Book Description
My poems are organically inspired by nature, music or movies. Once hit by the blast of stimulating verse, my mind somersaults from the powerful intensity of attack. My target audience would be readers who yearn to throb from rhythmic sensations. Every theme is different so there are all sorts of people who may be intrigued and captivated by my skill with expressions of ardor, passion, romance, life, death and everyday struggles. Any person who enjoys being titillated by verse should be captivated by the strength of the words in my book. One objective of my book is to stimulate readers and offer excitement and intrigue through my thought-provoking language. While my work of art probably would not be used as a business course or supplement, I hope that it would be utilized to get hosts of humanity interested in poetry and in becoming avid readers. The more we read the more our horizons are broadened and our life experiences are enhanced. Another essential purpose for writing the book was to offer enjoyment for those people aroused by stunning words and physically levitated by bold creativity.