Consolidation and Market Structure in Emerging Market Banking Systems

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This paper examines the evolution of market structure in emerging market banking systems during the 1990s. While significant bank consolidation has been taking place in these countries, reflected in a sharp decline in the number of banks, this process has not systematically been associated with increased concentration as measured by standard indices. Moreover, econometric estimates based on the Panzar-Rosse (1987) methodology suggest that, overall, markets have not become less competitive in a sample of eight European and Latin American countries. Lowering barriers to entry, by doing such things as allowing increased participation of foreign banks, appears to have prevented a decline in competitive pressures associated with consolidation.

Analyzing Competitive Stretgies of Foreign Banks in Emerging Markets

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The technological speculations in day to day competitive field of global markets that continually shifts and change markets through their actions.. Even in the 21st century in developing countries particular from Asia, Africa, and Latin America countries lacking of competitive strategies in the banking sector. The study of foreign banks concentration increases obstacles to obtaining finance, but only in countries with low levels of economic and institutional development. The emerging markets are the higher prices for financial products and less access to finance, especially for smaller firms. Others have shown that it can lead to the entry of fewer new firms, less growth for younger firms, and delayed exit for older firms. We analyze the global competition such as measures of market concentration, or the Herfindahl index (another measure of market structure), are commonly used as indicators of competition based on the Structure- Conduct-Performance paradigm. The international banking system need appropriate theoretical framework to measure the degree of competition and their strategies of foreign banks

Emerging Market Finance

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This edited volume of International Finance Review examines the rising challenges facing emerging financial markets and institutions. It provides significant insight and policy implications on topics including global banking, risk and contagion, stock market behaviour, financial inclusion in the major emerging economies, and more.

Modern Trends in Global Banking Development

Book Description

Unlike many other works in this area, this research is devoted to the micro issues of banking. There are many excellent texts that study the macroeconomics of banking, and the role of financial institutions in a monetary economy. This area [micro issues] of banking is important. Bank professionals require a thorough grounding in the micro foundations of banking, if they are to make important managerial decisions, or implement banking policies. What exactly will be the nature of the future of banking? These pages provide you with comprehensive insight into where banking is going. In order to provide a thorough understanding of the subject, this study begins by looking at the traditional theory of banking. A bank is a financial firm which offers loan and deposit products on the market. The intermediary role played by banks, another area of our interest, is the reason why banks exist in modern economies. The main objective of Chapter 2 is to provide an overview of bank structures and related issues in industrialised countries, developing economies and emerging markets in Eastern Europe. Chapter 2 also considers various stylised facts on contemporary banking. It reveals some large differences between countries in the way banks operate. It reviews various performance measures of banks, and considers the results of several investigations of bank performance. The remaining part of the research analyses modern trends of Global banking development. During the course of study the following trends were recognised as major and the most noteworthy ones: Consolidation, Globalisation, Development of Information Technology, Risk Management, Competition, The Euro, Regulation, Development in Asset Management.

Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century

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The increasing interdependence of the world economy has huge implications for global finance in the twenty-first century. This volume brings together leading scholars and practitioners to offer in-depth analyses of the new direction open to the financial services industry. They explore the challenges and opportunities of the new finance era, future development in financial markets, with particular emphasis on the role of new technologies and the industry's view of strengthening financial intermediation. The book concludes with an assessment of key managerial and regulatory issues.

Open Doors

Book Description

A Brookings Institution Press, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund publication The extensive reforms and liberalization of financial services in emerging markets worldwide call for cutting-edge strategies to capture the benefits of new investment opportunities. In Open Doors, a volume of papers from the third annual Financial Markets and Development conference, multidisciplinary financial sector experts analyze current economic and political trends and prescribe practical advice to the financial development community. The book addresses the key issues of concern regarding the emerging markets, including the trends, motivations, and scope of FDI in finance; policy options that will best capture the opportunities of foreign entry; and the role of foreign institutions in e-finance innovation. The authors focus on specific topics such as foreign participation in emerging market banking systems and securities industries, WTO policies and enforcement, the role of foreign banks, liberalization of insurance markets, the need for capital markets, and the policy, regulatory, and legal issues associated with e-finance. For policymakers and financial practitioners affected by the WTO's Financial Services Agreement, this timely book should be of particular interest. Contributors include Donald Mathieson (International Money Fund), Pierre Sauvé (Trade Directorate, OECD), George J. Vojta (formerly with Bankers Trust and Citibank), Harold D. Skipper (J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University), Benn Steil (Council on Foreign Relations), Morris Goldstein and Edward M. Graham (Institute for International Economics), Nicolas Lardy (Brookings Institution), Phillip Turner (Bank of International Settlements), and Robert Ledig (Fried, Frank, Shriver & Jacobson).

Financial Development, Integration and Stability

Book Description

Financial industries in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe have undergone dramatic changes over the past decade. Foreign direct investment contributed to the development of market-oriented banking and financial systems able to support the rapid pace of economic growth in these countries. Policymakers, academics and private sector analysts have contributed to this volume with their stimulating insights on a broad range of issues, from recent credit booms to the cross-border integration of banking and capital markets. Anyone who wants to understand how finance, growth and financial stability interact in transition economies should read this book. Mario Draghi, Governor of the Banca d Italia and Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum This book highlights the achievements and challenges of the ongoing process of financial integration in Europe. The financial integration of Europe is both welcomed as an economic driving force and watched with concern as a source of potential stability. After all, changing financial, regulatory and corporate ownership structures are fuelling competition, capital mobility and financial intermediation, but at the same time creating new systemic risks. With a special focus on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the contributors to this book explore a wide spectrum of underlying issues, including the finance-growth nexus, credit boom patterns, the implications of foreign bank entry modes, lessons learned from old EU member states and commercial bank strategies. Authoritative views from central bank officials and policymakers are complemented with a special focus on empirical and econometric evidence from academia as well as practical insights from key financial market players. This unique collection will be of great interest to economists and experts in the fields of financial markets and European integration from central, commercial and investment banks, governments, international organizations, universities and research institutes.

China's Banking and Financial Markets

Book Description

"This is a very timely book. With the recapitalization and reform of China's banking sector now well under way, the banks are on the brink of a new era of growth and expansion. This work is the definitive reference on the banking sector in China, and is an essential tool for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of financial intermediation on the Mainland. It sets out the facts, free of the judgment calls that so often cloud the true picture of the health of China's banking system." --Dr. David K.P. Li, Chairman and Chief Executive, The Bank of East Asia, Limited "As China continues its impressive pace of economic growth, the rest of the world is constantly reassessing the opportunities and challenges it presents. This book is the first official report on the status of China's financial services industry and financial markets. For the first time, the international community gets access to the same information that the Chinese government uses in making key policies. Such unique insights make this book an essential read for business leaders, investors, policy makers, scholars, and anyone who is interested in understanding China's profound impact on businesses and consumers globally." --Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, C.V. Starr & Co. "This is the first book that introduces all aspects of the Chinese banking and financial markets to international audiences. From its developmental history to its contemporary challenges, China's banking and finance markets are presented, explored and analyzed with great detail and in great depth. Both the richness of the data and the scholarly strength of the methodology are a milestone. China's increasing participation in global financial markets makes this book a must read for all financial professionals worldwide." --Lefei Liu, Chief Investment Officer, ChinaLife Insurance