Breaking Evil Yokes

Book Description

No matter how it may sound, no evil yoke is good for anything. Satan has bound billions of people in yokes of different types and degrees. The yoke that the devil lays on humanity is what is called an evil yoke. I have only looked out five of those yokes in details. Ranging from yoke of transgression to yoke of the Jaw, the devil is busy, killing, stealing and destroying. Other types of yokes include: yoke of the youth, yoke of bondage, the yoke of unbelief and the yoke of the wood. These yokes as Jesus describes them are heavy and burdensome. No one under any evil yoke can prosper or live a victorious Christian life on earth. In my several decades in ministry, I have seen and witnessed several evil yokes that Satan has laid on people. But there is good news: Jesus breaks yokes! No matter the type of yoke you have been struggling with, Jesus, the yoke-breaker will take it off from you and grant you rest. I urge you to read this book prayerfully. More so, give your life to Christ if you have not done so; and rededicate your life to Him if you have backslidden. There are prayers on diverse types of yokes that if you pray, God will deliver you. I recommend that you add fasting to those prayers as well as pray at midnight. As you read, may the Lord break every yoke in your life, no matter how strong, how long or how small in Jesus name. Amen!

Prayers to Break Evil Yokes & Release Your Favor & Blessings

Book Description

Preface A yoke in literal term is defined as a long piece of wood fastened across the necks of animals, especially oxen so that they can be used to pull heavy loads. - Figuratively, a yoke symbolizes servitude slavery, oppression or bondage. - In the satanic context, a yoke is a spiritual weapon or tool inflicted on an individual to restrict their freedom; afflict and make life unbearable. - It is a curse or spells cast over a person to form spiritual webs over him/her in order to produce stagnation, delay, and setbacks in life. - It is a stronghold of the enemy that limits the carrier's potentials. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds," 2Cor. 10:4 Prayer is the only legal currency used to make transactions between heaven and earth. Prayer can bring heaven on earth. Ideas are birthed in prayer. Concepts are discovered in prayer. Dreams are released in prayer. Strategies are discovered in prayer. With prayer, we can do the impossible, achieve the incredible and see the invisible. Prayerful people are history makers and difference makers. If you want to affect the visible, you must affect the invisible. Prayer can buy you what money cannot buy. Prayer turns obstacles into opportunities. Battles are won in prayer. "Remember God is the Chief Executive Officer of heaven and earth." Peace in the storm is a portion of the prayerful. The prayers in this book will destroy every yoke of darkness in your life and bring you to a new realm of favor, blessing, and greatness! Shalom!!!

Breaking Evil Yokes

Book Description


Book Description

DESTROYING THE YOKES is the continuation of THE POWER OF THE YOKES. While THE POWER OF THE YOKES exposes the many devices the enemy uses to derail you from the path to fulfilling your destiny, DESTROYING THE YOKES gives you the tools to break free and fulfill your destiny. God will take you through a life transformation process, and what is inside you will manifest on the outside. God uses the dark places to protect you while He mends the cracks in your life. God will allow you to be on an unfamiliar route so that you will have no choice but to trust Him. Life has its difficulties, but it is good for you. When you are broken, God does His best work in you, and the things that try to destroy you are the catalysts to accelerate you into your destiny.

The Jezebel Yoke

Book Description

Spiritual Warfare Expert Exposes the Jezebel Spirit and Her Allies Since the Garden of Eden, God's children have let the Deceiver seduce them away from their rightful blessings and, as a result, their true identities. Most are not even aware they are being deceived. With her trademark boldness and warmth, respected spiritual warfare expert Sandie Freed exposes spirits of deception--including Jezebel, Belial, Ahab, and more--and the tactics these demonic entities use to steal Christians' spiritual birthright. She also provides clarity and insight into the many ways believers are deceived and offers keys to inviting God's blessing. By showing readers how to shift back into their divine destinies, Sandie once again delivers a book that will set believers down the road to freedom.

