Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality

Book Description

Vincent Guillin uses the issue of sexual equality as a prism through which to examine important differences – epistemological, methodological and theoretical – between Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill. He succeeds in showing how their differing conceptions of science and human nature influence and affect their respective approaches to philosophy and to the analysis of female (in)equality in particular. Guillin shines a bright searchlight into long-neglected aspects of both men’s thinking – for example, Mill’s proposal to construct an ‘ethology’, or science of character-formation, and Comte’s seemingly bizarre interest in phrenology – and the ways in which these shaped their views of women’s intellectual and political capacities. Guillin’s wide-ranging study examines both men’s major and minor works, their correspondence with one another, and the reasons for the final acrimonious break between two of the nineteenth century’s most original and important thinkers.

Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality

Book Description

Drawing on a detailed analysis of their correspondence, this books offers a new intepretation of the relation between Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill, which focuses on their controvery over sexual equality.

Essays on Sex Equality

Book Description

This volume brings together for the first time all the writings of John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill on equality between the sexes, including John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women, a classic in the history of the women's rights movement since its publication one hundred years ago. Also contained in this volume is a major interpretative essay by Alice S. Rossi on Mill and Harriet Taylor which describes and analyzes their long personal and intellectual relationship.

Sexual Equality

Book Description

All the significant ideas in nineteenth-century English feminism can be found in the prose and thought of John Stuart Mill and in those of the two women central to his life: Harriet Taylor, who married him in 1851, and her daughter, Helen Taylor. Together they produced some of the most powerful and influential writings ever penned to promote women's equality, and it was to this family that the Victorian women's movement in England came to look for leadership, guidance, and money.In this volume, Ann Robson and John Robson bring together the writings and speeches from these three seminal thinkers on the subject of sexual equality. Some of these pieces have not been available in published form for more than a century. They cover such topics as love, sex, marriage, children, property, domestic relations, divorce, and suffrage.Sexual Equality is a necessary tool for understanding the development of ideas on women's issues in the Mill household. These ideas influenced thinking on sexual equality far beyond England and far past the Victorian period.

The Subjection of Women

Book Description

The Subjection of Women offers both detailed argumentation and passionate eloquence in opposition to the social and legal inequalities commonly imposed upon women by a patriarchal culture. Just as in On Liberty, Mill defends the emancipation of women on utilitarian grounds. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was an English philosopher, political economist and civil servant. He was an influential contributor to social theory, political theory and political economy. He has been called "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century".

The Subjection of Women

Book Description

John Stuart Mill's 1869 essay The Subjection of Women argues for equality between the sexes, putting forward ideas that were an affront to many at the time. His wife, Harriet Taylor Mill, is credited with co-authoring the essay. The Subjection of Women puts forward a detailed and passionate opposition to the social and legal inequalities imposed on women by society. Mill saw that he was going against the grain of the time, but argued that such inequality was a past relic from a time when might equaled right and that it had no place in the modern world. Inequality between the sexes limited human development as it made half of humanity unable to contribute to society outside of their own homes.

Essays on Sex Equality

Book Description

This volume brings together for the first time all the writings of John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill on equality between the sexes, including John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women, a classic in the history of the women's rights movement since its publication one hundred years ago. Also contained in this volume is a major interpretative essay by Alice S. Rossi on Mill and Harriet Taylor which describes and analyzes their long personal and intellectual relationship.

The Subjection of Women

Book Description

The object of this Essay is to explain the grounds of an opinion which I have held from the very earliest period when I had formed any opinions at all on social or political matters. -J.S. Mill

Auguste Comte and Positivism

Book Description

This revised 1866 second edition presents Mill's discussion of the positivist views of French philosopher Auguste Comte (1798-1857).