Appreciating the Divine Nature of God: Divine Defense

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One thing the devil hopes you never realize is that you are never alone. God is your divine defense. The world's fierce winds blow. Temptations are sharp and keen; have a peace in knowing the Savior stands between; He stands to shield you from danger when all your friends are gone. He promised never to leave you, never to leave you alone. God is our protector. God is our shield. God is our Divine Defense.

The Divine Defense

Book Description

It’s what you can’t see that can hurt you The temptation that regularly assaults you, the depression or illness that pulls you down, the discord in your relationships, the private doubts you harbor about God… These are not just a natural part of life–they’re battles in a behind-the-scenes war against your faith, family, and future. From a balanced perspective, Robert Jeffress lifts the curtain of everyday existence to reveal these invisible but very real battles in the war Satan wages against followers of Christ like you. Because you don’t have to be spiritual road kill… Using the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6, The Divine Defense outlines six practical strategies you can use through every day to defeat Satan’s vicious and destructive plan: ·Recognize and replace destructive thoughts (the belt of truth) ·Do what you know you should do (the breastplate of righteousness) ·Make God’s business your business (boots of the gospel of peace) ·Move forward in spite of doubts (the shield of faith) ·Remember your power to win (the helmet of salvation) ·Strengthen your resolve to resist (the sword of the spirit) Together, these strategies form The Divine Defense that will help you live victoriously in the unshakable power of God.

Divine Teaching and the Way of the World

Book Description

Samuel Fleischacker defends what the Enlightenment called 'revealed religion': religions that regard a certain text or oral teaching as sacred, as wholly authoritative over one's life. At the same time, he maintains that revealed religions stand in danger of corruption or fanaticism unless they are combined with secular scientific practices and a secular morality. The first two parts of Divine Teaching and the Way of the World argue that the cognitive and moral practices of a society should prescind from religious commitments — they constitute a secular 'way of the world', to adapt a phrase from the Jewish tradition, allowing human beings to work together regardless of their religious differences. But the way of the world breaks down when it comes to the question of what we live for, and it is this that revealed religions can illumine. Fleischacker first suggests that secular conceptions of why life is worth living are often poorly grounded, before going on to explore what revelation is, how it can answer the question of worth better than secular worldviews do, and how the revealed and way-of-the-world elements of a religious tradition can be brought together.

Appreciating the Divine Nature of God

Book Description

You have the Divine Opportunity to become more aware of the presence of God in your life. He is pouring out blessings right now. Whatever you need or want, tell Him. The table of the Lord is spread. The feast of the Lord is going on. Mark 11:22, "Whosoever shall have whatsoever." You just have to say it. Whosoever includes you. We serve a God that is unlimited in His supply, resources, equipment, people, etc. We serve an everything God. Not an anything God. He gives His best. You have a Divine Opportunity to receive. Speak blessings over your life. Warriors arise. Enlarge your vision. Be it good news or bad news, put a praise on it. Go a little further. Have great expectations. Even though you don't see your miracle now, don't give up hope. It's been held up, but It's coming. You must have courage to say yes to God. Make haste and get ready to receive. Learn to take advantage of open doors. Don't miss your connections. Do something. Get above it. How bad do you want it. It is time for a change. Don't allow the enemy to rob you of your inheritance. Embrace God's Divine Opportunity.

Appreciating the Divine Nature of God

Book Description

We often hear there are two side to every story, your side and their side. But I want you to know there are more than two sides. There is a third side, "God's side." And God's side cannot be disputed, denied, or rejected. It stands because God knows and sees everything. He has Divine Knowledge.

