Basic Principles in Pianoforte Playing

Book Description

Great modern teacher and pianist's concise statement of principles, technique, and related material. Includes 10 musical examples.

The Principles of Expression in Pianoforte Playing

Book Description

In writing this work, I had not only the object in view of providing for those interested in the subject a book of reference, containing a systematic exposition of the principles of expression in pianoforte playing, but I also wished to dispel the erroneous popular belief, that expression is a manifestation of feeling only, or that feeling is the sole basis of expression. I shall endeavor to prove that intelligence, not feeling, is the chief requirement in expression. - Preface.

Mastering Piano Technique

Book Description

(Amadeus). This holistic approach to the keyboard, based on a sound understanding of the relationship between physical function and musical purpose, is an invaluable resource for pianists and teachers. Professor Fink explains his ideas and demonstrates his innovative developmental exercises that set the pianist free to express the most profound musical ideas. HARDCOVER.

Piano Technique

Book Description

Two books, bound together, by one of the greatest pianists of all time and his famed teacher: The Shortest Way to Pianistic Perfection and Rhythmics, Dynamics, Pedal and Other Problems of Piano Playing.