greatest industrial power. As the nation expanded in the nineteenth century, anthracite coal fueled the making of steel, the building of railroads, the operation of factories, and the heating of homes. This book tells of the struggles these immigrant miners endured while performing the grueling and dangerous work of extracting anthracite coal from the earth in order to earn their place in America.