
Book Description

"Arktos is the first book ever written on the archetype of the Poles: celestial and terrestrial, North and South. It is a hair-raising voyage through cosmology, occultism and conspiracy theory leads to startling revelations about the secrets of the Poles. The author investigates legends of a Golden Age, which some claim ended in a prehistoric catastrophe, a shift in the earth's axis. This is examined in the light of the latest geological theories, as are predictions of a coming pole-shift. The perennial fascination of these ideas is shown to be part of a "polar tradition" of hidden wisdom. There are many recorded tales of an ancient race said to have lived in the Arctic regions, which later spread through the Northern Hemisphere. This supposedly "Aryan Race" entered the pantheon of Nazi Germany, with dreadful consequences. The author examines the origins of modern neo-Nazi ideology, its "polar" inspiration, and its links with other arcana, including the survival of Hitler, German bases in Antarctica, UFOS, the Hollow Earth, and the hidden kingdoms of Agartha and Shambhala. However, "Arktos" differs from most writings on these subjects in its responsible and scholarly treatment, and its extensive use of foreign-language sources."--Provided by publisher.

Metaphysics of War

Book Description

The Metaphysics of War is a collection of sixteen essays by Evola, published in various periodicals in the years 1935-1950.

Notes on the Third Reich

Book Description

Companion volume to Fascism viewed from the Right.

Beyond Human Rights

Book Description

The second volume in an ongoing series of English translations of de Benoist's works is an examination of the origins of the concept of human rights in European Antiquity, in which rights were defined in terms of the individual's relationship to his community and were understood as being exclusive to that community alone.


Book Description

This volume contains a rich collection of Julius Evola's late essays. Distilling the work of a lifetime, these essays, despite the great diversity of their subjects, all depart from Evola's basic and intransigent principles. From a consideration of specific personalities, such as Donoso CortÉs, Vilfredo Pareto, Joseph de Maistre, Metternich, Michelstaedter, and Henry Miller, to the investigation of an entire series of problems, such as the "revolution from the heights," the "twilight of the East," the myth of the West, political versus biological youth, and the emergence of the Fifth Estate, this book also includes doctrinal analyses of Zen Buddhism, the so-called Left-Hand Path, the "myth of the future regality," neo-realism, and the "fetish for magic" -- analyses which delve atimes also into the past, as in the evocation of Emperor Julian, the indication of the significance which the Sibylline Books had in Ancient Rome, and the investigation into the mysteries of Mithras. The material herein is wide and various, but in all cases of perennial interest, and Evola's treatment brings essential normative values to the fore -- values which might serve for the interior and spiritual formation of a new generation.

A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth

Book Description

A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth consists of essays selected from throughout Evola's lifetime, but most especially from the post-war era, when youth across the Western world had thrown their societies into chaos with protests, civil unrest, and by defying conventional mores. According to Evola, the problem was not with the youth themselves, given that he viewed the inquisitive and seeking mentality associated with the young as essential toward opening oneself to the wisdom of Tradition, but rather with the fact that post-war Western civilisation itself had come to venerate youthfulness over maturity, thus leaving the young without any guidance or authority. Evola believed that it was only by channelling the energies of the rebellious youth into the political Right -- not the Right of today, but rather that Right which represents the timeless principles which stem from before the advent of liberalism -- thus restoring the West to a healthy and organic condition once again. In these essays, he defines those principles which must be undertaken by youth -- not just by those young in age, but those young in spirit as well -- if they are to gain mastery not only over their societies, but also over themselves. As such, while this is a book aimed at the young, it is not exclusively for them. This book was assembled out of Evola's writings by the Hungarian traditionalists, and includes a Foreword by GÁbor Vona, Chairman of Hungary's political party, Jobbik.

The Bow and the Club

Book Description

'The Bow and the Club' stands in many ways as the culmination of an exceptional life of deep study, meditation, and experience. This volume, first published in 1968, includes Evola's final and most concentrated statements on some of the great themes of his career.

Man and Technics

Book Description

In this revised edition of Man and Technics, Oswald Spengler's predictions have proven remarkably accurate after over ninety years. He foresaw the environmental consequences of industrialization, leading to species extinction. Spengler predicted that low-wage labor from Third World countries would outcompete Western workers, causing industrial production to shift to regions like East Asia, India, and South America. He argued that technology alienates humanity from nature, dominating our culture. Despite mastering nature, man becomes enslaved by technology. Spengler believed the West would grow disillusioned with its artificial lifestyle and eventually despise the civilization it created. The relentless progress of technology ensures the self-destruction of the high-tech West from within. He envisioned a future where our cities crumble like ancient palaces. Whether this prophecy will come true remains to be seen.

The Return of the Solar King

Book Description

John MacLugash's The Return of the Solar King is a handbook for those seeking advice on how to tread the Spiritual Path towards total Self-Realization, beyond the confines of political correctness. Drawing from the wisdom of diverse influences, ranging from Savitri Devi and Carl Jung to Buddhist and Hindu sages, it evokes the power of one's forebears, enlightened beings and the Christ Jesus to guide the reader to an understanding of true Tradition and its meaning for humanity in terms of its connection with the Light radiating from the celestial energies above and within. Liberal and leftist influences have perverted the outlook of contemporary New Age movements, resulting in the steadfast denial of the ethnic and racial roots of one's cosmic character. We must feel as part of a tribe to be able to participate in the whole universe of existence. The eternal King beckons us to follow the Laws that bind. Thus, we can joyfully partake in the bounties of earthly existence and reassuringly - after - as the ancestral heritage that closes the chain.

The WASP Question

Book Description

Fraser offers a groundbreaking contribution to the project of synthesizing Anglo-American constitutional and legal history with the evolutionary biology of ethnicity and a Christian ethno-theology. "The WASP Question" is valuable for focusing attention on the plight of Anglo-Saxon societies assailed by runaway materialism and imposed diversity.