Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1–3

Book Description

Es werden Aufgaben zur prinzipiellen Anwendung der Grundgleichungen der Mechanik präsentiert. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt bei den Zusammenhängen zwischen den Ergebnissen und physikalischen Parametern, weniger bei Zahlenrechnungen. Dabei werden die Lösungswege stichwortartig bis zur Angabe der Resultate erläutert. Bei der Bearbeitung zur fünften Auflage wurden verbessertes Bildmaterial eingearbeitet und Fehler bereinigt.

Engineering Mechanics 3

Book Description

Dynamics is the third volume of a three-volume textbook on Engineering Mechanics. It was written with the intention of presenting to engineering students the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in as simple a form as the subject allows. A second objective of this book is to guide the students in their efforts to solve problems in mechanics in a systematic manner. The simple approach to the theory of mechanics allows for the different educational backgrounds of the students. Another aim of this book is to provide engineering students as well as practising engineers with a basis to help them bridge the gaps between undergraduate studies, advanced courses on mechanics and practical engineering problems. The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The contents of the book correspond to the topics normally covered in courses on basic engineering mechanics at universities and colleges. Volume 1 deals with Statics; Volume 2 contains Mechanics of Materials.

Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1–3

Book Description

Das Aufgabenbuch zu den Lehrbüchern der Technischen Mechanik 1-3. Es ist als studienbegleitendes Übungsbuch konzipiert. Sein Inhalt orientiert sich am Stoff der Vorlesungen zur Technischen Mechanik an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen. Behandelt werden die Themen Statik, Elastostatik und Kinetik. Die Autoren präsentieren Aufgaben zur prinzipiellen Anwendung der Grundgleichungen der Mechanik. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt bei den Zusammenhängen zwischen den Ergebnissen und physikalischen Parametern, weniger bei Zahlenrechnungen. Als Hilfe werden die Lösungswege stichwortartig bis zur Angabe der Resultate erläutert. Für die 9. Auflage wurde die Formelsammlung überarbeitet und in den Text einige Verbesserungen eingebracht.

Mathematical Modelling and Applications

Book Description

This volume documents on-going research and theorising in the sub-field of mathematics education devoted to the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling and applications. Mathematical modelling provides a way of conceiving and resolving problems in the life world of people whether these range from the everyday individual numeracy level to sophisticated new problems for society at large. Mathematical modelling and real world applications are considered as having potential for multi-disciplinary work that involves knowledge from a variety of communities of practice such as those in different workplaces (e.g., those of educators, designers, construction engineers, museum curators) and in different fields of academic endeavour (e.g., history, archaeology, mathematics, economics). From an educational perspective, researching the development of competency in real world modelling involves research situated in crossing the boundaries between being a student engaged in modelling or mathematical application to real word tasks in the classroom, being a teacher of mathematical modelling (in or outside the classroom or bridging both), and being a modeller of the world outside the classroom. This is the focus of many of the authors of the chapters in this book. All authors of this volume are members of the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling (ICTMA), the peak research body into researching the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling at all levels of education from the early years to tertiary education as well as in the workplace.

Engineering Mechanics 1

Book Description

Statics is the first volume of a three-volume textbook on Engineering Mechanics. The authors, using a time-honoured straightforward and flexible approach, present the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in the clearest and simplest form possible to advanced undergraduate engineering students of various disciplines and different educational backgrounds. An important objective of this book is to develop problem solving skills in a systematic manner. Another aim of this volume is to provide engineering students as well as practising engineers with a solid foundation to help them bridge the gap between undergraduate studies on the one hand and advanced courses on mechanics and/or practical engineering problems on the other. The book contains numerous examples, along with their complete solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in problem solving. The contents of the book correspond to the topics normally covered in courses on basic engineering mechanics at universities and colleges. Now in its second English edition, this material has been in use for two decades in Germany, and has benefited from many practical improvements and the authors’ teaching experience over the years. New to this edition are the extra supplementary examples available online as well as the TM-tools necessary to work with this method.

Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1 - 3

Book Description

Es werden Aufgaben zur prinzipiellen Anwendung der Grundgleichungen der Mechanik pr sentiert. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt bei den Zusammenh ngen zwischen den Ergebnissen und physikalischen Parametern, weniger bei Zahlenrechnungen. Dabei werden die L sungswege stichwortartig bis zur Angabe der Resultate erl utert. Bei der Bearbeitung zur f nften Auflage wurden verbessertes Bildmaterial eingearbeitet und Fehler bereinigt.

Engineering Mechanics 2

Book Description

Now in its second English edition, Mechanics of Materials is the second volume of a three-volume textbook series on Engineering Mechanics. It was written with the intention of presenting to engineering students the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in as simple a form as the subject allows. A second objective of this book is to guide the students in their efforts to solve problems in mechanics in a systematic manner. The simple approach to the theory of mechanics allows for the different educational backgrounds of the students. Another aim of this book is to provide engineering students as well as practising engineers with a basis to help them bridge the gaps between undergraduate studies, advanced courses on mechanics and practical engineering problems. The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The new edition is fully revised and supplemented by additional examples. The contents of the book correspond to the topics normally covered in courses on basic engineering mechanics at universities and colleges. Volume 1 deals with Statics and Volume 3 treats Particle Dynamics and Rigid Body Dynamics. Separate books with exercises and well elaborated solutions are available.

Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1-3

Book Description

In dem Übungsbuch zu den Werken Technische Mechanik 1 – 3 werden die Themen Statik, Elastostatik und Kinetik behandelt. Die Aufgaben dienen der prinzipiellen Anwendung der Grundgleichungen der Mechanik. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt in erster Linie bei den Zusammenhängen zwischen Ergebnis und physikalischen Parametern, weniger bei Zahlenrechnungen. Die Lösungswege werden stichwortartig erläutert. Der Inhalt orientiert sich an den Vorlesungen zur Technischen Mechanik an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen. Für die 7. Auflage wurden einige Fehler korrigiert.

Aufgaben zu Technische Mechanik 1 - 3

Book Description

Das bungsbuch zu den Bestseller-Lehrb chern der Technischen Mechanik orientiert sich am Vorlesungsstoff der deutschsprachigen Hochschulen. Behandelt werden die Themen Statik, Elastostatik und Kinetik. Die Autoren pr sentieren Aufgaben zur prinzipiellen Anwendung der Grundgleichungen der Mechanik. Daher sind die bungen eher auf die Zusammenh nge zwischen den Ergebnissen und physikalischen Parametern ausgerichtet als auf Zahlenrechnungen. F r die 6. Auflage wurden einige Fehler bereinigt und zahlreiche Abbildungen verbessert.