Synthesis of Marine Natural Products 2

Book Description

Volumes five and six of Bioorganic Marine Chemistry differ from their predecessors in two respects - they deal exclusively with laboratory synthesis of marine natural products and they represent the effort of a single author and his associates. The rationale for these departures is readily perceived. For several decades organic synthesis has without doubt been the most spectacular branch of organic chemistry. While the late R.B. Woodward's dictum - organic compounds can undergo only four basic reactions: they can gain electrons; they can lose electrons; they can be transformed with acid or with base - is still true, the wealth and variety of available reagents which will accomplish chemical transformations has reached staggering proportions. Little wonder then, that synthetic methodology has achieved a high degree of predictability and total synthesis of natural products has been successfully directed toward ever more challenging targets. As for the second point, that of single authorship, multiple authorship would invariably have led to gaps and overlaps, thus making it difficult to assemble and assess recent research in a systematic and comprehens ive fashion.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry

Book Description

Synthesis of Marine Natural Products 2

Book Description

Volumes five and six of Bioorganic Marine Chemistry differ from their predecessors in two respects - they deal exclusively with laboratory synthesis of marine natural products and they represent the effort of a single author and his associates. The rationale for these departures is readily perceived. For several decades organic synthesis has without doubt been the most spectacular branch of organic chemistry. While the late R.B. Woodward's dictum - organic compounds can undergo only four basic reactions: they can gain electrons; they can lose electrons; they can be transformed with acid or with base - is still true, the wealth and variety of available reagents which will accomplish chemical transformations has reached staggering proportions. Little wonder then, that synthetic methodology has achieved a high degree of predictability and total synthesis of natural products has been successfully directed toward ever more challenging targets. As for the second point, that of single authorship, multiple authorship would invariably have led to gaps and overlaps, thus making it difficult to assemble and assess recent research in a systematic and comprehens ive fashion.

Synthesis of Marine Natural Products 1

Book Description

Volumes five and six of Bioorganic Marine Chemistry differ from their predecessors in two respects - they deal exclusively with labor atory synthesis of marine natural products and they represent the effort of a single author and his associates. The rationale for these departures is readily perceived. For several decades organic synthesis has without doubt been the most spectacular branch of organic chemistry. While the late R.B. Woodward's dictum - organic compounds can undergo only four basic reactions: they can gain electrons; they can lose electrons; they can be transformed with acid or with base - is still true, the wealth and variety of available reagents which will accomplish chemical transformations has reached staggering proportions. Little wonder then, that synthetic methodology has achieved a high degree of predictability and total synthesis of natural products has been successfully directed toward ever more challenging targets. As for the second point, that of single authorship, multiple authorship would invariably have led to gaps and overlaps, thus making it difficult to assemble and assess recent research in a systematic and comprehens ive fashion.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry

Book Description

Synthesis of Marine Natural Products 1

Book Description

Volumes five and six of Bioorganic Marine Chemistry differ from their predecessors in two respects - they deal exclusively with labor atory synthesis of marine natural products and they represent the effort of a single author and his associates. The rationale for these departures is readily perceived. For several decades organic synthesis has without doubt been the most spectacular branch of organic chemistry. While the late R.B. Woodward's dictum - organic compounds can undergo only four basic reactions: they can gain electrons; they can lose electrons; they can be transformed with acid or with base - is still true, the wealth and variety of available reagents which will accomplish chemical transformations has reached staggering proportions. Little wonder then, that synthetic methodology has achieved a high degree of predictability and total synthesis of natural products has been successfully directed toward ever more challenging targets. As for the second point, that of single authorship, multiple authorship would invariably have led to gaps and overlaps, thus making it difficult to assemble and assess recent research in a systematic and comprehens ive fashion.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry

Book Description

Burgeoning research into marine natural products during the past two decades has in no small measure been due to an heightened and world-wide interest in the ocean, to the development of new sophisticated computer-driven instrumentation, and to major advances in separation science. Organic chemists have been fully aware that processes in living systems occur in an aqueous medium. Nevertheless, the chemists who have specialized in the study of small molecules have found it expedient to use organic rather than aqueous solvents for the isolation and manipulation of secondary metabolites. The emergence of new chromatographic techniques, the promise of rewarding results, not to mention the relevance of polar molecules to life itself, have contributed to a new awareness of the importance of organic chemistry in an aqueous medium. The first chapter in Volume 2 of Bioorganic Marine Chemistry reflects the growing interest and concern with water-soluble com pounds. Quinn, who pioneered the separation of such molecules, has contributed a review which closely links techniques with results and is based on practical experience. The second chapter, by Stonik and Elyakov, examines the vast chemical literature of the phylum Echinodermata - over one fourth of it in difficulty accessible Russian language publications. The Soviet authors evaluate the data for their suitability as chemotaxonomic markers.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry

Book Description

The present series, "Bio-organic Marine Chemistry," is being launched at a time when we have the fundamental knowledge and the requisite instrumentation to probe the molecular basis of many biological phenomena. The final volume of "Marine Natural Products-Chemical and Biological Perspectives" (Academic Press), which may be con sidered the precursor of this series, was published in 1983. In that series, which I edited, primary emphasis was placed on molecular structure and phyletic relationships. This focus was compatible with the major concerns of a growing research community in the field of marine natural products. Moreover, a need existed for timely reviews of a rapidly expanding and widely scattered primary literature. As I read again the Preface to Volume 1 (1978), I am amazed at the changes in direction and emphasis which have taken place during these few intervening years. Sufficient basic data are now at hand to gauge the breadth of the marine natural product spectrum and to raise questions of functions, both within and outside the marine ecosystem. Although we have few answers, the questions have become meaningful and pointed. Furthermore, the task of tracking and cataloguing the steady stream of fascinating new structures has been assumed by Faulkner's periodic surveys in Natural Product Reports, a bimonthly publication of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The study of marine natural products remains firmly anchored in chemistry, i. e. in molecular integrity, yet continues to seek greater involvement in functional biology.

Marine Natural Products V2

Book Description

Marine Natural Products: Chemical and Biological Perspectives, Volume II, reviews the state of knowledge in the chemistry and biology of marine natural products. It attempts to bring together timely and critical reviews that are representative of major current researches and that, hopefully, will also foreshadow future trends. The first three chapters of this volume deal with marine carotenoids, steroids, and diterpenoids. This is followed by a chapter that examines a single phylum, the Coelenterata, and its metabolites. The Coelenterata is an almost exclusively marine phylum of some 9000 described living species. Research predicts that the coelenterates will yield a rich harvest of organic metabolites. The final chapter, which focuses on 13C NMR spectroscopy for structural elucidation, reveals the power of this instrumental method especially when applied to the difficult problems of polyhalogenated marine metabolites.