An Improved Framework for Watershed Discretization and Model Calibration

Book Description

Large-scale (~103-106 km2) physically-based distributed hydrological models have been used increasingly, due to advances in computational capabilities and data availability, in a variety of water and environmental resources management, such as assessing human impacts on regional water budget. These models inevitably contain a large number of parameters used in simulation of various physical processes. Many of these parameters are not measurable or nearly impossible to measure. These parameters are typically estimated using model calibration, defined as adjusting the parameters so that model simulations can reproduce the observed data as close as possible. Due to the large number of model parameters, it is essential to use a formal automated calibration approach in distributed hydrological modelling. The St. Lawrence River Basin in North America contains the largest body of surface fresh water, the Great Lakes, and is of paramount importance for United States and Canada. The Lakes' water levels have huge impact on the society, ecosystem, and economy of North America. A proper hydrological modelling and basin-wide water budget for the Great Lakes Basin is essential for addressing some of the challenges associated with this valuable water resource, such as a persistent extreme low water levels in the lakes. Environment Canada applied its Modélisation Environnementale-Surface et Hydrologie (MESH) modelling system to the Great Lakes watershed in 2007. MESH is a coupled semi-distributed land surface-hydrological model intended for various water management purposes including improved operational streamflow forecasts. In that application, model parameters were only slightly adjusted during a brief manual calibration process. Therefore, MESH streamflow simulations were not satisfactory and there was a considerable need to improve its performance for proper evaluation of the MESH modelling system. Collaborative studies between the United States and Canada also highlighted the need for inclusion of the prediction uncertainty in modelling results, for more effective management of the Great Lakes system. One of the primary goals of this study is to build an enhanced well-calibrated MESH model over the Great Lakes Basin, particularly in the context of streamflow predictions in ungauged basins. This major contribution is achieved in two steps. First, the MESH performance in predicting streamflows is benchmarked through a rather extensive formal calibration, for the first time, in the Great Lakes Basin. It is observed that a global calibration strategy using multiple sub-basins substantially improved MESH streamflow predictions, confirming the essential role of a formal model calibration. At the next step, benchmark results are enhanced by further refining the calibration approach and adding uncertainty assessment to the MESH streamflow predictions. This enhancement was mainly achieved by modifying the calibration parameters and increasing the number of sub-basins used in calibration. A rigorous multi-criteria comparison between the two experiments confirmed that the MESH model performance is indeed improved using the revised calibration approach. The prediction uncertainty bands for the MESH streamflow predictions were also estimated in the new experiment. The most influential parameters in MESH were also identified to be soil and channel roughness parameters based on a local sensitivity test. One of the main challenges in hydrological distributed modelling is how to represent the existing spatial heterogeneity in nature. This task is normally performed via watershed discretization, defined as the process of subdividing the basin into manageable “hydrologically similar” computational units. The model performance, and how well it can be calibrated using a limited budget, largely depends on how a basin is discretized. Discretization decisions in hydrologic modelling studies are, however, often insufficiently assessed prior to model simulation and parameter. Few studies explicitly present an organized and objective methodology for assessing discretization schemes, particularly with respect to the streamflow predictions in ungauged basins. Another major goal of this research is to quantitatively assess watershed discretization schemes for distributed hydrological models, with various level of spatial data aggregation, in terms of their skill to predict flows in ungauged basins. The methodology was demonstrated using the MESH model as applied to the Nottawasaga river basin in Ontario, Canada. The schemes differed from a simple lumped scheme to more complex ones by adding spatial land cover and then spatial soil information. Results reveal that calibration budget is an important factor in model performance. In other words, when constrained by calibration budget, using a more complex scheme did not necessarily lead to improved performance in validation. The proposed methodology was also implemented using a shorter sub-period for calibration, aiming at substantial computational saving. This strategy is shown to be promising in producing consistent results and has the potential to increase computational efficiency of this comparison framework. The outcome of this very computationally intensive research, i.e., the well-calibrated MESH model for the Great Lakes and all the final parameter sets found, are now available to be used by other research groups trying to study various aspects of the Great Lakes System. In fact, the benchmark results are already used in the Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project (GRIP). The proposed comparison framework can also be applied to any distributed hydrological model to evaluate alternative discretization schemes, and identify one that is preferred for a certain case.

