Astrology's Higher Octaves

Book Description

This book illustrates the power of astrology to facilitate emotional healing, aid the lives of couples and families, guide career development, and promote focus and purpose in daily life. Astrology's Higher Octaves combines therapeutic astrology, the astrological study of relationships, vocational astrology, archetypal psychology, dreamwork, and the synthesis of astrology and music. Through detailed examples, readers learn to refine their interpretive skills and to practice astrology as a vital catalyst for both inner and outer works, a way to achieve integration. Influenced by Jung's interest in astrology and dream analysis, Greg Bogart, PhD, presents a potent technique for combining astrology and dreams, where parallels and synchronicities between dream imagery and planetary symbolism amplify the truthful messages both convey, showing clear steps forward for transformation at crucial transitions. He illustrates how vocational astrology, informed by career counseling theory, helps us choose optimal occupational paths and fosters strategic timing and steady accomplishment in the realm of work. Readers also learn about diurnal astrology, which enhances the enjoyment of daily tasks and activities, sharpening our sense of purpose and time management skills. The book concludes with the spiritual value of astrology, a practice that refines us vibrationally in a manner analogous to music so that over the course of life we can discover and express distinctive tones. Recognition of the potentials shown in the birth chart prepares us for gradual sculpting of the life until it becomes a reflection of our celestial ideal. By unifying astrology with psychotherapy, vocational counseling, and dream interpretation, Astrology's Higher Octaves expands the celestial art's range of social influence and teaches us to extend the ray of consciousness in many directions simultaneously.

The Astrology of Makemake

Book Description

This is the second of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University. Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Makemake manifests in our daily lives with example case studies. There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Makemake in context. Many astrologers believe that new planets are discovered when we are ready to incorporate the new consciousness represented by that planet into our existing consciousness. We've noticed this with the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto over the last two hundred years, and now with the discovery of ten more planets we're entering a period of rapid consciousness development. When our consciousness is focussed on the inner planets, everything that is important is our feelings, our ideas and values, our agency and the luck and material rewards that these bring us. "You can't take it with you, right?" And at this level we tend not to be conscious of the action of the outer planets in our lives. The inner planets represent aspects of personality, while the outer planets represent aspects of consciousness. As each new outer planet is discovered, it represents a new aspect of consciousness that is becoming available to us. The discovery of Uranus brought us intuitive consciousness, the discovery of Neptune, spiritual consciousness, and the discovery of Pluto, psychological consciousness. So, the discovery of Makemake represents a new aspect of consciousness that we can now uncover in ourselves. Put simply, Makemake takes the intuitive understanding of Uranus and turns it into a rich contextual understanding, into a wisdom or a cosmic consciousness. However, this new consciousness doesn't kick in automatically, rather we must actively incorporate it into our lives. And because these outer planets talk of consciousness, how they manifest in our lives depends on our current level of consciousness. Most people on the planet experience the outer planets as unconscious influences, where these esoteric new energies are only perceived when, like Pluto, they barge into our lives in a confrontational way, because we haven't been sensitive and adaptable in the lead up. As we develop spiritually, however, and consciously on-board these new energies into our lives, they become like guides into new territory, offering us special skills or challenges, depending on the aspects in our chart. At this level, rather than unconscious influences, the outer planets become like a new super-consciousness.

The Astrology of Haumea

Book Description

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University. Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies. There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context. Many astrologers believe that new planets are discovered when we are ready to incorporate the new consciousness represented by that planet into our existing consciousness. We've noticed this with the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto over the last two hundred years, and now with the discovery of ten more planets we're entering a period of rapid consciousness development. Our personal consciousness develops within the collective consciousness around us, and we see this personal consciousness mapped out in the personal planets in our chart. These are the planets out to Saturn that are visible to the naked eye, and they talk about facets of our personality that are important in living day to day. The inner planets represent aspects of personality, and the outer planets represent aspects of consciousness. So, as each new outer planet is discovered, it represents a new aspect of consciousness that is coming available to us. The discovery of Uranus brought us intuitive consciousness, the discovery of Neptune, spiritual consciousness, and the discovery of Pluto, psychological consciousness. So, the discovery of Haumea represents a new aspect of consciousness that is becoming available to us. Put simply Haumea takes the psychic opening of Neptune and turns it into real psychic connection with the oneness of our existence, with the magic of being alive. However, this new consciousness doesn't kick in automatically, rather we must actively incorporate it into our lives. And because these outer planets talk of consciousness, how they manifest in our lives depends on our current level of consciousness. Most people on the planet experience the outer planets as unconscious influences, where these esoteric new energies are only perceived when, like Pluto, they barge into our lives in a confrontational way, because we haven't been sensitive and adaptable in the lead up. As we develop spiritually, however, and consciously on-board these new energies into our lives, they become like guides into new territory, offering us special skills or challenges, depending on the aspects in our chart. At this level, rather than unconscious influences, the outer planets become like a new super-consciousness.

