Atomistic Simulation of Collective Excitations in Bcc Iron with Vacancy Defects

Book Description

Utilizing an atomistic computational model which handles both translational and spin degrees of freedom, we have performed combined molecular and spin dynamics simulations to investigate the effect of vacancy defects on spin and lattice excitations in ferromagnetic iron. Interatomic interactions are described using an embedded atom potential and magnetic interactions are governed by a Heisenberg-like Hamiltonian with a coordinate dependent exchange interaction. Fourier transforms of space and time-displaced correlation functions yield the dynamic structure factor, providing characteristic frequencies and lifetimes of the spin wave modes. Comparison of the system containing a 5% randomly distributed vacancy concentration with pure lattice data shows a decrease in frequency as well as a decrease in lifetime for all accessible transverse spin wave excitations. By constructing the spin wave dispersion curve, we observe a decrease in the spin wave stiffness parameter with the introduction of vacancy defects, in agreement with experimental neutron scattering data. Additionally, a rugged spin wave line shape for low-$q$ excitations indicates the presence of multiple localized modes near the defect sites. These induced excitations result in reduced excitation lifetimes due to increased magnon-magnon scattering. We observe further evidence of increased magnon-magnon scattering as additional two-spin-wave annihilation peaks appear in the longitudinal spin wave spectrum under these conditions of impurity. Single vacancy defects, or voids, of varying sizes are introduced into the system, resulting in sharp splitting of long-wavelength excitation line shapes. This splitting behavior is shown to be strongly affected by defect size as well as the size of the surrounding system. Localized correlation function measurements are made in the vicinity of the defect site, showing the existence of a dominant excitation mode in this region. The longitudinal magnetic excitation spectrum contains additional modes which are not present in the pure system due to the increased number of available spin wave annihilation processes. The longitudinal spectrum also reveals splitting of the magnon-phonon coupling mode caused by the defect center.

Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces

Book Description

This graduate-level textbook covers the major developments in surface sciences of recent decades, from experimental tricks and basic techniques to the latest experimental methods and theoretical understanding. It is unique in its attempt to treat the physics of surfaces, thin films and interfaces, surface chemistry, thermodynamics, statistical physics and the physics of the solid/electrolyte interface in an integral manner, rather than in separate compartments. It is designed as a handbook for the researcher as well as a study-text for graduate students. Written explanations are supported by 350 graphs and illustrations.

Classical And Quantum Dynamics In Condensed Phase Simulations: Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics

Book Description

The school held at Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, in July 1997 was very much an educational experiment aimed not just at teaching a new generation of students the latest developments in computer simulation methods and theory, but also at bringing together researchers from the condensed matter computer simulation community, the biophysical chemistry community and the quantum dynamics community to confront the shared problem: the development of methods to treat the dynamics of quantum condensed phase systems.This volume collects the lectures delivered there. Due to the focus of the school, the contributions divide along natural lines into two broad groups: (1) the most sophisticated forms of the art of computer simulation, including biased phase space sampling schemes, methods which address the multiplicity of time scales in condensed phase problems, and static equilibrium methods for treating quantum systems; (2) the contributions on quantum dynamics, including methods for mixing quantum and classical dynamics in condensed phase simulations and methods capable of treating all degrees of freedom quantum-mechanically.

Complex Inorganic Solids

Book Description

One of the key aspects of this volume is to cut across the traditional taxonomy of disciplines in the study of alloys. Hence there has been a deliberate attempt to integrate the different approaches taken towards alloys as a class of materials in different fields, ranging from geology to metallurgical engineering. The emphasis of this book is to highlight commonalities between different fields with respect to how alloys are studied. The topics in this book fall into several themes, which suggest a number of different classification schemes. We have chosen a scheme that classifies the papers in the volume into the categories Microstructural Considerations, Ordering, Kinetics and Diffusion, Magnetic Considerations and Elastic Considerations. The book has juxtaposed apparently disparate approaches to similar physical processes, in the hope of revealing a more dynamic character of the processes under consideration. This monograph will invigorate new kinds of discussion and reveal challenges and new avenues to the description and prediction of properties of materials in the solid state and the conditions that produce them.

Properties of Materials

Book Description

Crystals are sometimes called 'Flowers of the Mineral Kingdom'. In addition to their great beauty, crystals and other textured materials are enormously useful in electronics, optics, acoustics and many other engineering applications. This richly illustrated text describes the underlying principles of crystal physics and chemistry, covering a wide range of topics and illustrating numerous applications in many fields of engineering using the most important materials today. Tensors, matrices, symmetry and structure-property relationships form the main subjects of the book. While tensors and matrices provide the mathematical framework for understanding anisotropy, on which the physical and chemical properties of crystals and textured materials often depend, atomistic arguments are also needed to quantify the property coefficients in various directions. The atomistic arguments are partly based on symmetry and partly on the basic physics and chemistry of materials. After introducing the point groups appropriate for single crystals, textured materials and ordered magnetic structures, the directional properties of many different materials are described: linear and nonlinear elasticity, piezoelectricity and electrostriction, magnetic phenomena, diffusion and other transport properties, and both primary and secondary ferroic behavior. With crystal optics (its roots in classical mineralogy) having become an important component of the information age, nonlinear optics is described along with the piexo-optics, magneto-optics, and analogous linear and nonlinear acoustic wave phenomena. Enantiomorphism, optical activity, and chemical anisotropy are discussed in the final chapters of the book.

Chemical Abstracts

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Computational Thermodynamics of Materials

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Integrates fundamental concepts with experimental data and practical applications, including worked examples and end-of-chapter problems.

Physics Briefs

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Clusters and Nanomaterials

Book Description

Synthesizing specific clusters as a component of useful nanostructures or controlling them as an assembly of nanocomposites is the ultimate aim. In order to understand how to synthesize individual clusters or to investigate its properties, a variety of first-principles and empirical calculations and related computer simulations have been performed alongside numerous experiments.

Physics at Surfaces

Book Description

Physics at Surfaces is a unique graduate-level introduction to the physics and chemical physics of solid surfaces, and atoms and molecules that interact with solid surfaces. A subject of keen scientific inquiry since the last century, surface physics emerged as an independent discipline only in the late 1960s as a result of the development of ultra-high vacuum technology and high speed digital computers. With these tools, reliable experimental measurements and theoretical calculations could at last be compared. Progress in the last decade has been truly striking. This volume provides a synthesis of the entire field of surface physics from the perspective of a modern condensed matter physicist with a healthy interest in chemical physics. The exposition intertwines experiment and theory whenever possible, although there is little detailed discussion of technique. This much-needed text will be invaluable to graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, physical chemistry and materials science working in, or taking graduate courses in, surface science.