Investigation of Techniques for Improvement of Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Upper Rio Grande Basin

Book Description

The purpose of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate techniques for improvement of seasonal streamflow forecasts in the Upper Rio Grande (URG) basin in the U.S. Southwest. Three techniques are investigated. The first technique is an investigation of the effects of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on temperature, precipitation, snow water equivalent (SWE), and the resulting streamflow at a monthly time scale, using data from 1952 to 1999 (WY). It was seen that the effects of ENSO on temperature and precipitation were confined to certain months, predominantly at the beginning and end of the winter season, and that the effect of these modulations of temperature and precipitation by ENSO can be seen in the magnitude and time variation of SWE and streamflow. The second part is a comparison of the use for snowmelt-runoff modeling of the newly available snowcover product based on imagery from the satellite-borne Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with the long-time standard snowcover product from the National Hydrological Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC). This comparison is made using the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) in two watersheds located inside the URG basin. This comparison is important because the MODIS snowcover product could greatly improve the availability of snowcover information because of its high spatial (500m) and temporal (daily) resolutions and extensive (global) coverage. Based on the results of this comparison, the MODIS snowcover product gives comparable snowcover information compared to that from NOHRSC. The final part is an investigation of streamflow forecasting using mass-balance models. Two watersheds used in the comparison of MODIS and NOHRSC snowcover products were again used. The parameters of the mass-balance models are obtained in two different ways and streamflow forecasts are made on January 1st, February 1st, March 1st and April 1st. The first means of parameter estimation is to use the parameter values from 1990 to 2001 SRM streamflow simulations and the second means is by optimization. The results of this investigation show that mass-balance models show potential to improve the long-term streamflow forecasts in snowmelt-dominated watersheds if dependable precipitation forecasts can be provided.

Distributed Hydrologic Modeling for Streamflow Prediction at Ungauged Basins

Book Description

Hydrologic modeling and streamflow prediction of ungauged basins is an unsolved scientific problem as well as a policy-relevant science theme emerging as a major challenge to the hydrologic community. One way to address this problem is to improve hydrologic modeling capability through the use of spatial data and spatially distributed physically based models. This dissertation is composed of three papers focused on 1) the use of spatially distributed hydrologic models with spatially distributed precipitation inputs, 2) advanced multi-objective calibration techniques that estimate parameter uncertainty and use stream gauge and temperature data from multiple locations, and 3) an examination of the relationship between high-resolution soils data and streamflow recession for use in a priori parameter estimation in ungauged catchments. This research contributes to the broad quest to reduce uncertainty in predictions at ungauged basins by integrating developments of innovative modeling techniques with analyses that advance our understanding of natural systems.

Multiscale Hydrologic Remote Sensing

Book Description

Multiscale Hydrologic Remote Sensing: Perspectives and Applications integrates advances in hydrologic science and innovative remote sensing technologies. Raising the visibility of interdisciplinary research on water resources, it offers a suite of tools and platforms for investigating spatially and temporally continuous hydrological variables and p

Improvements in Flood Forecasting in Mountain Basins Through a Physically-based Distributed Model

Book Description

This doctoral thesis investigates the predictability characteristics of floods and flash floods by coupling high resolution precipitation products to a distributed hydrologic model. The research hypotheses are tested at multiple watersheds in the Colorado Front Range (CFR) undergoing warm-season precipitation. Rainfall error structures are expected to propagate into hydrologic simulations with added uncertainties by model parameters and initial conditions. Specifically, the following science questions are addressed: (1) What is the utility of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) for high resolution hydrologic forecasts in mountain watersheds of the CFR?, (2) How does the rainfall-reflectivity relation determine the magnitude of errors when radar observations are used for flood forecasts?, and (3) What are the spatiotemporal limits of flood forecasting in mountain basins when radar nowcasts are used into a distributed hydrological model?. The methodology consists of QPE evaluations at the site (i.e., rain gauge location), basin-average and regional scales, and Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF) assessment through regional grid-to-grid verification techniques and ensemble basin-averaged time series. The corresponding hydrologic responses that include outlet discharges, distributed runoff maps, and streamflow time series at internal channel locations, are used in light of observed and/or reference data to diagnose the suitability of fusing precipitation forecasts into a distributed model operating at multiple catchments. Results reveal that radar and multisensor QPEs lead to an improved hydrologic performance compared to simulations driven with rain gauge data only. In addition, hydrologic performances attained by satellite products preserve the fundamental properties of basin responses, including a simple scaling relation between the relative spatial variability of runoff and its magnitude. Overall, the spatial variations contained in gridded QPEs add value for warm-season flood forecasting in mountain basins, with sparse data even if those products contain some biases. These results are encouraging and open new avenues for forecasting in regions with limited access and sparse observations. Regional comparisons of different reflectivity -rainfall (Z-R) relations during three summer seasons, illustrated significant rainfall variability across the region. Consistently, hydrologic errors introduced by the distinct Z-R relations, are significant and proportional (in the log-log space) to errors in precipitation estimations and stream flow magnitude. The use of operational Z-R relations without prior calibration may lead to wrong estimation of precipitation, runoff magnitude and increased flood forecasting errors. This suggests that site-specific Z-R relations, prior to forecasting procedures, are desirable in complex terrain regions. Nowcasting experiments show the limits of flood forecasting and its dependence functions of lead time and basin scale. Across the majority of the basins, flood forecasting skill decays with lead time, but the functional relation depends on the interactions between watershed properties and rainfall characteristics. Both precipitation and flood forecasting skills are noticeably reduced for lead times greater than 30 minutes. Scale dependence of hydrologic forecasting errors demonstrates reduced predictability at intermediate-size basins, the typical scale of convective storm systems. Overall, the fusion of high resolution radar nowcasts and the convenient parallel capabilities of the distributed hydrologic model provide an efficient framework for generating accurate real-time flood forecasts suitable for operational environments.

