B Tagging and Mixing at the Tevatron

Book Description

The measurement of the B{sub s} mixing is one of the flagship analyses for the Run-II B physics program at Fermilab Tevatron. We report here preliminary results on key elements to the measurement including B{sub s} event reconstruction, proper time resolution and initial B flavor tagging. The prospects on B{sub s} mixing with the upgraded CDF and D0 detectors are also discussed.

B Mixing and Lifetimes at the Tevatron

Book Description

The Tevatron collider at Fermilab provides a very rich environment for the study of b-hadrons. Both the D0 and CDF experiments have collected a sample of about 1 fb{sup -1}. they report results on three topics: b-hadron lifetimes, polarization amplitudes and the decay width difference in B{sub s}{sup 0} {yields} J/{psi}{phi}, and B{sub s}{sup 0} mixing.

B Physics at Hadron Machines

Book Description

This conference series reviews progress in understanding the physics of the 5th quark (beauty quark or bottom quark) and the properties of particles containing a b-quark. These quarks are produced at particle accelerators such as electron-positron accelerators or hadron colliders with the latter being the focus of the conference. One of the main issues in understanding the physics of the 5th quark is CP violation, a mechanism in particle physics that breaks the symmetry of nature between particles and antiparticles ultimately connected to the particle-antiparticle asymmetry of the universe. Topics include: recent results; CP violation; B production and spectroscopy; detectors, hardware, and computing; Vucb, Vub, and factorization; B lifetimes and mixing; rare decays; B trigger at future experiments; B physics at future hadron machines; the future of flavor.

B Lifetimes and Mixing at the Tevatron

Book Description

The authors present recent results on b-hadron lifetimes and mixing obtained from the analysis of the data collected at the Tevatron Collider by the CDF and D0 Collaborations in the period 2002-2004. Many lifetime measurements have been updated since the Summer 2004 conferences, sometimes improving significantly the accuracy. Likewise the measurement of the B{sub d} oscillation frequency has been updated. New limits on the B{sub s} oscillation frequency have been determined using for the first time Run II data.

CP Violation: From Quarks to Leptons

Book Description

For a long time after the discovery in 1964, by Christenson, Cronin, Fitch and Turlay, that the long-lived neutral kaon decays both into three and into two pions, which has since been taken as proof of CP violation, successive new and more precise experiments confirmed the original evidence and provided results compatible with a phenomenological description confining the CP violation to the mixing between neutral kaons and antikaons. However the Standard Model, with three generations of quarks, linking as it does CP violation to the presence of a single non trivial phase in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix, implies that if CP violation exists at all, then it is a general property of weak interactions, appearing in transitions were amplitudes involving all three quark families interfere with each other, producing effects with a magnitude related to that of the CKM coefficients. This fact has stimulated an impressive amount of theoretical work leading in many cases to precise predictions. This publication reviews the field, from both the theoretical and experimental point of view, while planning for the forthcoming experimentation at LHC and considering possible new facilities for kaon, B meson and neutrino physics. Abstracted in Inspec

B Lifetimes and Mixing

Book Description

The Tevatron experiments, CDF and D0, have produced a wealth of new B-physics results since the start of Run II in 2001. We've observed new B-hadrons, seen new effects, and increased many-fold the precision with which we know the properties of b-quark systems. In these proceedings, we will discuss two of the most fruitful areas in the Tevatron B-physics program: lifetimes and mixing. We'll examine the experimental issues driving these analyses, present a summary of the latest results, and discuss prospects for the future.

Contemporary Art

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High Energy Physics

Book Description

The 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics belongs to the Rochester Conference Series, and is the most important international conference in 2004 on high energy physics. The proceedings provide a comprehensive review on the recent developments in experimental and theoretical particle physics. The latest results on Top, Higgs search, CP violation, neutrino mixing, pentaquarks, heavy quark mesons and baryons, search for new particles and new phenomena, String theory, Extra dimension, Black hole and Lattice calculation are discussed extensively. The topics covered include not only those of main interest to the high energy physics community, but also recent research and future plans. Contents: Neutrino Masses and MixingsQuark Matter and Heavy Ion CollisionsParticle Astrophysics and CosmologyElectroweak PhysicsQCD Hard InteractionsQCD Soft InteractionsComputational Quantum Field TheoryCP Violation, Rare Kaon Decay and CKMR&D for Future Accelerator and DetectorHadron Spectroscopy and ExoticsHeavy Quark Mesons and BaryonsBeyond the Standard ModelString Theory Readership: Experimental and theoretical physicists and graduate students in the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology.Keywords:High Energy Physics;Particle Physics;Electroweak;QCD;Heavy Quark;Neutrino;Particle Astrophysics;Hadron Spectroscopy;CP Violation;Quark Matter;Future Accelerator

B(s) Mixing, Delta Gamma(s) and CP Violation at the Tevatron

Book Description

The authors discuss the results from the Tevatron experiments on mixing and CP violation in the B{sub s}°-{bar B}{sub s}° system, with particular emphasis to the updated measurements of the decay-width difference [Delta][Lambda]{sub s} and the first measurement of the CP-violating phase [beta]{sub s} using flavor tagging information. They also briefly review the charge asymmetry measurements in semileptonic B{sub s}° decays and in B{sup {+-}} → J/[psi]K{sup {+-}} decays.

Flavor Tagging at Tevatron Incl. Calibration and Control

Book Description

This report summarizes the flavor tagging techniques developed at the CDF and D0 experiments. Flavor tagging involves identification of the B meson flavor at production, whether its constituent is a quark or an anti-quark. It is crucial for measuring the oscillation frequency of neutral B mesons, both in the B° and B{sub S} system. The two experiments have developed their unique approaches to flavor tagging, using neural networks, and likelihood methods to disentangle tracks from b decays from other tracks. This report discusses these techniques and the measurement of B° mixing, as a means to calibrate the taggers.