Disturbing Divine Behavior

Book Description

How should we understand biblical texts where God is depicted as acting irrationally, violently, or destructively? If we distance ourselves from disturbing portrayals of God, how should we understand the authority of Scripture? How does the often wrathful God portrayed in the Old Testament relate to the God of love proclaimed in the New Testament? Is that contrast even accurate? Disturbing Divine Behavior addresses these perennially vexing questions for the student of the Bible. Eric A. Seibert calls for an engaged and discerning reading of the Old Testament that distinguishes the particular literary and theological goals achieved through narrative characterizations of God from the rich understanding of the divine to which the Old Testament as a whole points. Providing illuminating reflections on theological reading as well, this book will be a welcome resource for any readers who puzzle over disturbing representations of God in the Bible.

The Armor of God

Book Description

Series of sermons on the Christian life developed from Paul's letter to the Ephesians 6:10-18.


Book Description

Would you like guidelines that clearly illustrate how to become closer to the Lord? Would you like to know how much spiritual devotion you should pledge to Jesus Christ? If you have ever struggled with the specifics of becoming more knowledgeable in the Word and gaining a more meaningful relationship with God, Divinity: How to Partake in the Divine Nature of Jesus Christ is the tool you need. In this inspirational eight-week study, Rosey Summerville uses the teachings of 2 Peter 1:3-9 to provide insight into successfully following God's path. Summerville outlines the same simple but divine biblical principles Jesus Christ operated by during His earthly ministry—faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. Simply by applying each step to your own life, you too can live just as Christ did, even during the difficult times. Each week you will receive a new revelation of His Word to meditate upon and put into practice, building upon the lessons from previous weeks. Living the life the Lord desires of us has never been easier to understand. Divinity: How to Partake in the Divine Nature of Jesus Christ will provide an illuminating experience you don't want to miss out on.

The Redeemed Good Defense

Book Description

"Why God?" Everyday this question is uttered in sorrow, bewilderment, or anger. This cry is the problem of suffering. It is also known as the problem of evil. It asks why a good, all-powerful God allows evil and pain. Theodicy is the name of the theological responses that seek to defend God against charges of unfairness. Traditional theodicies have been accused of intensifying the problem by claiming that God is justified in allowing evil because he uses it to bring about a greater good. This greater-good approach has been criticized in more recent times. It seems to uncomfortably align God and evil too closely together. Does God need evil in order to bring good? This study explores an alternative stream of theodicy found in the idea of cosmic warfare. In this theodicy God fights evil in its moral, physical, spiritual, and supernatural forms. This book explores the world of theodicy and its cosmic warfare forms. It navigates the theological and ethical minefields involved. Building on the idea that God is in the midst of a great cosmic controversy, it seeks to further the conversation and articulates a new alternative "redeemed good defense."

God Is One

Book Description

Since the first interactions between Christians and Muslims, a central point of contention has been the nature of God in relation to the doctrine of the trinity and divine oneness. Yet the belief that God is one is vociferously upheld by Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. In this detailed historical study and subsequent analysis, Dr Michael F. Kuhn explores the teaching of two Arab Christian theologians from the Abbasid Era (750–1250), ‘Abd Allāh Ibn al-Ṭayyib and Iliyyā of Nisibis, and how they defended the Christian view of God as three-in-one in the Muslim milieu and in reference to the Islamic concept of tawḥīd, God’s absolute unity. The intellectual contribution of these two Christian thinkers can be seen in fact that the concepts they articulated continue to feature in Muslim–Christian dialogue to this day. Dr Kuhn shows the great lengths that Middle Eastern Christians went to explain their view of God’s oneness in the Trinity and the divinity of Christ to their fellow Christians and to commend it to their Muslim counterparts. There is much to learn from the historical debates investigated in this book to help Christians today to uphold the truth of the Christian scriptures, both in the Muslim context and beyond. Readers will appreciate the review of Nestorian Christology in light of recent studies and the important theological background to contemporary Muslim–Christian engagement that is provided. This book also makes a significant addition to the Christian understanding of the Trinity by linking the eternal attributes of God, a common theme in Islamic thought, to the three persons of the God-head deepening our understanding of the inter-relations of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Anyone engaging intellectually or academically with Muslims with hopes to dialogue thoughtfully in the area of theology, spirituality and ethics will find this book acutely helpful.