
Book Description

As-Salah is not only the 2nd pillar but also the main pillar of Islam and on the Day of Judgment the first question will be about Salah. The Holy Qur’an does not only repeat the order of Allah (SWT) about establishing the Salah numerous times but also states that Salah and Zakah had been obligatory in the Shari‘ah of all prior Prophets and is a must for our success in this life and in the life hereafter: We noticed brothers / sisters missing the pillars of Salah without which Salah is invalidated and Salah has to be repeated to complete it. We also noticed that brothers/ sisters getting into hot arguments and start labeling each other as Wahaabi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Brailvi, Dewbandi etc. for those parts of Salah, the performing or missing of which does not make any difference in completing the Salah. In this booklet we have tabulated the pillar (Fardh), obligatory (Wajib) and Sunnah parts of Salah as a quick reference. The difference between a pillar and obligatory part is that a pillar cannot be waived, whether one omits it deliberately or by mistake Salah has to be repeated. If one forgets any obligatory part of Salah, it can be compensated by doing the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujood al-sahw). The Sunnah’s of Salah, both in words and in actions, missing of any does not require repeating Salah or doing the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujood al-sahw). Then we have stated how Rasool Allah (PBUH) offered his Salah based on authentic ahadith. Rasool Allah (PBUH) said “Salah is the Mi‘raj of a believer,” therefore it should be performed as such. It start with Takbeer-e-Tahrima which means after pronouncing this Takbeer we are supposed to cut off from this world, be in the court of Allah (SWT) and start our meeting with Him. We should know what we are saying, how we are glorifying Him and what we are asking Him. When the meeting with Him is concluded we come back to this world with Tasleem on both sides, as if to deliver the Message of Peace to all turning our face to right-side and then left-side. May Allah (SWT) bless us and provide us the right guidance. We request that if you find any mistake or have any suggestion to improve this booklet, please do let us know.

My Coloring Book of Salah

Book Description

The Complete Guide to Islamic Prayer (Sal H)

Book Description

Salah is the second pillar of the Islamic faith, the foundations of a Muslim's life, and the key to Paradise. A subject so important must be treated with care and attention and this book aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive, detailed, and accessible guide to this important topic. In this ground-breaking book, all elements of Salāh are expounded chapter by chapter, with useful translations and transliterations of original Arabic terms and phrases. Beginning with the history of the prayer, we progress through an analysis of the types of Salāh, its spiritual and physical benefits, and a unique step-by-step guide on learning to pray for those new to the practice. With this book, there should no longer be any confusion or lack of knowledge regarding Salāh. It is hoped that this book, written with the intention of easing the performance of the five daily prayers, will help readers understand the beauty of this ritual and turn it into an enjoyable daily experience, such that it is spiritually enriching and accepted in the eyes of Almighty God.

Wudu and Salah

Book Description

This Is Why We Pray: Islamic Book for Kids

Book Description

Build a bond with Allah through this top choice in Islamic books for kids ages 5 to 7 Join Aliya and Amar as their Mama and Papa tell them all about the Five Pillars--especially salah. One of the most engaging Islamic books for kids, this book helps you learn what it means to pray, discover how it helps you grow closer to Allah, and hear awesome stories from the Quran that teach even more about the importance of salah. This standout among Islamic books for kids features: Salah and dua explained--Find out what salah and dua are, why they matter so much, and how talking to Allah can help you. Playful learning--Grab your family and keep the learning going with fun activities you can do together. Engaging pictures--Follow along with colorful illustrations that take you through the story and teach you how to perform wudu and salah. Go beyond other Islamic books for kids with this fun and educational exploration of salah and more.

Discover the Power of Salah

Book Description

Do you want your children to understand the power and the success salah brings in our life?Do you want your children to understand the reasons we pray, so they are even more motivated to pray?Do you want your children to love their salah even more and look forward to the incredible blessings it brings in our lives?Then this is the book you MUST give your child.Why do we have to pray? Why do we have to wake up so early for fajr? Why pray everyday? How will my salah help me? Why do I have to pray early?Don't just tell your children to pray but strenthen their emaan and love for it, by helping them understand "Why" we pray.This book is not like the multitudes of great books out there, on the topic of "HOW we pray" or to simply to tell children that they must pray. Rather this is a book that goes DEEP into reasons, uses exciting and relatable anecdotes, engaging stories to help children understand the various benefits they will enjoy from prayingPage count: 201Age group: 7 to 15 Parents can read to children younger than 7 and help them in understanding the concepts.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy

Book Description

How to Pray in Islam Book for Muslims Adults and Kids

Book Description

This is a new book for learning how to practice islamic Prayers.And we take as an example the prayer Salah ADDOUHUR with four « RAK3AH ».This new book explains to you how to pray salah ADDOUHUR from A to Z. And of course, in this new book we use several images to explain each step of the prayer.And the quranic verses are in arabic language and they are at the same time translated into English language ; then their pronunciations are given so as to practice your prayer easily and fluently. This new book is for muslims who want to learn how they can practice their prayers. It's for adults, women and men, for kids, girls or boys.All muslims can use this new book so as to practice salah ADDOUHUR, as an example, correcly.We hope that this book will be of some interest to new muslims, those persons who recently are converted to islam religion.With this new book, you don't need to ask someone else how you can pray as a muslim person.Please, if you have any remak, do not hesitate to contact us via this e-mail : [email protected].

Love of Allah

Book Description

Do you sometimes feel that your Salah is not quite having the effect it is supposed to on you and your life? Have you ever considered that perhaps it is because we are not giving it its importance? It seems we have lost (or were never taught) that ability to 'connect' in Salah that makes all the difference in its effect on us. How can we attain that level of pleasure and inner peace that Salah is meant to inspire? How can we make our Salah more effective?