Benevolent Magic and Living Prayer

Book Description

"This book is intended to cover, at least in a beginning way, manners and methods by which you can create for yourselves benevolently and create for others benevolently. This book is intended to teach you the ancient wisdom of gentle methods of feminine creation. This little book is truly important, and the other little books channeled through Robert will serve those who want to know more. The more these little books get out, the more I feel others will want to know more. I feel that the little books are meant to be carried with you and to be acted upon. -- Grandfather I want to remind you, to let you know immediately, that the purpose of these little books, what these books are intended to do, is to nurture, to support and -- by their very titles, as well as how the books read -- to serve you, to improve the quality of your lives and to support you in supporting yourselves and others. -- Isis"

Benevolent Magic and Living Prayer

Book Description

The first in the Secrets of Feminine Science series, provides a simple, easy-to-read introduction to benevolent magic and living prayer. Reveals the Mysteries, offers these techniques so that we can help create benevolent lives for ourselves and others here and now.

Steps on the Path of Transformation, Volume 2

Book Description

As you read this material, this is what to keep in mind: Your path might be completely different from what this book is attempting to show you. So when you read this material or listen to it, don’t think, “I can’t possibly do that.” Rather, think about what is familiar to you. You will experience times when you have read a page or two and something feels as if it resonates within you. It might not be a sequence of words that you find in a paragraph. It could be words that come together from different paragraphs, creating in you a sense of familiarity. This tells you that these books are not just about thoughts or ideas. The books are about transformation. Even if you have difficulty reading the books in the language they are in, go through them and put your hands on some of the pages, or touch the pages to your arms or other parts of your body to see whether the books — with all the words, letters, symbols, and numbers — can in some way trigger a dream, a vision, or a moment of inspiration in you that helps to bring about a better life for you and those around you. Good luck and goodlife in this pursuit. Chapters Include A Doorway Opened to a Benevolent Future Timeline How to Know When You Are Waking Up It Is Time to Shift into Your Natural State of Being Work with Magnetic Energy to Find Peace Every Human Can Now Manifest Easily You Came to Earth to Learn How to Feel Physical The End of the Loop of Time There Are People on Jupiter! Time Is Fluctuating as You Awaken to Your Natural State of Being Waking Up Brings New Experiences and Physical Body Changes What Earth Needs as Humanity Wakes Up Discomfort Is Passing from Earth Who We Are Becoming Profound Truth Can Be Simple Ignoring the Suffering of One Being Hurts All Beings Request a Benevolent Vision of Your Future Live a Benevolent and Responsible Life in These Chaotic Times How to Know the Difference between Being Highly Perceptive and Being Sensitive Learn to Communicate on a Feeling Level


Book Description

Due to wars, natural disasters, a shaman not being able to train a successor, and many other reasons, Isis (through Robert) says that 95 percent of the accumulated shamanic wisdom has been lost. Now it is important to regain this wisdom as young people who are able to learn and use these processes are being born now. Beings who lived as shamans and healers on Earth at various times now speak through Robert Shapiro and bring these lost teachings and techniques to a humanity waking up and discovering it has the talents and abilities to use this wisdom for the benefit of all. This is a time on Earth when people are being rent asunder by dramas in their lives and are overwhelmed by dramas in the lives of others or are sometimes attached to the dramatic events of the day. In times gone by, there were people who provided knowledge, wisdom, and comfort to ease life for their people. This book is entirely about finding comfort and ease through life. You don t have to struggle. You don t have to find substitutes for things you don t have. You don t have to get along without things you need. You need food, comfortable shelter, good health, and time to enjoy life. This book does not provide all the answers to all your questions. Rather, it is the beginning of much more to come. Some of you are interested in how others lived their lives in the past, but most of you especially those who need something, want something, or are desperately trying to acquire something are interested in how people from the past acquired those things. Some of the suggestions will seem fantastic or impossible to you. Don t assume that. Some of you will find you can produce, in some way, a portion of what those shamans from the past were able to do. This might be easier for those of you already on your spiritual path. Even if you are not on any particular spiritual path, don t assume you cannot do these things. Speaks of Many Truths Chapters Include Bring Life Back to Your Drinking Water Look to Plants and Animals for Health and Wellness Clues Share Your Healing Wisdom with Others Work as a Group for the Benefit of All Collect Healing Energy from the Stars Use Lightning Energy to Free Spirits from Earth Accept and Maintain Your Physical Body Focus on the Positive to Bring It About Help Each Other to Help Earth Tap into Benevolent Energy Move with the Earth Connect with Otherplanetary Shamans Remember Your Dream Soul Journeys "

Are You a Walk-In?

Book Description

17% of Earth’s Population — 1 Out of Every 6 People — Are Now Walk-Ins. There is a phenomena happening now that is confusing many people. Some people think they’re crazy when they’re not. Some people think other people are crazy when they’re not. The phenomena is the walk-in experience, and this book will help you to understand if it’s happening to you or it will help you to understand if it’s happening to others that you know or perhaps even love. Are You a Walk-In? Isis: In these tumultuous times or just busy life for you all, there’s a form of birth going on that might surprise some of you, and that form of birth includes (just slightly before it) a very safe, calm, and (frequently) completely pain-free form of death. This form of birth is spirit replacement. This is not something forced on you. It is something that you have chosen on the soul level while guided by your teachers, angels, and Creator. Reveals the Mysteries: The information in this book is meant to act as a support system with suggested mechanisms on how to achieve goals, purposes, and other adaptations. This information is meant to help you to live a fulfilled life and, perhaps, to be able to express the traits and abilities that you have brought in to not only enjoy this new expression but to help others as well.

Shining the Light VII

Book Description

Shapiro presents his latest work in the Shining the Light series that focuses on the first alignment and what people can do to bring light and benevolence to all of humanity.

ET Visitors Speak, Volume 2

Book Description

New Age.

Animal Souls Speak

Book Description

Arcturus is the name given to the star system some thirty-seven light-years from our own. It includes at least a half dozen planetary bodies and is many times larger and much older than our own star and its system. Arcturian involvement with our system began over three million years ago when a space colony--a galactic space station--was established on Velatropa 24.4, otherwise known as Mars. With its 40,000-year warm cycles, Mars provided the perfect experimental way station. If anything went wrong, at least those on the Arcturus system would not be affected--or so it was thought. Some of those in command of the Martian project had not considered carefully enough the inexorable efficacy of karma, the law of cause and effect. By the time strange events began to transpire on Mars, little did anyone on Mars or Arcturus reckon the strange consequences of forgetting about each other's mutual existence. Thus unfolds the tale of the Arcturian experimental way station, V.24.4, otherwise kno

Shining the Light VI

Book Description

THE END OF WHAT WAS . . . The most significant events in Earth's history are happening NOW! This is the final book in the Shining the Light series that exposes the malevolent, controlling and manipulating actions of the Sinister Secret Government as they attempt to keep humans from accessing our soul and spiritual functions and ascending into the fourth dimension and beyond. In future books, mentors of humanity will continue to expose the SSG's nefarious dealings, but they will give us step-by-step instructions in the ancient and lost arts of benevolent magic -- spiritual wizardry -- enabling us as creators in training to blend our hearts, minds and souls to become creators of our own destiny and thwart the SSG's goals.