Visions Beyond the Veil

Book Description

Beggars…Outcasts…Homeless Such were the forgotten, uneducated children in China when the Spirit of God fell upon their humble orphanage, the Adullam Home. The boys spent days in powerful meetings, praying and praising God. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prophesied, saw visions, and discovered: Angels…how they operate and protect us Unbelievers…and their fate Heavenly occupations…what our jobs will be Paradise…revealed through the eyes of children The throne of God…experiencing true worship Death…what happens when we die Demons…and their evil works This mighty outpouring was a fulfillment of God’s promise: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions.” Acts 2:17

Beyond the Veil to Heaven

Book Description

This is a book about life after death as provided to me through journaling and a series of extraordinary events by my wife, Suzette Delashmet Shockley, after her demise. I believe, and Suz (many times she and I call her Sue) as my wife believes, that if only one person can save themselves from the complete overwhelming sorrow and utter grief that comes from the death of a loved one, this whole endeavor is worthwhile. When these events started to happen, I, having not known or even thought about life after someone has passed, was in disbelief myself and turned to find out, research, and listen for answers to really see what was happening. In reading and talking with some people that did believe in life after death, I kept an open mind. As you will see, some of the events are without a doubt in my mind coming from another world. These are definite happenings that not by any common sense are able to happen in the world we live in now. As these activities happened one by one, what was happening made sense to me because as I took it as a continuing series of events, I saw something was really happening that was out of the ordinary. It was in fact very extraordinary and could not, as we know it , be of a human perspective of life on this planet. I now know that when a person loses a good friend, a spouse, a child, or other loving relationship, the deceased person can come through. I believe the stronger the love vibration between the one that has passed and the one left behind, the easier and the stronger will be the connection between them.

Beyond the Veil

Book Description

All men know that they must die... It is but reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something in reference to the matter and it is a subject we ought to study more than any other. If we have any claim on our Heavenly Father for anything, it is for knowledge on this important subject (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol. 6 pg. 50). If you enjoyed Return from Tomorrow, if you liked Life after Life, you are going to love Beyond the Veil, Volume III. As I began listening to, and reading [these] stories, I was amazed at the variety of content and experience. I was amazed at the vast abundance of spiritual experiences people are having that have something to do with that thin veil separating us from our spirit brothers and sisters. It is refreshing to know that miracles are happening every day. I hope this book, in its own small way, can add a little strength or momentum to this groundswell. -Lee Nelson

Heaven's Gift

Book Description

A true and amazing account of the after life as given by a young man to his father on the Earth plane.

Conversations from Heaven

Book Description

For all of those folks that have or are having grief over the earthly death of a loved one, and those who are starting to realize that there is truly life after our earthly death, these books are dedicated to you. Communications Back to Earth from Heaven is the third book detailing the continuing revelations, new insights and communications to Ward Barcafer, Jr. from his loving, departed wife of 33 years, Suzette Shockley-Barcafer from her life in her new realm, Heaven. The first book, Beyond the Veil to Heaven begins the dramatic signs, manifestations and communications from Suzette after her recent demise from earth. The second book, Beyond Earth through Heavens Gates deepens the communications of Sue’s new life. Her activities are validated from sources, some of which are one hundred years old, as well as the many ways that our departed loved ones can communicate with us. "I understand that many people have had some or all of these communication signs and manifestation experiences from loved ones who have passed. But few have had continuous communications without a medium, as to record them in book form as Sue and I have." Sue also said that this Higher Intelligence wanted our happenings put into writing. Why Sue and I were picked to do this, we, at this point don’t know. Perhaps it is to show that love always prevails and lasts into eternity. In fact, most of Sue’s information is thoughts completely new to me and beyond any ideas I have ever had about spiritually, our universe, electromagnetic energy, and vibrational frequencies. This has completely changed my thinking or wondering, to knowing without a doubt that there is a Higher Intelligence that created and is still involved with all of life.

