Beneath the Amarillo Plains

Book Description

Jeff Kale thought his home town of Amarillo Texas was as ordinary and unspectacular as the table-top flatness of its terrain, but his life changed forever when his buddy’s car was smashed into the overpass—leaving him with permanent brain damage and questions he was unable to express. Who ran them off the road, and why? And how was he going to be able to regain his speech abilities, and reclaim his life? Karen Applegate wasn’t his high school girlfriend—she’d made that clear up front, but as an aspiring reporter, she was happy to help him dig for the facts. Soon, that led to parts of Amarillo’s past that they’d never imagined and into dark secrets that they’d rather not know. Henry Melton has been writing science fiction adventures that have featured interesting locations in his Small Towns, Big Ideas series, but he had neglected his own home town of Amarillo until he realized that events of his youth and parts of Amarillo’s history that seemed ordinary at the time formed the core of an intriguing mystery. Come share the secrets that lie just below the surface.

Captain's Memories

Book Description

Captain Pearce never intended to be a teacher, but the only way she could escape her early retirement on Earth and get back out into the vacuum was to share the human side of the great Terraforming Project to young political appointees hoping to become Fleet cadets. Hiding her old secrets had given her a unique view of the past failures and the ongoing dream that powered the greatest macro-engineering task of all—remaking the Solar System into new habitable planets for mankind. Stationed on Ceres, formerly an asteroid, now the second largest moon of Earth and headquarters of the Project, also gave her the opportunity to pull off a little project of her own—if she could play the game before they found her out. Henry Melton has been writing Project stories for magazines and anthologies for decades and here in one volume are collected old favorites and several new, previously unpublished works spanning from the beginnings of the Fleet as a simple space transport organization through its expansion to become the mover of planets and changer of worlds.

Power of the U'tanse

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Soil Survey

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Canyons of the Texas High Plains

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Framing Meinzer's work in elegant historic context, preeminent Panhandle historian Frederick W. Rathjen gives us a rare appreciation of the topographic majesty of the Periman Red Beds that 230 to 280 million years ago lay below a shallow sea and through subsequent millennia and riverine deposit, erosion, and redeposit would gain 'variegated walls and formations of gray, yellow, maroon, lavender and orange shown most conspicuously in the lovely Spanish Skirts."

Lake Meredith National Recreation Area

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Located in the Texas Panhandle, Lake Meredith today is an angler's paradise. For centuries before the lake was created, Alibates flint was the prize that drew people to the bluffs of the Canadian River Valley.

Garden City

Book Description