Destroying the Yoke of Bondage

Book Description

The power and stronghold of the prisoner of habit is not merely that an old sinner is more depraved than a younger one, which makes us less hopeful of his conversion, but because he has formed a habit of sinning, which, like all other habits, becomes more and more difficult to break. Filled with kingdom principles, this book provides a foundation of insight, wisdom, and discernment on the nature of the spiritual battle at hand and the powerful spiritual keys that leads to victory. You will learn: How Satan uses deception to produce a self-feeding system of lies through our thought life. How this fortress of deception becomes our beliefs, which in turn defeats us. How the mind is the battlefield. The law of cause and effect (how ground is yield to the enemy). That passivity (lack of self-control) can cause evil entrenchment. Kingdom principles that govern freedom from mind-binding strongholds and emotional disorders This valuable edition will be helpful: Anyone suffering with emotional disorders. Bible study groups as well as Christian counselors will find this book a transforming tool for recovery from spiritual bondage and also how to maintain your victory.

Total Deliverance - Volume 1

Book Description

Why would you pay for a debt that you did not owe? Why would you have to be what the enemies want your life to be? The plan of God for you is to live freely and prosper as He has promised in the Scriptures. You do not have to pay for the sins of your parents or ancestors; you donâe(tm)t have to go through what they went through, your life is different and your case is different. If you can just believe, the Bible says, âeoeYou will see the glory of God.âe âe" John 11:40.This book is loaded with prayers that will transform your life, deliver you from ancestral curses, generational and foundational curses, self-inflicted curses, break yokes and destroy bondages no matter how long itâe(tm)s been there.

Breaking the Yoke

Book Description

Breaking the Yoke: The Unruly Mind is a thought-provoking, Bible-oriented book that exposes lawless thinking and how to overcome them with godly principles and weapons of war. It intertwines both a biblical and a psychological perspective. Readers are expected to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of the mind, how it operates, how it affects us, and how we can effect it to affect our future. It is inspired by the author’s direct and indirect battles in the mind and relentless search to get down to the root of the problems he encountered. Of utmost importance, every reader is invited to a deeper intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ as that is the true and right way for chains to be broken off anyone’s life. The unruly mind is common to all man and is a state we are all familiar with. However, breaking yokes of demonic covenants and barricades with this state of mind is where we need to be to daily walk in victory. Christ has called us to be more than conquerors, but the enemy has made it his point of duty to ensure that you and I live below our identity in Christ by infiltrating us with lies from our childhood and onward through various systems, culture, the media, etc. But I believe what Jesus says in John 8:32 that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. And that’s why this book has landed on your hands. You’re about to be set free. This is no secret, so share this with others and be empowered!

The Advance Deliverance Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Book Description

This is a unique book because it is written under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. The prayer points are backed up with the word of God that relates to such prayers. This prayer points are directed to Satan and his demonic agents. It creates confusion and tremendous Holy Ghost fire in the spiritual realm, that Satan and his demons cannot contain, and they will flee from you and your family. Pray with aggression, violence, in your spirit, Pray with determination, faith, and expectations breakthrough will be yours. Enforce your rights as a child of God, use the whole armor of God, and sword of the Spirit, which you know is the word of God. Pray with power in your tongue fearlessly. Light will overcome darkness TOPICS WARFARE ON EVIL SPIRITS Evil spirits of possession and oppression Spirit of the dead operating in my life. Evil spiritual nets and pits Evil properties and stolen properties. WARFARE ON DEMONS Imported Demons(International Demons) Demons of Accident Demons of retrenchments and retirement Demons that break families. WARFARE ON EVIL CURSES Breaking curses, covenants,initiations and yokes. Breaking evil powers and loose yourself Breaking Satanic curses into blessings Breaking evil blood covenants .

The Big Process Called Yoke

Book Description

The vagueness in the subject of yokes and yoke-breaking prayers sometimes render the ministry of deliverance ineffective. Yoke-breaking is an area of deliverance the is highly complex to understand and may be time-consuming. In this book, the revelation of Jesus opens up the mysteries of yokes with the light of process. Did you know that those satanic yokes holding down your life, career, marriage, business are some types of satanic processes? In this book, we share spiritual tactics of yoke-breaking and equip you with divine insights on how to effectively break free from deadly yokes into life-giving yokes. You'll never see or think of yoke the same way as you understand that yokes are processes - godly processes or satanic processes. You will be awakened to exit satanic processes called life-taking yokes, and enter into the processes of God called the life-giving yokes of Jesus. With this new understanding, yoke-breaking prayers carefully administered alongside godly processes will tangibly break those satanic processes called yokes and realign your path into God's original pathway for your life.