The Torn Veil

Book Description

In this 2006 text, Daniel M. Gurtner examines the meaning of the rending of the veil at the death of Jesus in Matthew 27:51a by considering the functions of the veil in the Old Testament and its symbolism in Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. Gurtner incorporates these elements into a compositional exegesis of the rending text in Matthew. He concludes that the rending of the veil is an apocalyptic assertion like the opening of heaven revealing, in part, end-time images drawn from Ezekiel 37. Moreover, when the veil is torn Matthew depicts the cessation of its function, articulating the atoning role of Christ's death which gives access to God not simply in the sense of entering the Holy of Holies (as in Hebrews), but in trademark Matthean Emmanuel Christology: 'God with us'. This underscores the significance of Jesus' atoning death in the first gospel.

Access Behind the Veil

Book Description

Many in the Church are waiting with expectation for the second coming of Christ. The parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22 tells us that the Church, the Bride, was invited to the wedding but didn’t come. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul warns that the second coming would be preceded by a “great falling away” and Matthew 24 says that if these days were not cut short then even the elect could be deceived. With thousands of Christian denominations preaching a different gospel, let us examine Scripture from the earliest perspective, which is that of the Early Church. The Early Church Fathers were the spiritual sons of the apostles, who learned directly from Jesus. They tell us what the end would be like and unlock the deeper meanings of Scripture. While many today are waiting to be “raptured,” these apostolic men believed that the glory of God would first manifest in His Church. The apocalypse, often misunderstood to mean the end of the world, is simply two Greek words put together: apo (to destroy) and kalypto (the veil). The Book of Revelation is about destroying the veil to enter back into the glory of God. These revelatory teachings were passed down and preserved for hundreds of years, yet for the most part the opposite is being taught in the body of Christ today. Jesus tells us in Matthew 17 that “Elijah is coming and will restore all things.” This Elijah spirit is upon us now to make the way straight through revelatory teaching of Scripture and to bring the fear of the Lord back to wake up the sleeping Church while there’s still time. The Early Church taught that without Elijah preparing and sealing the Church not one would be saved. At the same time, under the leadership of the Catholic Church, a second sealing is taking place, with all major Christian denominations coming into covenant with Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, saying there are many ways to God. The great apostasy is here, but nothing will stop this final move of God. The world will see a full restoration of His glory on Earth as it is in heaven. Through revelation, or an apocalypse, let us step behind the veil to have full access to the glory of God and His redemptive plan for us as His children. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).

The Life Beyond the Veil

Book Description

You Were Born for This

Book Description

His New York Times phenomenon The Prayer of Jabez changed how millions pray. Now Bruce Wilkinson wants to change what they do next. Anyone can do a good deed, but some good works can only happen by an act of God. Around the world these acts are called miracles–not that even religious people expect to see one any time soon. But what would happen if millions of ordinary people walked out each morning expecting God to deliver a miracle through them to a person in need? You Were Born for This starts with the dramatic premise that everyone at all times is in need of a miracle, and that God is ready to meet those needs supernaturally through ordinary people who are willing to learn the "protocol of heaven." In the straightforward, story-driven, highly motivating style for which he is known, Wilkinson describes how anyone can be a 'Delivery Guy' from heaven in such universally significant arenas of life as finances, practical help, relationships, purpose and spiritual growth. You Were Born for This will change how you see your world and show you what you can expect God to do through you to meet real needs. You will master seven simple tools of service, and come to say with confidence, "I want to deliver a supernatural gift from God to someone in need today–and I expect to!"

Beyond the Veil

Book Description

As the worldwide prayer movement continues to flourish, never before have so many Christians from so many faith traditions joined together to intercede for so long--in their homes, in their churches, in their communities. As the prayer movement continues to explode, leaders emerge to give guidance to the growing number of intercessors . . . and Alice Smith is at their forefront, leading the leaders who have lifted the banner of passionate, effective intercessory prayer for this generation and the next. In Beyond the Veil, Smith proclaims God's call for His people to pray and shares what she has learned on her own journey toward deeper intimacy with God through prayer. Whether readers are new to intercession or are veteran prayer warriors, they will discover sound, biblical methods for binding the enemy and loosing the Holy Spirit in their families, churches, and nations. Each chapter includes questions and prayer exercises, with a corresponding devotional to bring the principles of intercession to life, making Beyond the Veil the essential guidebook for the prayer revival that is sweeping the globe.