Symbolism and Astrology: An Introduction to Esoteric Astrology

Book Description

To the uninitiated, the science or art of Astrology appears complicated and its study too intricate to be followed or understood easily; this notion, however, is erroneous and is mainly caused by confusion of thought and the misconceptions which bias or prejudice has introduced into the subject.-from "Chapter 1: The Simplicity of Astrology"Some consider him the father of modern astrology, for in the early 20th century, prominent British astrology Alan Leo opened up the secrets of divination by the stars to the general public with his line of "Modern Astrology" manuals, a popular series of books that set off a craze for horoscopes that continues to this day. In this 1914 guide, Leo explains, in easy-to-understand language, the basic symbology that underlies the reading of the zodiac: the many aspects of the circle that can represent the solar system, the sun, and the moon; the cross, expressing the creative power of life and the physical body; the basic signs that signify each of the houses of the zodiac and each of the planets and what they metaphorically denote, and more. This is an invaluable resource for modern astrology buffs and those interested in the history of the paranormal.British astrologer WILLIAM FREDERICK ALLAN (1860-1917), a.k.a. Alan Leo, published Astrologer's Magazine as well as a line of astrological materials; he founded the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society in 1915.

Astrology and Reincarnation

Book Description

Twelve Doors to the Soul

Book Description

Meditations On the Signs of the Zodiac

Book Description

The sights of our century are on cosmic space. The greatest triumph in cosmic conquest will come when man recognizes that he himself, as a being of body, soul and spirit, is united with the cosmos as an evolving whole. This book is unique is this field. It presents the spiritual nature of the Zodiac for meditation and relates it to self-knowledge. He who wishes, can thus find his place in the universe and understand the reasonableness of rincarnation. Each incarnation is a new opportunity to adcance a grade in the earth-school. How adcance can be made in each zodiac sign influence is the good news which this book offers. Meditation on these MEDITATIONS, and practice of the suggestions, will be instimably soul-revealing and rewarding. Through such study one can comprehend, with loving understanding and compassion, his fellow men. Much of the misunderstanding between individuals, groups, and nations will disappear when mankind learns to view everything, not from one standpoint only, but from twelve viewpoints. This book is a tool not only for the serious student of spiritual life, but for every human being in his association with others, be it family life, in work, as a teacher, psychologist, doctor, business man, or any other human relationship. The Right use of these MEDITATIONS may enable one to achieve harmonious wholeness, within oneself and in one's environment. Such an approach to the divine design of the cosmos and man's place in it, awakens wonder, and develops increasing humility and reverence in the presence of the infinitely sublime divinity of the Zodiac. Imbued with these thoughts and feelings, and knowing that every thought, feeling and deed has an effect upon the whole, one willingly and gladly assumes his responsiblity as a creator in the creative process of the cosmos.

Astrology for All

Book Description

The Astrology Guide

Book Description

How does each planetary sign, each house, and the relationships between planetary bodies influence your life? This essential guide lets you harness the energy of your unique astrological influences and gifts! Building on the basics of traditional astrology with an in-depth understanding of the 12 signs, 12 houses, the planets, and the planetary combinations, The Astrology Guide: Understanding Your Signs, Your Gifts, and Yourself includes interpretations of the asteroid Chiron and the recently discovered dwarf planets Ceres, Eris, and Sedna. Beginner and advanced practitioners will benefit from its mastery of chart interpretation and its understanding of the gifts (and challenges) of planetary energies. Rather than interpreting planetary influences as "good" or "bad,” thereby putting the individual in a box, The Astrology Guide looks at the "gift" and the corresponding "shadow" each planet, sign, house placement, and planetary combination in the astrology chart offers. The “shadow” is a concept first coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung that describes those aspects of the personality that we choose to reject or repress, and embracing the planetary shadow creates personal empowerment. The planets are not doing something to you; instead, you can learn to interact with them, dance with their energy, and exist in harmony with them. This informative guide aids in self-discovery and furthers self-empowerment by helping you answer questions such as … Who are you? What makes you unique? Do you know your unique gifts? What needs to be healed before you fully embrace your unique self? Are there obstacles interfering with expressing your unique gifts or are these obstacles the gift? Is there a story you are reflecting that is influenced by a prominent planet, asteroid, or a newly discovered dwarf planet in your chart? How do you relate to the Moon's Nodal influences in your birth chart? Is there an archetypal story that resonates with you? How do the minor aspects to your Personal Planets enrich your understanding of your talents and abilities? What are the flaws or the “shadows” following you around? Are those shadows bringing you down …, taking away your joy? Do these shadows include traumas, blocks, and wounds? And, much, much more! The Astrology Guide will develop your resilience to life’s cycles and outer influences and show you the unconscious parts of yourself that subtly influence your behavior. Numerous photographs and illustrations, a helpful bibliography, and an extensive index add to its usefulness. Learn about your innate, unique gifts and gain satisfaction, fulfillment, and confidence!