Mineral Fibers and Health

Book Description

The part of this book covering pathogensis and modes of action begins with a chapter on the physicochemical properties of asbestos fibers and a chapter on the deposition and retention of fibers within the lung and their clearance. Some of the effects of asbestos can be reproduced in animal experiments, and the book includes a full review of the results from animal studies using various routes of administration of fibers. It is also generally accepted that the effects of fibers on pulmonary macrophages is central to all fiber-induced pathology, and the release of macrophage-associated inflammatory and immunological mediatros is dealt with in a further chapter. Examination of pathogenicity by cell culture is described, and areas covered include the role of free radicals and cellular mechanisms in producing genetic damage. The fiber-induced activation of some second messenger pathways is also described, with consideration of whether or not similar cellular mechanisms are responsible for all the clinical conditions associated with fiber exposure. Knowledge of the mechanisms involved should be valuable in the development of safe fibers and the prevention of human exposure to new materials that are dangerous as asbestos. The final chapters expound and resolve the conflicts in evidence, discuss the importance of fibers for human well-being and the possible health impact on nonmineral alternatives, and evaluate risks to the public

Non-occupational Exposure to Mineral Fibres

Book Description

What are the carcinogenic risks to the general population from environmental exposure to mineral fibers? The international contributors to this volume focus on this question, and offer the perspectives of different fields of investigation: industrial hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, and the study of short- and long-term effects. The papers reflect the increasing concern over the potential hazard from exposure to asbestos and other fibers to individuals outside known danger areas such as industrial sites. Major emphasis is given to the problem of assessing effects of exposure to very low levels of airborn fibers and to the reliability of extrapolating risk estimates from a dose-response based on high levels of exposure. Contents include experimental data on the carcinogenic effects of mineral fibers and their mechanism of action, fiber level measurements in the lung and their correlation with air samples, methods of determining airborn levels, epidemiological data on the hazards of non-occupational exposure, and problems of risk evaluation.