Improved Data Uncertainty Handling in Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting Applications

Book Description

In hydrologic modeling and forecasting applications, many steps are needed. The steps that are relevant to this thesis include watershed discretization, model calibration, and data assimilation. Watershed discretization separates a watershed into homogeneous computational units for depiction in a distributed hydrologic model. Objective identification of an appropriate discretization scheme remains challenging in part because of the lack of quantitative measures for assessing discretization quality, particularly prior to simulation. To solve this problem, this thesis contributes to develop an a priori discretization error metrics that can quantify the information loss induced by watershed discretization without running a hydrologic model. Informed by the error metrics, a two-step discretization decision-making approach is proposed with the advantages of reducing extreme errors and meeting user-specified discretization error targets. In hydrologic model calibration, several uncertainty-based calibration frameworks have been developed to explicitly consider different hydrologic modeling errors, such as parameter errors, forcing and response data errors, and model structure errors. This thesis focuses on climate and flow data errors. The common way of handling climate and flow data uncertainty in the existing calibration studies is perturbing observations with assumed statistical error models (e.g., addictive or multiplicative Gaussian error model) and incorporating them into parameter estimation by integration or repetition with multiple climate and (or) flow realizations. Given the existence of advanced climate and flow data uncertainty estimation methods, this thesis proposes replacing assumed statistical error models with physically-based (and more realistic and convenient) climate and flow ensembles. Accordingly, this thesis contributes developing a climate-flow ensemble based hydrologic model calibration framework. The framework is developed through two stages. The first stage only considers climate data uncertainty, leading to the climate ensemble based hydrologic calibration framework. The framework is parsimonious and can utilize any sources of historical climate ensembles. This thesis demonstrates the method of using the Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Estimates dataset (Newman et al., 2015), referred to as N15 here, to derive precipitation and temperature ensembles. Assessment of this framework is conducted using 30 synthetic experiments and 20 real case studies. Results show that the framework generates more robust parameter estimates, reduces the inaccuracy of flow predictions caused by poor quality climate data, and improves the reliability of flow predictions. The second stage adds flow ensemble to the previously developed framework to explicitly consider flow data uncertainty and thus completes the climate-flow ensemble based calibration framework. The complete framework can work with likelihood-free calibration methods. This thesis demonstrates the method of using the hydraulics-based Bayesian rating curve uncertainty estimation method (BaRatin) (Le Coz et al., 2014) to generate flow ensemble. The continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) is taken as an objective function of the framework to compare the scalar model prediction with the measured flow ensemble. The framework performance is assessed based on 10 case studies. Results show that explicit consideration of flow data uncertainty maintains the accuracy and slightly improves the reliability of flow predictions, but compared with climate data uncertainty, flow data uncertainty plays a minor role of improving flow predictions. Regarding streamflow forecasting applications, this thesis contributes by improving the treatment of measured climate data uncertainty in the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation. Similar as in model calibration, past studies usually use assumed statistical error models to perturb climate data in the EnKF. In data assimilation, the hyper-parameters of the statistical error models are often estimated by a trial-and-error tuning process, requiring significant analyst and computational time. To improve the efficiency of climate data uncertainty estimation in the EnKF, this thesis proposes the direct use of existing climate ensemble products to derive climate ensembles. The N15 dataset is used here to generate 100-member precipitation and temperature ensembles. The N15 generated climate ensembles are compared with the carefully tuned hyper-parameter generated climate ensembles in ensemble flow forecasting over 20 catchments. Results show that the N15 generated climate ensemble yields improved or similar flow forecasts than hyper-parameter generated climate ensembles. Therefore, it is possible to eliminate the time-consuming climate relevant hyper-parameter tuning from the EnKF by using existing ensemble climate products without losing flow forecast performance. After finishing the above research, a robust hydrologic modeling approach is built by using the thesis developed model calibration and data assimilation methods. The last contribution of this thesis is validating such a robust hydrologic model in ensemble flow forecasting via comparison with the use of traditional multiple hydrologic models. The robust single-model forecasting system considers parameter and climate data uncertainty and uses the N15 dataset to perturb historical climate in the EnKF. In contrast, the traditional multi-model forecasting system does not consider parameter and climate data uncertainty and uses assumed statistical error models to perturb historical climate in the EnKF. The comparison study is conducted on 20 catchments and reveal that the robust single hydrologic model generates improved ensemble high flow forecasts. Therefore, robust single model is definitely an advantage for ensemble high flow forecasts. The robust single hydrologic model relieves modelers from developing multiple (and often distributed) hydrologic models for each watershed in their operational ensemble prediction system.

Assessment and Applications of Distributed Hydrologic Model - Russian-Napa River Basins, CA

Book Description

"Application of distributed hydrologic models is motivated by the prospect that higher resolution forcing data, such as gridded precipitation fields, should be matched by equivalent resolution mapping of hydrologic responses for surface runoff, soil moisture and evapotranspiration. Distributed hydrologic models have potential for improving hydrologic forecasting given the capability to represent spatially-varying land characteristics and precipitation that has historically been lumped into watershed average characteristics. Provided that the distributed model is forced with accurate inputs (i.e., precipitation) at sufficient time and spatial resolution, it stands to reason that the model could provide high resolution information on surface runoff characteristics that is currently not available with the lumped model approach. Applied research activities on hydrologic processes in the Russian-Napa river basins in California seek to determine if the distributed modeling approach can produce accurate hydrologic simulations using high resolution space and time scales (~ 4 km, 6 hr; ~1 km, 1 hr). We are using the NWS OHD Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (RDHM) which is a gridded version of the NWS-River Forecast System model used by the NWS River Forecast Centers. In a general sense, the RDHM can be considered a Distributed Hydrologic Model (DHM) as it represents the functionality of distributed models in general. The Russian-Napa Rivers watersheds are a good location for the case study because they have a full array of physical hydrologic and water resource management issues (flooding, municipal and agricultural water supply, fisheries, recreation)"--Overview (Page 1). [doi:10.7289/V5M32SS9 (]

Toward Improving National Weather Service Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Via Addressing Subsurface Water Exchanges and Calibration Strategies

Book Description

The Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) is an empirical and lumped conceptual model that represents the core hydrologic component of the current National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS). The NWS vision for continuing development and modifications of the NWSRFS include, among other considerations: (a) transitioning from lumped system to a system based on finer spatial and temporal scales, (b) incorporating physically-based models and/or physically-based model parameterization, and (c) developing more effective model calibration schemes that are consistent with distributed modeling paradigm. The NWS's Distributed Model Intercomparison Project (DMIP) is the main vehicle by which researchers from the NWS and the academia can test the capabilities of new modeling strategies. The main premise of this dissertation is that development of hydrologic forecasting systems, which combine the advantages of lumped models, distributed-physically based parameters, and at the same time, capture the heterogeneities in basin characteristics and hydrometeorological forcing would be an important step towards a smooth transition from lumped to fully distributed models. As such, this dissertation attempts to contribute to the above-described transition by addressing unresolved issues related to the two primary components of operational forecasting systems that are based on distributed models. These components are namely, (a) model structure, and (b) calibration strategies. To accomplish this objective, the dissertation study first introduces a semi-distributed version of SAC-SMA with different methodologies to route the fast and slow response components of the water balance component. Then, effective parameterization strategies that take the advantage of the strengths of both distributed and lumped approaches are investigated. In the second part, it investigates the value of modifying the NWS distributed hydrologic model (i.e., HL-RDHM) structure in terms of sub-surface water interactions between model elements (i.e., small sub-basins and/or grid cells).